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企业员工培训前英语水平测试笔试题Part AChoose the best answer. Mark it with an X. If you do not know the answer, leave it blank.1 _ name is Robert.a) Meb) Ic) My2 They _ from Spain.a) isb) arec) do3 _ are you from?a) Whatb) Whoc) Where4 What do you do? Im _ student.a) theb) ac) the5 Peter _ at seven oclock.a) goes upb) getsc) gets up6 _ you like this DVD?a) Areb) Havec) Do7 We _ live in a flat.a) dontb) hasntc) doesnt8 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, _ a) Saturdayb) Tuesdayc) Monday9 _ he play tennis?a)Whereb) Doesc) Do10 Have you _ a car?a) anyb) havec) got11 We dont have _ butter.a) ab) anyc) got12 _ some money here.a) Therereb) Therec) Theres13 We _ got a garage.a) haventb) hasntc) dont14 Those shoes are very _ .a) expensiveb) a lotc) cost15 Have you got a pen? Yes, I _ .a) amb) havec) got16 It is a busy, _ city.a) trafficb) quitec) noisy17 They _ at home yesterday.a) wasb) arec) were18 I _ there for a long time.a) livedb) livingc) live19 He didnt _ glasses.a) putb) wearc) take20 The restaurant was _ busy.a) veryb) a lotc) many21 Do you like the red _ ?a) itb) thatc) one22 He _ to Brazil on business.a) gob) goedc) went23 Yesterday was the _ of April.a) thirdb) threec) day three24 Shes got _ hair.a) dark, longb) long and darkc) dark, long25 I _ play football at the weekend.a) usuallyb) usec) usual26 I _ in an armchair at the moment.a) sittingb) m sittingc) sit27 My brother is older _ me.a) thenb) thatc) than28 Their car is _ biggest on the road.a) thanb) thisc) the29 Its the _ interesting of his films.a) moreb) muchc) most30 The phones ringing: _ answer it.a) Illb) Ic) will31 Do you _ classical or rock music?a) ratherb) preferc) more32 He has _ breakfast.a) ateb) eatenc) eat33 The _ have seen it before.a) childsb) childc) children34 Ive never met an actor _ .a) beforeb) alreadyc) after35 _ is very good exercise.a) Swimb) To swimc) Swimming36 Have you _ been on a winter sports holiday?a) alwaysb) everc) soon37 I cant _ another language.a) speakingb) speakc) to speak38 They _ pay for the tickets.a) havent tob) dont havec) dont have to39 _ old is their car?a) Whatb) Whenc) How40 Are you _ for one or two weeks?a) stayingb) stayedc) stay41 Stephen _ to visit his parents.a) willb) goingc) is going42 I dont _ getting up early.a) not likeb) wantc) enjoy43 We _ like to see the mountains.a) wouldb) willc) are44 They _ ever check their emails.a) hardb) harderc) hardly45 They wont come, _ they?a) wontb) comec) will46 He _ know how to spell it.a) doesntb) hasntc) dont47 Carla _ to the radio all morning.a) listeningb) heardc) listened48 They _ come to the cinema with us.a) doesntb) notc) didnt49 I like this song. _ do I.a) Eitherb) Soc) Neither50 We _ them at eight oclock.a) meetb) re meetc) re meeting Part B51 They are going _ in America next month.a) to beb) will bec) bed) being 52 This is the cinema _ we saw the film.a) whenb) whichc) thatd) where53 Have you ever _ in a jazz band?a) seenb) playedc) listenedd) wanted54 Im _ when Im with you.a) happyerb) happier thanc) happierd) the happy55 This is _ than I thought.a) badb) badderc) worsed) worst56 Can you tell me the way _ ?a) to the bankb) is the bankc) where is bankd) of the bank57 Do you know what _ ?a) time is itb) time isc) time is nowd) time it is58 Were you _ to open the door?a) couldb) canc) abled) possible 59 Everybody _ wear a seat belt in the car.a) mustb) mustntc) dont have tod) doesnt have to60 Tom has lived in this town _ three years.a) sinceb) fromc) afterd) for61 We _ work in that factory.a) use tob) wasc) used tod) then62 I think it _ be sunny tomorrow.a) will probablyb) probablyc) cand) will to63 He _ like his brother.a) lookb) isntc) isnt lookd) can look64 _ does your boyfriend look like?a) Howb) Whatc) Whyd) Which65 Ive got _ many problems.a) toob) ac) enoughd) really66 If we get up in time, _ catch the train.a) we catchb) we caughtc) we had caughtd) well catch67 They _ to go to France for a year.a) decideb) decidingc) decidedd) to decide68 Im working _ to pass my exam.a) hardlyb) muchc) hardd) good69 Im writing _ ask you to explain.a) forb) in order toc) becaused) because of70 He said that most problems _ by teenagers.a) causeb) causedc) were ca
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