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开发人员应试考题考试目的:选聘适合开发工作的人员应试资格要求:大学本科、硕士及以上毕业试题类型:填空20分、选择15分、问答题15分、程序题20分、翻译20分考试时间:60分钟一、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1在Windows系统中,目前最常用的字库格式是 。2数据库采用的SQL语言通常分为:查询语言SQL、数据操作语言DML、及 和 。3在网络中使用的术语“WWW”是 的简写。4在Windows95中编辑注册表文件的命令或程序是 。5请列举出三种微软Office 97的组件(请写英文) 。6DOS 6.22中,Format c:/s 命令的含义是 。7Windows95 中,在各个应用程序之间切换的快捷键是 。二、选择题(其中1,2,3题每题3分;第4题6分,共15分)1MS Windows软件的基本运行机制是( )。A程序流式控制B同步与异步控制C消息驱动D伪代码解释执行2在Windows95中,以下哪一项提供了类似DOS目录的功能:( )AShortcutBFolderCWindows ExplorerDMy document3在Windows95上拷贝当前屏幕画面的按键是:( )AScroll LockBNum LockCPgdnDPrtsc4以下软件中哪些是专业图形处理软件:( )AAutoCADBMicrosoft IECPaintBrushDExcelENetscapeFFreehandGIllustratorHMicroMedia DirectorI Fit三、简答题(每题5分,共15分)1 假如1+1=10,那么1+1+1=?并说明理由。 2 何谓OLE ? 3 请说明在Internet 上 Ping 命令的用途。四、逻辑推理题(此题10分)一个公安人员审查一件盗窃案,已知下列事实:1甲或乙盗窃了录象机;2若甲盗窃了录象机,则作案时间不能发生在午夜前;3若乙的证词正确,则午夜时屋里灯光未灭;4若乙的证词不正确,则作案的时间发生在午夜前;5午夜时屋里的灯光灭了。试问:盗窃录象机的是甲还是乙?并写出推理过程。五、程序题(每题10分,共20分)1 写出下面程序的运行结果:class Class1public:void F(void)printf(“#1n”); virtual void G(void) printf(“#2n”); F( ); void H(void) printf (“#3n”); G( ); ;class Class2 : public Class1 public:void F(void) printf(“#4n”); virtual void G(void) printf(“#5n”); F( ) ; ;void main (void)Class2 obj;obj.G( );obj.H( ); 指出以下程序的错误:函数ExchangeInt交换它的两个指针参数所指向的整数。Void ExchangeInt ( int *p1, int *p2)int *p;*p=*p1;*p1=*p2;*p2=*p;六、阅读下面文章,并翻译成中文(此题20分)微软公司把软件产品的开发过程分成了构思、策划、开发和稳定期四个阶段,每一个阶段结束时,都会形成一个里程碑。以下文字摘自微软公司对其软件产品开发过程模型的描述。请你认真阅读后,用中文写出它的大意。要求:1 不需要一一对应的直译;2 保证中文的通顺;3 前三段必做,第四段可选。 The Envisioning(构思) Phase culminates in(以?为终点,终止于?)VISION/SCOPE APPROVED MILESTONE. Once a new product (or in the case of infrastructure deployment, a new service) gains interest and approval, a project team is assembled to define the product. A vision statement articulates(明确地表达) the ultimate goals for the product or service and provides clear direction. Scope is the opposite of vision: it defines the limits for a particular version of the product or service, recognizing that further development may come in future versions. The Planning Phase culminates in the PROJECT PLAN APPROVED MILESTONE. The Project Plan contains the Functional Specification, the combined plans of each functional team (as defined in the MSF Team Model: Development, Testing, User Education, Logistics(后勤), Program Management, and Product Management) and a schedule. The functional specification provides the project team with enough detail to identify resource requirements and make commitments. At the Project Plan Approved Milestone, customers and team agree on what is to be delivered, and how it will be built. This is an important opportunity to reassess risk, establish priorities, and finalize estimates for schedule and resources. The Developing Phase culminates in the SCOPE COMPLETE/FIRST USE MILESTONE. An approved functional specification and associated project plan provide the baseline for focused development to begin. The development team sets a number of interim(中期) delivery milestones, each of which involves a full test/debug/fix cycle. At the Scope Complete/First Use Milestone customers and team assess the products functionality and verify that rollout and support plans are in place. At this milestone, all new development is complete, and deferred(延期的、推迟的) functionality is documented for the next release. The Stabilization Phase culminates in the RELEASE MILESTONE. Testing activities are performed concurrently with code development. During the stabilizing phase these activities take center stage as bug finding and fixing become the primary focus. At the Release Milestone the product is formally turned over to the operations and support groups. Typically, the project team either begins work on the next release or disperses(转移) to other development project.答案一、 填空题(每空2分,共20分)1 TrueType2数据定义语言(DDL)和数据控制语言(DCL)3 World Wide Web4 regedit.exe5 Word、Powerpoint、Access、Project、Excel6把C盘格式化并把它设作系统盘7 Alt+Tab二、 选择题(其中1,2,3题每题3分;第4题6分,共15分)1 C2 B3 D4 A、 F、 G 三、 简答题(每题5分,共15分)1. 因为是二进制,结果=11。2. Object Link and Embed 对象的链接与嵌入3. 检测网上的其他站点是否可以与本机相连四、 逻辑推理题(此题10分)五、 程序题(每题10分,共20分)1#5#4#3#5#42 指出以下程序的错误:
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