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课题:9A Unit 1 Know yourselfIntegrated skills班级_ 姓名_ 学号_【学习目标】知识点:词汇: 单词见词汇表P141;词组见课前预习翻译练习。句子:It is you who shape your life and your future.重难点:1.培养学生的听力技能,了解有关生肖和性格;学会表达个人的生肖和性格特点。2.It is you who shape your life and your future. It is 强调的内容+that /who+句子。强调句型你就是我最喜欢的老师。 It is who .【课前预习】一、翻译词组1.生肖_ 2.出生于同一生肖下的人_3.星座_ 4.取决_5.中国的农历_ 6. 被分成_7.塑造你的生活_ 8.消遣_9.在虎年_ 10.在某些方面_11.固定的顺序_ 12.每12年_二、翻译下列句子1. 我认为出生在虎年的人很勇敢。 I think people under the Year of the are very . 2. 一些西方人认为你的性格取决于你的星座。 Some people in the West think that your personality your .3. 本文分为三个部分。 This article three parts.4. 如果你对生肖感兴趣,仅仅当做娱乐读读他们。If you animal signs, read about them just .5. 是你塑造你的生活和未来。It you who .【课堂活动】Have a free talk about each students animal sign and personality ,introducing like thisI was born in _. My animal sign is _. It says I am _. What it says about me is/isnt true. (In fact, )【学习检测】一、词汇运用。1. He keeps a _ (日历) , and every morning he checks off a day.2. When Yao Ming a_, everyone screamed and jumped excitedly.3. A childs personality is_ (固定的) in the first five years of life.4. He had a strange way of making his classes_ (生气勃勃的) and interesting. 5. That flying machine is_ (塑造) something like a bird.6. The customs in Qingdao are_(相似的) to those in Yantai.7. Some people in the West believe that your star sign_ (决定) your personality.8. I had my old bicycle_ (fix) up in order to give it away to charity.9. Lisa is a_ (honest) girl, all of us dont like her.10. The girl is_ (power) though she is only ten years old.二、单项选择。( ) 1. Mum, my little sister is crying all the time. Mary, be_! She feels sick. You should take good care of her.A. patient B. lazy C. polite D. fair ( ) 2. A year has four seasons and it _ twelve different star signs.A. divided into B. is dividing into C. divides into D. is divided into ( ) 3. Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? Well, it all _ the weather.A. belongs to B. happens to C. depends on D. concentrates on ( ) 4. Which of the two T-shirts will you take? Ill take _. One is for my brother and the other is for myself.A. either B. both C. all D. neither ( ) 5. I didnt know which dictionary was better, so I took _.A. none B. neither C. each D. all ( ) 6. When are you going to visit your grandparents? I havent decided. _ today _ tomorrow is OK.A. Not only; but also B. Neither; nor C. Either; or D. Both; and ( ) 7. Dont forget to give my best wishes to your uncle. _.A. No, I dont B. No, I wont C. Yes, I do D. Yes, I would ( ) 8. What is your animal sign, Joe? My animal sign is the Tiger. It_that people born in the Year of the Tiger are brave. A. says B. is said C. talks D. A&B三、根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文。Only Mothers Love is true love. It gives everybody everything all h 1 life. When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as p 2 . In your w 3 hours, she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night a 4 forgets about herself. When you are growing up day b 5 day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on more clothes. She always stands in the wind, w 6 for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels w 7 about you at home. She usually knows about your study and spends much money on your school things. When you do well at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face. Mother is always ready to give everything she h 8 to her children, n 9 to receive. What true love that is in the w 10 ! We will remember Mothers Love forever! 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _
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