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TheCharacteristicsandTranslationofBusinessCoContentsAbstract: 11. General Introduction of Business Contracts English 41.1 Concept of Business Contracts English. 41.2 Basics of Business contracts English. 41.3 Structure of Business contracts English. 5I. Contents of preamble. 5III. Contents of Final Clauses. 52. Main Features of Business Contracts English 52.1 Lexical Features. 52.1.1 Massive Use of Archaism. 52.1.2 Abundance of Technical Terms and Abbreviated Expression 62.1.3Juxtaposition of Synonyms and Specialized Legal Meaning Words 72.1.4Usage of “Shall”. 73.1 Syntactic Features. 83.1.1 Logical Expressions. 83.1.2Compound Sentence. 83.1.3Statement Sentence. 93.1.4Conditional Clause and Attributive Clause. 94. Principles of Business Contract English Translation 104.1 Faithfulness. 104.2 Exactness. 104.3 Consistency. 115. Practical Analysis and Translation of Business Contract English 115.1Lexical Level 115.1.1Translation of Synonyms. 115.1.2Translation of Detailed Terms. 116.1 Syntactic Level 126.1.1 Adjustment of the Subject 126.1.2Adjustment of the Object 126.13Adjustment of the predicative. 13Conclusion. 14Notes: 15Acknowledgement.17Abstract:A regime of contract is fundamental to modern society. The whole economy, even the whole social system bases on it. Along with the rapid development of global economy integration, international business are more and more frequent and, business English, as a tool for international economic exchange and business routines has a new type of comprehensive subject. More and more English-learners and law-majors hope they can know something about business English contracts so as to understand them correctly, translate them exactly and make them perfectly. However, business English contract has its unique features. It has strict requirement in terms of the structure, content, format and diction. In English-Chinese contract translation, translators should have a strong awareness of lexical and syntactic features of business English contract as well as be knowledgeable about its translation criteria, so that translators can have a better comprehension and translation would be accurate, rigorous and normative.摘要:合同制度是现代社会必不可少的一种制度。社会的经济,甚至是整个社会制度都依靠它。随着全球经合合作的加快,国际间的商务交流越来越频繁,而商务英语作为一种国际经济交流以及日常商务交流起着一个全新的角色作用。越来越多的英语学习者和法律专业的学习者都强烈希望着可以对商务合同英语有更多的了解,这样,便可以准确而完美的翻译它们。然而,由于合同也具有它独特的特点和在结构,内容,格式等方面具有严格的翻译标准。因此,对于翻译者们而言,就需要了解合同的词汇以及句子的特点,并了解合同的翻译标准,这样,便可以将合同翻译的准确,严谨而规范。Key words:Business English Contract;Features;Translation关键词:商务合同英语;特点;翻译The Characteristics and Translation of Business Contracts English1. General Introduction of Business Contracts EnglishTo translate business contracts English better, its not only to grasp the understanding of business contracts English, but also to know some basic elements of business contracts English. Such as the concept of business contracts English, some basics of business contracts English and also the structure of business contracts English.1.1 Concept of Business Contracts English “A contract, in the simplest definition, is a promise enforceable by law. The promise may be to do something or to refrain from doing something. The making of a contract requires the mutual assent of two or more persons, one of them ordinarily making an offer and another accepting. If one of the parties fails to keep the promise, the other is entail to legal recourse against him. The law of contract has to do with such questions as whether a contract exists, what the meaning of it is, whether a contract has been broken, and what compensation is due the injured party.”1-124 According to the New Encyclopedia Britannica, a contract shall be an agreement whereby the parities establish, change, or terminate their civil relationship. There are some other prescriptions:“Contracts referred to in law are agreements between equal natural persons, legal persons and other organization for the purpose of establishing, altering and terminating mutual civil rights and obligations.”On the basis of understanding the definition of contract, business English contract has kind of relationship with the Legal English as well as the main features of Legal English. Since English contracts are kind of legal documents, we need take the main features of Legal English into account to translate business English contract precisely.1.2 Basics of Business contracts EnglishUsually, it is difficult for us to judge whether its a valid contract or not. So to translate those business contracts English, we have to know what are the basics of business contracts English. A valid contract should possess these four basics:I. A meeting of the minds 2 between the parties to the effect that both parties totally agree essentials of the deal.II. Cons
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