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毕 业 论 文 题 目: Return to Nature On the Conflict between Nature and Civilization in Wuthering Heights 学 院: 外国语学院 摘要 艾米莉勃朗特是英国维多利亚时期一名杰出的作家。她短暂的一生只留下一部杰作呼啸山庄。这部小说因其永久的魅力和广泛的畅销被列为世界名著。然而,这部小说的价值直到二十世纪才被人们重新发现。随着时间的推移,她的小说越来越受到关注。一百多年来,学术界对其小说呼啸山庄分别从主题、主旨、写作技巧、语言风格、女性主义、生态批评等不同角度进行过研究。本文从象征主义的角度来解读自然和文明的关系,二者之间相互斗争,但最终因为文明的侵犯和本性的扼杀造成了西斯克里夫和凯瑟琳的爱情悲剧,同时折射出造成人类悲剧命运的根源和重回自然的思想。 勃朗特在呼啸山庄中构建起分别象征着自然的呼啸山庄和文明的画眉山庄,把维多利亚时代的矛盾压缩进两个家庭的故事中。本文以凯瑟琳的命运为中心线索,分别论证了呼啸山庄和画眉山庄的象征意义。凯瑟琳是文明和自然的交织点,通过论述凯瑟琳的异化,迷失和归复来说明文明压抑了人性,要求人顺应人性回归自然的思想。关键词:自然;文明;凯瑟琳;西斯克里夫;象征主义I Abstract Emily Bront is a brilliant writer in Victorian Age. In her short life, she writes only one novel, Wuthering Heights, which has become a worldwide classic for its enduring interest and wide popularity. However, the novel is ignored by the readers and critics of the Victorian Age. It is not until the 20th century that the true value of the novel is discovered. As time passes by, her novel has gained more and more attention. Throughout the hundred years the scholars have attained remarkable achievements from diffident points of view, such as themes, narrative skills, writing style, language, feminism and ecocriticism. This paper tries to apply symbolism to analyze the relation between nature and civilization, which are fighting with each other. But the violation of civilization and the death of nature are responsible for the tragedy of Heathcliff and Catherine. The novel mirrors the root of tragedy of human and akes people to return to nature. In this novel Bront builds Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, which are the tokens of nature and civilization respectively. She condenses the contradiction of the Victorian Age into the story of the two families. The paper is built around the fate of Catherine. It studies the symbolic meanings of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. Catherine is the conjunction of nature and civilization and the conflict of them is vividly shown in her. The alienation, loss and return of Catherine indicates that civilization represses the nature of human and man should return and comply to nature.Key words: nature; civilization; Catherine; Heathcliff; symbolism IIContents1. Introduction12. The Life of Nature in Wuthering Heights42.1 Wuthering Heightsthe Symbol of Nature42.2 The Wilderness of Catherine and Heathcliff53. The Life of Civilization in Thrushcross Grange83.1 Thrushcross Grangethe Symbol of Civilization83.2 The Lost Spirit between Nature and Civilization94. Conclusion12Works Cited14Acknowledgments15 III1. Introduction Emily Bront, the well-known novelist in English literary history, is the most accomplished among the Bront Sisters. All her life she only writes one novel, Wuthering Heights, which is published in 1947 under the pseudonym Ellis Bell. This book gives her worldwide fame. It is termed as one of the most shocking and charming works in the world literature. Algernon Charles Swinburne, the distinguished critic of England, puts that Emily is a genius of tragedy and her novel can stand in the same level with King Lear and Mobi Dick, or the Whale. (Swinburne,1883:18) As a marvelous work in world literature, Wuthering Heights is exceedingly attractive to the critics all around the world. They give it manifold interpretations with different theories from different points of views, such as the theme, the narrative method, the rhetoric devices, the analysis of characters, symbolism, imagery, gothic element, the background and experiences of Emily and the comparison between other works. The critics and scholars strain their brains to dig up the profound and practical meaning from this great work in an attempt to apply it to the modern society. Symbolism is one of the reasons to account for the charm of this novel. This novel grows out of the sittings, characters, plots, images and events. The symbolic settings of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange are important to the novel. Through the symbolic scenes, the different atmospheres have been presented lively. The characters complicated psychological activities become concrete, visual and acceptable through the use of symbolism. It offers Emily the opportunity to analyze the contradiction of her age through the interesting story. As E.M. Frost interprets Wuthering Heights, “the emotions of Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw function differently to other emotions in fiction.they surround them like thunder clouds, and generate the explosions that fills the novel. Wuthering Heights is filled with sound-storm and rushing wind, a sound more important than words and thoughts.” (Frost,2001:66) David Cecil said that Wuthering Heights is a symbol of natural philosophy of Emily and what Emily w
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