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20XX年初中英语书课文篇一:初中英语课文John F. Dancer walked into the Dragons Head Hotel with his friend went to the reception said,Hi,Im Mr John booked a room last Sunday.The clerk said, Yes,sir,but we dont allow pets in this hotel.Pets!cried John.Charlie isnt a m blind and his my eyes.Im sorry,sir,the clerk explained, but the hotel rulesJohn interrupted, Please call the manager.The manager said, You are both welxxe,sir.He then led them to their said, Can you tell me the location of the fire exit?Its the fifth door from yours,said the manager.Thank you,said John. Safety first,you know.Yes,sir,the manager thendescribed Johns room to him,and left. John tells us what happened next.篇二:课文是初中英语教科书的核心课文是初中英语教科书的核心,是每个单元中的主要内容。课文形式、体裁各不相同,有对话、短文、故事、日记、书信等。课文教学主要包含四个方面的内容:( 1 )帮助学生准确理解课文内容和主题意义。( 2 )学习并把握新的单词、词组、句型和语法等。( 3 )把握所学语言材料的语言交际功能。( 4 )发展听、说、读、写以及语言运用的能力。( 5 )逐步建立起自己的学习策略。初中英语课文内容丰富,体裁多样,题材各异。对不同的内容,体裁的课文,应采用不同的教学方法。几年来的实践,我摸索了这样一种课文教学方法:理解把握纯熟运用。一、理解充分、透彻地理解课文内容,理解是把握、纯熟和运用的基础。在充分理解课文的基础上才能达到掌握、纯熟和运用课文的语言材料。教师在介绍课文中的生词、句型、语法等内容时,就已经帮助学生理解课文内容了。二、掌握在充分理解的基础上,记忆并掌握课文中呈现出的语音、语法、句型、词汇等语言材料,懂得它们的实际用法。要害是实践,学生通过实践才能达到牢记。这样就要求教师在上课过程中讲练结合,讲讲练练,讲是为练精心安排好实践训练的重要环节,使学生通过训练记忆掌握语言材料。三、纯熟在理解、掌握的基础上达到纯熟是课文教学的第三个层次的基本要求。以至于形成英语语感,这是极为重要的。四、运用在课堂上要鼓励学生大胆运用学过的内容进行情景模仿,即使出现一些错误也没关系,这是正常现象。要害是在教师的鼓励和引导下,学生通过运用,真正尝到学习英语的甜头,增强自信心,提高学习爱好。针对不同类型的课文,灵活地采用不同的教学方法,这是教好课文的重要原则。下面就谈谈我在平时初中英语课文教学中的两种详细方法:一、视听法这是利用幻灯等直观手段配合听力理解入手,着重培养听说能力的课文教学方法,主要用来讲解对话课文。由于初中阶段小对话课文较多,所以这种方法我是常用的。运用视听法教对话课文一般须经过四个步骤,下面以人教版八年级五单元Topic1 Section A课文为例。第一步:整体理解利用自制的幻灯片介绍对话的主要内容,帮助学生了解对话的主要内容:Look at this Picture please! This is Jane Maria and Michael. They are good friends. They look excited. Because they will have a good time this Saturday教师连续口述 2 遍,使学生充分理解,然后向学生提问,检查学生的理解程度。 What about Jane and Michael?Why all the smilingHow does Mr. Lee feel What movie are their parents going to see在学生充分理解教师的叙述后,播放课文的录音 2 遍,使学生整体理解对话全文。 第二步:听说训练在学生听课文对话录音的基础上开展听说实践训练活动,充分利用图提供的情景由浅入深,由易到难地进行听说训练。如根据录音回答有关问题,分角色对话等。第三步:读写练习在听说练习的基础上再读写练习。听说训练时,学生难免有口误,这是完全正常的,而读写训练要求准确。详细可以这样进行:翻开书耳听录音眼看对话内容,边听边用铅笔记下重音、停顿、语调等朗读符号;跟读对话、听录音,要求语音、语调准确,在此基础上总结重点词组和句型:How are you doing Why all the smilingPlease say thanks to your mom. What a shame!Good luck! one of look excited接着可布置书面练习,要求书写整洁、准确。第四步:复习运用根据学生前三步掌握课文的详细情况,有针对性地编写综合性的复习实践练习,以巩固课中的语言材料,使学生在熟练掌握课文内容的基础上,能够进一步灵活运用,进行语言交流。二、阅读法随着初中英语教学的逐渐深入,短文类的课文逐渐成为主导类型,这时就应采取阅读法进行课文教学。这种方法先从阅读入手,重点落实在听读说写四会能力的培养上。试以仁教版八年级五单元Topic1 Section CThe Sound of Music 为例:第一步:整体理解要求学生课前预读课文并通过查阅字典或书后词汇表了解课文中的生词和词组的词义。在课堂上教师简介课文大意:The Sound of Music is one of the most popular American movies. It is a story about a young woman living in Austria. Her name was Maria. She went to care for the Von Trapp family with seven children教师将上述介绍 2 遍,让学生充分理解,然后要求学生阅读课文。教师巡视,详细帮助有困难的学生理解课文。篇三:人教版初中英语课文标题1七年级上册预备篇Unit 1 Good morning!预备篇Unit 2 Whats this in English预备篇Unit 3 What color is it?七上Unit 1 My names Gina.七上Unit 2 Is this your pencil七上Unit 3 This is my sister.七上Unit 4 Wheres my backpack七上Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball七上Unit 6 Do you like bananas七上Unit 7 How much are these pants七上Unit 8 When is your birthday七上Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie七上Unit 10 Can you play the guitar七上Unit 11 What time do you go to school七上Unit 12 My favorite subject is science.七年级下册七下Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from七下Unit 2 Wheres the post office七下Unit 3 Why do you like koalas七下Unit 4 I want to be an actor.七下Unit 5 Im watching TV.七下Unit 6 Its raining!七下Unit 7 What does he look like七下Unit 8 Id like some noodles.七下Unit 9 How was your weekend七下Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation七下Unit 11 What do you think of game shows七下Unit 12 Dont eat in class.八年级上册八上Unit 1 How often do you exercise八上Unit 2 Whats the matter八上Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation八上Unit4 How do you get to school八上Unit 5 Can you xxe to my party八上Unit 6 Im more outgoing than my sister.八上Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake八上Unit 8 How was your school trip八上Unit 9 When was he born八上Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player.八上Unit 11 Could you please clean your room八上Unit 12 Whats the best radio station八年级下册八下Unit 1Will people have robots?八下Unit 2 What should I do八下Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived八下Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.八下Unit 5 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!八下Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells八下Unit 7Would you mind turning down the music八下Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf八下Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park八下Unit 10 Its a nic
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