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Good morning, my respectful judges, fellow debaters and audiences. Its my pleasure to make my talk here.To begin with, we believe that its necessary to stress the definition of privacy and famous people.According to Oxford dictionary,privacy means the state of being alone and not watched or disturbed by other people and the state of being free from the attention of the public.Famous people include stars , socialite,senior government officials and some relationship with the people above and become famous after their announcement.In our perspective, we firmly believe that the privacy of famous people should be made public. The reasons can be listed as the following 3 parts.Firstly,famous people gain more social resource than ordinary people,so they should make their privacy public as for equivalent exchange.How popular they are,how much their privacy should be made public.As a ordinary citizen,we have the right to know the famous people,which is supported by law.This is our essential right.Secondly,famous people have social popularity and enormous social impact,there is no doubt that they should be supervised by people.We want to know if their behaviors are in line with peoples hoping as the consequence they are the models of us.Famous people are in the spotlight,renowned or notorious.They are the topic of ordinary people who like to know everything about them.Nowadays, so many famous people do corruption,take drugs,go whoring.Therefore, making the privacy of famous people public can not only make the public official and the government be honest in performing their official duties,but also regularize their behaviors.Thirdly,famous people can make a profit from their popularity.Nowadays famous people make use of their reputation to earn money.Making the famous people public not only good for famous people,but also good for medium.Famous people can make use of medium to sensationalize themselves to advertise their albums or films.The gossip of famous people can satisfy peoples curiosity. A large readership means the rise in the circulation of their publications and their stories draws for more attention Whats more, Famous people should make their privacy public to keep their popularity or increase their popularity.In general, no matter for us, for famous people themselves,or for medium,apparently, the privacy of famous people should be made public.
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