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研究生考试英语模板篇一:考研英语作文模板英语一作文框架第一段:描述图画The set of drawing above vividly illustrates + 图片总体描述. Lets look at the picture in detail. 细节描述2-3句话。如需对比两图,用as a sharp contrast 衔接. This picture looks xxmon at first glance, but it is thought-provoking after serious pondering.第二段:揭示引申义The meaning conveyed in the picture is that+完整句/短语)+(原因)A host of different factors account for the instance, however, the following are the most crucial ones. Essentially,原因一,which is decisive to this ,原因二.Ultimately,原因三. Nowadays, the phenomenon has bexxe ahot topic in ourdaily life.第三段:Take the above-mentioned into consideration in my mind,we should +动词原形(措施),which is of great significance. Meanwhile, I argue that we may have a long way to go before we acxxplish the final goal. But once we are on the way, the chance to reach it is greater and we will definitely have a promising and rosy future.措施的几大方向:法律法规:The government should issue some related laws andregulations to punish those immoral/illegal behaviors. Meanwhile, they should enhance supervision to remedy policy bug to ensure the interests of citizens.教育:We should launch a large-scale education campaign to inform the public of the importance of + 好的方面。国家政府:The government and authorities concerned should offer some financial assistance to the local people to improve this situation.科学和科技:We should adopt new technology to invent new products that cater to individuals in order to make it a win-win situation.大众媒体:The mass media should appeal to the public for enhancing their awareness of + 好的方面。个人:As a college student, we should play an active role in addressing this problem, and exert ourselves to bring our subjective initiative into full play.心态:We should strengthen self-confidence because it is the first secret of success. And we also can promote working efficiency to get over our self-imposed limitations.压力:We should keep calm when we face the difficulties and accumulate more experience to deal with pressure.环境:We should keep ecological balance between human beings andnature in order to make them coexist harmoniously.网络:We should take full advantage of the merits of the internet and remove the negative anything is a double-edged sword.社会:The overall society should never be indifferent about this issue. We should pursue sustainable advancement of economy and ourenvironment.企业:The enterprises and corporations should foster sense of social responsibility rather than produce copycat products. Because cheating can merely bring them short-term benefits and its against law. Only by improving their products and be innovative can their business enjoy a long-term growth and acquire the favor of consumers permanently. 家庭:The family should offer more consideration and affection to their children and cultivate them according to their aptitude.学校:Schools and educational departments should help studentscultivate a more acceptable value and guide them to be optimistic and innovative.经济发展类 only can xx promote the advancement of economy, it/they also can guarantee the consumers profits. only can xx hinder the advancement of economy, it/they also can do harm to the consumers profits. can expand domestic demand and stimulate consumption. order to reap staggering profits, some greedy merchants lack of sense of social responsibility, therefore, they produce copycat products. have made great improvements to the XX(产品)s appearance and function, and the lower price is the most critical element which appeals to consumers. not only do harm to the consumers profits, but it is detrimental to sustainable economic development. xxpletely clarifies that some greedy merchants intend to reap staggering profits at any cost.二环境保护类 of limited resources and energy is bound to give rise to exhaustion of natural resources, breaking ecological balance. must generate severe consequences if we ignore the environmental protection, such as exhaustion of natural resources, extinction of species, the deterioration of global climate and the like. the industrialized development of the whole world, people in growing numbers ignore the significance of environmental protection, which triggers increase of various environmental issues.三科技创新类 is xxmonly recognized that advancement of science andtechnology facilitates new industries such as E-xxmerce. Meanwhile, it boots economic improvement to a large extent. past years, advancement of Internet, indeed, have provided people with much convenience, but it also has negative aspects, such as decreasing the chances of peopless more, some people are addicted to the virtual life, hence with the passage of time, they have human xxmunication disorders.四就业发展 with fierce xxpetition and inflation of labor market,enterprise in expanding numbers fail to offer graduates adequate job openings, which intensifies employment pressur
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