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2019广东中考英语短文填空每日一练第五周(有答案)第一天 Cold weather can be hard on pets, just 1 it can be hard on people. Sometimes owners forget that their cats are just as used to the warm home as they are. Some 2 will leave their animals outside for a long period of time, thinking that all animals are used to living outdoors. This can put their pets in danger of serious illness. There are things you can do to 3 your animal warm and safe. Keep your pets inside as much as you can when the weather is bad. 4 you have to take them out, stay outside with them. When youre cold enough to go inside, they probably are too. If you must leave them outside 5 a long time, 6 sure they have a warm home against the wind, thick bedding, and plenty of drinking water. If left alone outside, dogs 7 cats can be very smart in their search for warm place. They can dig into snow banks or hide somewhere. Watch them closely 8 they are left outdoors, and offer them good place of good condition. Keep an eye on your pets water. Sometimes owners dont know that a water bowl has become ice and their pet 9 get anything to drink. Animals that dont have clean and drinking water may drink dirty water outside, which may have 10 unhealthy for them.第二天 Tomhad a very old car. It was _1_ old that he wanted to buy a new one. But his father said that he had to _2_ it before he would buy him a new one. “Youhave to learn the value of money, Tom.” his father said, “It doesnt grow on trees, you know. You should learn to _3_ a good businessman.” But_4_ seemed to want to buy the car from Tom. He put an“_5_Sale” sign in the back window of the car, but nothing happened. Then one day he was _6_to another town, and stopped at the entrance of a toll booth (收费站) where he had to pay _7_being allowed to use the road. Theattendant said, “Two _8_ and fifty cents.” “Iaccept,” said Tom, “Its yours.” Then he put the car _9_into the surprised attendants hand, and held out his other _10_for the two dollars and fifty cents.第三天A famous teacher was speaking to the students at our school. He began his lesson by holding up a 100 bill. Then he said to the three hundred students, “ 1 would like this 100 bill?” The students began to put up their hands 2 once.Then he said, “I am going to give this 100 to one of you, but first, let me do this.” He then made the 3 into a ball. Then he said, “Who wants it now?” The hands went back into the air.“Well,” he said, “What if I do this?” and he dropped it on the floor 4 stepped on it. He picked up the dirty, crumpled bill and said, “Who still 5 it?” Hands went back into the air.“My friends,” he said, “you have learned a valuable lesson today. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not go 6 in value. It was still worth l00!”Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and stepped on by the chances we take and the things that happen to us. We feel as if we are worth 7 . But remember, no matter what has happened to you, you will never lose your 8 : you are always valuable to 9 people who love you. Your value doesnt 10 from what you do or whom you know, but WHO YOU ARE.第四天Pablo Picasso was 1 in Spain in 1881. His father was an artist 2 also an art teacher. He gave little Picasso the first lesson in drawing. The boy showed great interest in it and 3 it very quickly. Picasso drew so well that he won a prize “Science and Charity” for his first important painting 4 the age of 15. Later he studied in several cities in Spain. But no one could teach 5 because he had known so much.When he was 19, he visited Paris. At that time, Paris was the 6 of the world for artists. 7 in the painting world was new to Picasso. When he was 23, he moved to Paris to live and 8 the rest of his life in France.In his 80s, Pablo Picasso 9 worked like a young man. He kept on looking for new ideas and new ways to work. He never 10 painting all his life.第五天Jenny looked at the store window. There 1 nothing that she wanted more than a Happy Hannah doll. It was $29.95. Unluckily, Jenny didnt even have the 95 cents.As she crossed the street, she 2 about doing her brothers housework, cleaning the floor, 3 the dishes all month, but even then she would have only eleven dollars. Suddenly, something small and pink in the snow caught her eyes.Jenny walked over and picked it up from the 4 . It was a beautiful wallet. She opened the wallet and found many dollars and a womans drivers license in 5. Jenny put the wallet into her bag quickly. She turned around and walked back.Jennys heart beat fast as she 6 into the store. She had long dreamed about this moment, 7 something didnt feel right. As she got to the Happy Hannah dolls, she pushed away her feelings. She grabbed one and walked toward the checkout.As Jenny was waiting
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