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TOEFL SPEAKING - - 强化课程,如何提高Task1&2的分数? 全面提高口语水平 大批量地背范文 !之所以死很惨 是因为地雷踩多了,Taboo 3: 凭空叙述之乎者也,内容干巴巴,难信服,而且根本说不满时间,讲不出东西 Solution: 举例子!举例子是最好的补充说明,扩充字数,可以编,可以改,可以删,可以扩,可以说居家考托必备良方,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take their mobile phones into classroom.,Personally, I disagree with this idea. Primarily, mobiles are an indispensable communicating tool in modern life. They are popular not only because they make contact more convenient but allow people to handle emergency the first time it happens. Id take my friend Jenny for example. She and I both had marketing class on a Tuesday afternoon. Suddenly she got her landladys call that her neighbour smelled the gas leaking from her house. She then recalled that she forgot to switch off the gas as she cooked Cantonese soup as usual. So she left class immediately off home and she just prevented a potential fire. From that case, I realized that if she didnt pick up the phone call there might be an unimaginable fire. So thats why I think taking mobile phones with us is important.,Take my friend XX as an example 是万能开头,重点是天马行空随你编!,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not take their mobile phones into classroom.,Personally, I disagree with this idea. Primarily, mobiles are an indispensable communicating tool in modern life. They are popular not only because they make contact more convenient but allow people to handle emergency the first time it happens. Id take my friend Jenny for example. She and I both had marketing class on a Tuesday afternoon. Suddenly she passed out in class. She told me that morning, she had gotten diarrhea and was in a bad place. I informed the teacher and called her parents right away. With the school nurses help, she came to her senses right before her parents showed up. But she really needed to rest in bed. If I didnt have my cell with me, it would take a long time for us to tell her parents what was going on. And they wouldnt have showed up so quickly. That experience is why I think taking mobile phones with us is important.,立马编一个给你们瞅瞅,大家花2min 一人编一个!,Taboo 4: 逻辑有问题,是个大问题,虽然感觉托福要求不太高,但是大家还是要对自己有点要求,先想想翻成中文说不说的通啊 Solution: 体会英语的逻辑思维,灰常简单直接。论点加论据,举个例子,前后都表达一个意思,那就对了。 不过大家犯的逻辑错误都让人瞠目结舌。,Some students prefer to attend a smaller classes with discussion. Others prefer to attend a larger class with lecture. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.,Personally, I prefer to attend a smaller classes with discussion. It is because first of all, I can have an easier access to huge amount of knowledge and information ranging from history to biology. For instance, itll be easy for me to polish my speaking and listening skills by discussion. This can render me a good opportunity to practice my English, and eventually put me in a favorable position in the upcoming competition.,看完这篇口语我的表情是这样的。,Some students prefer to attend a smaller classes with discussion. Others prefer to attend a larger class with lecture. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation.,Also, I can make more friends in different background. We could have pleasant conversation not only about the academic information such as history, biology and economics, but also about the international events. In addition, during the process of discussion, and I can learn useful interpersonal skills or personality such as honesty and persistence from others. This can help me cooperate with others more effectively, and offer me more opportunities to make new acquaintance. With more partners, I could be likely to succeed.,你认为这个算有 detail和example吗?,常见的逻辑错误有哪些?,1. 无中生有! 没有提供背景,说一些自己assume顺利成章的事 需要把口语对象设置成完全不知道你是谁的托福考官 有2点好处:A你可以编故事 B你要给人家背景才能编 2.牛头不对马嘴! 前后表达的信息不是一个意思,如果是并列关系,起码是一类东西,不然跳跃太大,理解有障碍!,大家对照一下自己有没有犯过这样的错误,我们找两篇大家的文章来剖析一下嘞,吐槽大会开始了!,Taboo 5: 问你一个非常绝对的问题,你也给出一个灰常绝对的回答,这不是被下套了吗?! Solution: 作为学过马克思主义辩证思想的好青年,绝对肯定是不对的,所有事物都有特殊情况,即使真理也是有实现的前提(这种话翻成英文都可以用的啊)可以说大部分的情况支持,但特殊情况特殊对待,这样说话才是人话嘛,我们来听别人咩咩叫的!,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should always wear uniforms in school.,Ok, I totally agree that students should always wear uniforms in school. I believe its quite significant as wearing uniforms allows students to look more confident, spirited and most importantly, allow them to pay their attention on study other than thinking about what to wear every day. Besides, I think uniforms are an identity that represents the culture and image of a school, so they are there to remind students that whatever they do represents the school rather than themselves. In this way students can watch their behaviours and try to do everything that makes their schools proud.,很明显,这位作者三观不正。,Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should always wear uniforms in school.,Ok, I dont agree that students should always wear uniforms in school. I believe its quite inhuman to make teenagers to wea
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