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Unit 1 Careers,Quotation,Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. Confucius (551 479 BC) Chinese philosopher,For many people a job is more than an income its an important part of who we are.,More quotations about career,Think not of yourself as the architect of your career but as the sculptor. You have to do a lot of hard hammering, chiseling, scraping and polishing.,What is the recipe for successful achievement? To my mind there are just four essential ingredients: Choose a career you love, give it the best there is in you, seize your opportunities, and be a member of the team.,Overview,Vocabulary (about career),Listening (human resources & recruitment),Reading (female train drivers),Language review (Modals 2: ability, request and offers),Skills (Telephoning: making contact),Case study: Fast-Track Inc.,Starting up,Discuss these questions.,A,1. Are you ambitious? Do you like ambitious people? Why?,2. Do you have a career plan? Where do you want to be in 10 years time?,3. Which would you prefer to do? Work for one company during your career Work for several different companies Work for yourself,B,Which of the following areas would you like to work in?,Sales & Marketing,Administration & Personnel,Finance,Production,Management,R & D,Starting up,You should give reasons for your choice of work.,C,What should you do to get ahead in your career?,Change jobs,Attend conferences,Network,Work hard,Study extra qualifications,Get help from others,Supplementary Reading,Career break is a period of time out from employment. Traditionally, this was for mothers to raise children, but it is now used for people taking time out of their career for personal or professional development. A career break is usually between one month and two years long. Six months to 2 years is the most common period of time for a career break. The career break has grown in popularity over the last five years, with 75% of the British workforce currently considering a career break. Around 90,000 professionals are estimated to take a career break every year. It is most common in the UK, where it grew out of the gap year concept. The career break is sometimes referred to as an adult gap year, which reflects the commitment towards developing skills and gaining experience while out of the workforce.,How to make your career move,Dont pick a job. Pick a boss. Your first boss is probably the biggest factor in your career success. A boss who doesnt trust you wont give you opportunities to grow. A boss whos too easy on you wont drive you to improve. When you accept your first job, youre hiring a tutor to teach you about work. Be sure to hire wisely. Over time, the most important skill for advancing your career is learning how to work to an agenda rather than to a schedule. A successful business person always kills more than one bird with one stone. Figure out what needs to happen, then find ways to make it happen. A 30-second elevator exchange can be as productive as a one-hour meeting, but only if you know in advance what you need from the encounter.,William Raduchel Vice President of Sun Microsystems,Patty Stonesifer President and Chairman Gates Library Foundation Redmond, Washington,I left a great job as head of interactive media at Microsoft for one reason: the passion was gone. My pocketbook, ego, and sense of excitement were being satisfied, but I no longer had passion for the challenges I faced each day. Lots of people thought I was crazy to walk away from it all. But I felt like a juggler - managing projects, budgets, and people. Eventually I found my dream job. It aligns my personal expertise and goals with an opportunity to put technology in the hands of people who otherwise would not have access to it. No matter how high your career registers on the conventional charts, youve got to listen to your heart,wallet,Career moves,Vocabulary,A,The phrases below all include the word career. Match them to their correct meaning.,1 career ladder 2 career move 3 career break 4 career plan 5 career opportunities,a) something you do in order to progress in your job b) period of time away from your job to , for example, look after your children c) series of levels that lead to better and better jobs d) chances to start/improve your career e) Ideas you have for your future career,B,Complete the following sentences with the verbs from the box.,make,climb,take,have,decide,offer,Employees in large multinationals _ excellent career opportunities if they are willing to travel. 2. Some people _ a career break to do something adventurous like sailing round the world or going trekking in India. 3. One way to _ a career move is to join a small but rapidly growing company. 4. In some companies it can take years to _ the career ladder and reach senior management level. 5. Certain companies _ career opportunities to the long-term unemployed or to people without formal qualifications
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