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阅读能力的高低,一般取决于两个方面,一是阅读理解程度,二是阅读的速度。读速快慢的测定往往用wpm表示。wpm即words per minute(每分钟读词数)。高考的阅读速度要求一般为每分钟7080个词。要达到高考要求,无论是平时的阅读还是做阅读理解测试题都应该做到“限时快速阅读”,并逐步养成在阅读时不要出声朗读也不心读的良好阅读习惯。阅读时不是一个个单词分开读,而是一组词、一组词地宽视幅(也称视距)扫读。,“快速阅读”(Speed reading)是解答“阅读理解”“完形填空”和“语法填空”等所有在语篇层面考查知识和技能的各类题型的基本阅读微技能。 “跳读抓大意”(Skipping reading for the main ideas)是完成“完形填空”和“语法填空”两大题型的第一步,是解题必备的、最重要的阅读微技能。只有先掌握了短文大意,才有可能快而准地找到正确答案。,在解“语法填空”和“完形填空”时,跳过文中所挖空的20个空白处,并绕跳文中不认识的单词,通过“通读”(Read-through)或“扫读” (Glancing),快速而连续不间断地浏览全文一遍,侧重对文章结构和主旨大意作出一个概括性的理解,抓住短文的主旨大意并理顺其逻辑关系,然后分别依据所涉及的话题内容、上下文的语意连贯以及词汇和语法知识去解题。,I loved working with my dad, but I hated a summer job he gave me. He owned a small 1 in Bank Street. In his shop, the most recently 2 person got the worst job, and the boss son was also 3 .,1. A. grocery B. butchers C. chain D. book 2. A. hired B. invited C. received D. trained 3. A. interested B. included C. affected D. offered,I didnt want to spend hours 4 the frost on the ceiling of the walk-in freezer, and it was the Saturday afternoons job that I hated most. We received fresh 5 every day. Chicken sat in wooden boxes and was 6 with crushed ice.,4. A. looking into B. tearing up C. cleaning up D. carrying on 5. A. fruit B. vegetable C. chicken D. grain 6. A. surrounded B. impressed C. accompanied D. cooked,During the week, the ice and the blood of the chicken slowly leaked into the container under the chicken, 7 its bloody smell. There was only one 8 to get rid of the blood and wash the container: hold my 9 and carefully slide the container from under the chicken, as I tried not to 10 the contents over my clothes, and then 11 into the drain(下水道).,7. A. finding B. making C. breaking D. creating 8. A. chance B. way C. place D. reason 9. A. arm B. nose C. breath D. head,There was only one 8 to get rid of the blood and wash the container: hold my 9 and carefully slide the container from under the chicken, as I tried not to 10 the contents over my clothes, and then 11 into the drain(下水道).,10. A. touch B. notice C. find D. splash 11. A. break B. divide C. empty D. allow,Soon, students who have cut lawns, painted houses, worked in offices, or maybe even worked in the butchers will 12 to school. Some will have great 13 others will come back with 14 ones.,12. A. adapt B. go C. return D. apply 13. A. memories B. beauty C. sadness D. frankness 14. A. exciting B. good C. amazing D. unpleasant,Looking back, I think my father could have 15 me from my weekly hell. However, my dad, whod dropped out of school to help support his family after his father died, was a teacher for me 16 . He knew treating me 17 from his other employees would be an unfair thing.,15. A. forced B. spared C. treated D. pushed 16. A. at heart B. in fact C. in case D. at home 17. A. kindly B. carefully C. differently D. warmly,Most importantly, he taught me to 18 those who do the hard and 19 tasks in life. For the next six summers, I 20 not as the boss son, but as one of other guys, and I cleaned the dirty container every Saturday afternoon. 18. A. witness B. influence C. hurt D. appreciate 19. A. dirty B. vital C. easy D. funny 20. A. came B. arrived C. played D. returned,本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者讲述了自己暑假在父亲的肉食店打工的经历,这使作者明白了我们要感激那些在生活中做又脏又累的工作的人。 1. B 他有一个小肉店(butchers)。根据下方提到Soon, students who have cut lawns, painted houses, worked in offices, or maybe even worked in the butchers可知,故选B。 2. A 在父亲的店里,新手会做最不好干的活,老板的儿子也不例外。故选A。 3. B 由上题可知,老板的儿子也包括在内(included)。故选B。 4. C 结合语境,“我”不想花费时间来清理(cleaning up)冷藏室里面的霜,故选C。,5. C 根据下方提到Chicken sat in wooden boxes可知,“我”们每天收到新鲜的冻鸡(chicken),故选C。 6. A 为了保存鸡肉,周围会放一些碎冰。故选A。 7. D 结合语境可知,此处指“发出(creating)难闻的血腥味”,故选D。 8. B 只有一种办法(way)可以去除血水并清洗容器。故选B。 9. C 根据上文内容可知,容器里有血腥味,因此作者屏住呼吸(breath)并小心地抽出容器。故选C。 10. D 根据上文内容可知,作者这么做尽量不让里面的东西溅到(splash)衣服上,故选D。,11. C 然后作者将容器里的脏水倒入(empty)水道里,故选C。 12. C 根据文章第一句以及最后一段内容可知,作者暑假期间在父亲的店里打工,所以此处指暑假结束后学生们都将返回(return to)学校。故选C。 13. A 一些人会有美好的回忆(memories)而一些人则会有不愉快的(unpleasant)经历,故选A。 14. D 由上题可知答案,故选D。 15. B 作者认为父亲本能够把他从地狱里救出来,spare sb. from 使某人免受,故选B。,16. B 作者觉得为了养家而辍学的父亲实际上(in fact)就是自己的老师,他让作者懂得了很多做人的道理。故选B。 17. C 作者知道父亲的区别对待是不公平的事。根据介词from可知与differently连用,故选C。 18. D 最重要的是,父亲教作者在生活中要理解那些从事又脏又累工作的人。 19. A 根据最后一段中的I cleaned the dirty containers.可知,此处应填“dirty”。故选A。 20. D 在接下来的六年里,每个夏天“我”都回去(returned),不是以老板儿子身份,和其他的伙计一样,做着打扫清理的工作,故选D。,frost n.霜 v.结霜 fresh adj.新鲜的 be surrounded with 被包围 crushed adj.压碎的 get rid of 处理掉,去掉 drop out of school 辍学 employee n.员工 most importantly 最重要的是,助读强化,Thank you !,
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