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PEP Primary English Book 8 Unit 3 Period 4,B. Lets learn,Task1: Warm up Task2: Lets learn Task3: Pair work Task4: Lets play Task5: Lets sing Task6: Homework,Teaching Tasks,Greetings Sing a song “Weekend”,Task1: Warm up,1. Words 2. Sentence pattern,Task 2: Lets learn,went to a park,went swimming,read a book,went fishing,went hiking,Way did you do yesterday?,I went hiking.,Task 3: Pair work,Change the words like this: go to a park went to a park,Task 4: Lets play,Ask and answer. A: What did Mike do yesterday? B: He went swimming,.,Lets sing Listen and sing “At the zoo ”,Homework,Copy the new words each one for five times. Group work: Ask and answer,谢谢观看! 再见!,谢谢观看! 再见!,hank you !,Goodbye,
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