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,TWO BROKE GIRLS,The bankruptcy sisters “(2 Broke Girls), is a time in the United States on September 19, 2011 in Columbia broadcasting company (CBS) premiere of sitcom. Starring Michael Patrick king and Whitney cumming to create, for warner bros. television production company.,The play takes place in Williamsburg, brooklyn, New York City area, about two completely different urban identity background story of a girl. Max was born in poor families, and Caroline was born in rich families. Caroline come down, she had to earn money to work in Max hotel. Two people to consult to raise $250000 to start a new career.,Kat Dennings,Waitress from the lower classes, and also for a New York socialite nannies, realism, bold and love her irony, others to be baked good cupcakes.,来自低下阶层的女侍应,亦为一位纽约名流作保姆,她现实主义、大胆且喜爱讽刺别人,能烤得一手好的纸杯蛋糕。,Max Black,Beth Behrs,Come down in the rich girl Caroline sunshine and cheerful, hardworking, competent were liked by the audience.,落魄富家女Caroline阳光开朗又勤劳能干,受到观众们的喜爱。,Caroline Channing,Oleg&Sophie,Oleg:Restaurant chef, Ukrainians.,Sophie has a maid clean company, is a rich woman.,餐厅厨师,乌克兰人,Oleg:,Sophie:,拥有一所清洁女佣公司,是个有钱人,Sophie:,Jonathan Kite,Jennifer Coolidge,Matthew Moy,Han Lee,Restaurant owners, south koreans. Have read law for two years. Often come up with different ways for the restaurant to attract guests. Was short so often make fun of, and the personality weakness, is kind, caring, very wants to become a fashionable person.,餐厅老板,韩国人。曾读过两年法学。经常想出不同方法为餐厅招徕客人。个子很矮所以经常受到取笑,且个性软弱,却善良,有爱心,很想成为时髦的人。,Earl,Garrett Gonzalez Morris,Restaurant cashier, once into the music industry, a 75 - year old man.,餐厅收银员,曾入过音乐行业,现年75岁。,Were gonna be successful.Becouse we have the two things the really matter-you and me. 我们都会成功的,因为我们拥有最重要的两样东西-你和我,听着,谁二十多岁时不是穷光蛋。人人都有要逃避的事情,你选择躲进冷藏室,我选择视而不见和酒精麻醉。,Look eventually,youll learn to do that on the inside. 终有一天,你会学会泪往心里流。,So much spice,so much pain. 嘴巴这么毒,内心一定很苦吧。,Dont run,its Han.For him,every step we take is like a 100-meter dash. 不用跑,是Han而已。我们每走一步,对他的小短腿来说都是百米冲刺。,DNA decides what we are,but not who we are.What we are never changed,but who we are never stop changing. DNA决定了我们是什么人,但不能决定我们将成为什么人。我们是什么不会变,但我们能成为什么则在一直变化着。,剧照,TWO BROKE GIRLS,
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