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人教版高一英语Book 3 Unit 2一、单词拼写1. He lost his b_ (平衡)and hurt himself when going downstairs.2. This picture book can best satisfy childrens c_(好奇心)about nature.3. A persons life is l_(有限的), but his love is longlasting.4. Some movies c_ (结合)education with entertainment.5. As I said before, we need to focus on c_(顾客)and their needs.6. You should know your s_ (强项) and weaknesses before applying for a job.7. A healthy d_(饮食)should contain all the necessary vitamins.8. In order to lose w_(体重), you must say no to fast food.9. He s_(叹息叹气)deeply after learning that he had lost the contest.10. The newly-built park will b_(有益于有助于)the people living there.1. He lost his b_ (平衡)and hurt himself when going downstairs.balance2. This picture book can best satisfy childrens c_(好奇心)about nature.curiosity3. A persons life is l_(有限的), but his love is longlasting.limited4. Some movies c_ (结合)education with entertainment.combine5. As I said before, we need to focus on c_(顾客)and their needs.customers6. You should know your s_ (强项) and weaknesses before applying for a job.strengths7. A healthy d_(饮食)should contain all the necessary vitamins.diet8. In order to lose w_(体重), you must say no to fast food.weight9. He s_(叹息叹气)deeply after learning that he had lost the contest.sighed10. The newly-built park will b_(有益于有助于)the people living there.benefit答案:1. balance 2. curiosity 3. limited 4. combine 5. customers 6. strenghts 7. diet 8. weight 9. sighed 10. benefit二、单词拼写1. To live a long and healthy life, we must learn to have a balanced d_.(饮食)2. She said that taking exercise is a good way of keep s_. (苗条的)3. As students, we should c_(咨询)book knowledge with practice.4. Its certain that people in that town will b_(有益于)from the new hospital.5. You must b_(权衡)the advantages against the disadvantages.6. C_(好奇心)drove him into the dark room without permission.7. They know me-I am a regular c_(顾客).8. He thought that crying is a sign of w_.(软弱)9. She didnt have the s_(力气)to climb the hill.10. His words are full of l_(谎言)about the matter.1. To live a long and healthy life, we must learn to have a balanced d_.(饮食)diet2. She said that taking exercise is a good way of keep s_. (苗条的)slim3. As students, we should c_(咨询)book knowledge with practice.consult4. Its certain that people in that town will b_(有益于)from the new hospital.benefit5. You must b_(权衡)the advantages against the disadvantages.balance6. C_(好奇心)drove him into the dark room without permission.curiosity7. They know me-I am a regular c_(顾客).customer8. He thought that crying is a sign of w_.(软弱)weekness9. She didnt have the s_(力气)to climb the hill.strenght10. His words are full of l_(谎言)about the matter.lies答案:1. diet 2. slim 3. consult 4. benefit 5. balance 6. curiosity 7. customer 8. weekness 9. strength 10. lies三、单词拼写1. To learn efficiently, we should c_(使联合)work with pleasure.2. The letter wasnt addressed to me but I opened it out of c_.(好奇心)3. Ive had the b_(好处)of a good education.4. Children are c_(好奇的)about everything, so teachers and parents should satisfy their c_(好奇心).5. After the tiring trip, his s_(力气)gave out.6. “Well, there is nothing we can do about it now, ”she s_.(叹息到)7. Im looking for a job in which I can c_(结合)my different experiences.8. Assistants in the shop look on the c_(顾客)as gods, meeting their every demand.9. My time is more l_(有限的)since Im suffering from cancer.10. “Looking at sb. angrily for a long time.” means “g_(怒视)at sb.”1. To learn efficiently, we should c_(使联合)work with pleasure.combine2. The letter wasnt addressed to me but I opened it out of c_.(好奇心)curiosity3. Ive had the b_(好处)of a good education.benefit4. Children are c_(好奇的)about everything, so teachers and parents should satisfy their c_(好奇心).curious,curiosity5. After the tiring trip, his s_(力气)gave out.strength6. “Well, there is nothing we can do about it now, ”she s_.(叹息到)sighed7. Im looking for a job in which I can c_(结合)my different experiences.combine8. Assistants in the shop look on the c_(顾客)as gods, meeting their every demand.customers9. My time is more l_(有限的)since Im suffering from cancer.limited10. “Looking at sb. angrily for a long time.” means “g_(怒视)at sb.”glare答案:1. combine 2. curiosity 3. benefit 4.
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