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高考英语重点短语1.have the ability to do sth.有能力做某事2.be able to do sth有能力做某事3.above all尤其是,最重要的是4.go abroad去国外5.at home and abroad在国内外6.in sbs/during sbs absence不在时,缺席7.be absent from缺席,不在8.be absorbed in 专心致志于9.be generally accepted 被普遍接受10.have access to 可以进入11.by accident 偶然地12.accomplish goals 实现目标13.according to 根据14.account for 解释;说明;占15.take into account 考虑16.on account of 因为17.accuse sb. of sth. 指控18.be accustomed to sth/doing sth习惯于19.go across 穿过20.act as 充当21.be active in/take an active part in 积极参加22.acquire knowledge获得知识23.take action 采取行动24.be adapted to sth/adapt oneself to sth 适应25.in addition to 除了26.add up to 总计27.add to 增加28.add A to B 把A加到B29.in advance 事先30.admire sb. for钦佩的31.admit sb into/to sp允许某人进入某地32.admit doing 承认做过某事33.advanced technology 先进的技术34.take advantage of 趁机利用35.advise doing. 建议做某事36.advise sb. to do. 建议某人做某事37.advise sb against doing 建议某人不要做某事38.have affection for sb. 对某人有感情/喜爱某人39.afford+n./afford to do sth买得起40.after all毕竟41.ask after向问好42.be of an age都是同年的43.aged people上了年纪的人44.home for the aged 老人院45.agree to do sth答应做某事46.agree with sb同意某人47.agree to ones suggestion同意某人的建议48.agree on 对意见一致49.ahead of 在前面50.ahead of time 提前51.first aid急救52.aim at/take aim at 瞄准53.on the air广播着,播送着54.in alarm 惊慌地55.alarm clock 闹钟56.all day long整天57.all ones life的一生58.all the way一路上,一直59.all the same仍然,(虽然)还是60.all in all全部地;整个地;一切的;最重要的是61.in all/ altogether 总共62.allow sb to do允许某人做某事63.allow doing 允许做某事. 64.alternative methods 供选择的方法65.be amazed at惊讶66.have an ambition for 有的志向67.a large amount of大量的(修饰不可数名词)68.amuse sb with sth拿来消遣69.and so on 等等70.be angry with sb 对某人生气/发火.71.be angry at sth. 对某事生气72.be anxious about 对担心/忧虑73.be anxious for sth. 渴望得到某物74.answer for 负责75.anything but根本不,决不,一点也不76.apologize to sb for (doing) sth因向某人道歉77.make an apology 道歉78.It appears that. 似乎79.sb./ sth appears to do 似乎做80.apply to do 申请做81.apply for sth 申请82.apply A to B 把A应用于B中去83.be appointed as/to be. 被任命为84.an approach to (doing) sth. 一种做的方法85.stimulate /spoil appetite 刺激/破坏胃口86.make/keep an appointment 约会/ 守约87.appreciate (doing) sth 欣赏(做)某事88.appreciate your kindness in doing感激某人的好意做某事89.arouse curiosity引起好奇心90.artificial flowers 人造花91.argue with sb. 与某人辩论 92.argue for 赞成93.arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事94.make arrangements to do sth. 安排作某事95.under arrest/ attack 逮捕/ 受攻击96.on ones arrival当某人到达时97.be ashamed of 对感到羞耻的98.associate A with B联系/联想(抽象)99.ask about 询问100.ask for sth.要求得到某物101.ask for leave请假102.ask sth of sb要求,期望103.fall asleep 睡着104.be fast/sound asleep 睡得很熟105.be wide awake 脑子非常清醒睡不着106.in this aspect/respect 在这个方面107.assure sb. of sth. 向某人保证108.attachto把附在上109.attach importance to 重视110.pay attention to (doing) sth.注意111.make an attempt to do sth/ attempt to do sth.企图做尝试做112.have a different attitude towards/to对有不同的态度113.be attracted by 被吸引114.a large/small audience 很多/少听众115.arise from/ out of 由发生;产生于;升起;出现 116.approve of (doing)sth 赞成(做)某事117.avoid doing 避免做118.sth. be available to 某人可以得到某物119.on (the) average 平均120.award sb. for doing sth. 因而授于某人 121.be aware of意识到122.keep balance 保持平衡123.keep the balance of nature 保持自然平衡124.ban smoking禁止吸烟125.be based on 基于,以为基础126.begin with 由开始/结束127.hold a belief 持有信念128.believe in 信任、信仰129.belong to 属于(主动)130.bear sth in mind牢记131.bear a baby生孩子132.behave yourself 守规矩133.fall behind落后134.leave sth. behind 遗留某物; 把某物落在某地135.sth. benefit sb./sth be beneficial to sb 某物使某人受益136.sb. benefit from某人从中得益137.beyond my power超过我的能力138.beyond my comprehension/ me 我无法理解139.be bitterly punished 受到严厉的惩罚140.bitter memory 痛苦的回忆141.blame sb for sth. 因责备某人142.blame sth on sb 把某事归咎在某人身上143.sb be to blame for sth.某人因而应受到责备144.be blind to 盲目, 对视而不见145.turn a blind eye to 对视而不见146.be blind in the left/right eye 左/右眼瞎了147.be blocked=be held up 被堵了148.a block of ice 一大块冰149.blood type/group血型150.make a blood test验血151.aim a blow at sb对某人猛烈一 击152.blow off 吹走 I had m hat blown off153.black and blue all over浑身青一块紫一块154.notice board 通知栏155.on board 在船上/飞机上.156.join the board/the army/the party参加董事会/参军/入党157.boast of /about sth 吹嘘/夸耀158.body and soul 身心159.build up ones body/character健全体魄/培养性格160.book a ticket for 预定一张.的票161.place an order for sth with .向.预定.162.booking office售票处163.on the border of China and Russia在中俄边界164.be bored with/be fed up with/ be tired of 对于感到厌倦165.be bored to death厌烦得要死166.be born of poor parents出生于贫苦家庭167.be born in a poor family出生于贫苦家庭168.be born with sth天生具有.169.a born musician 一天生音乐家170.borrow sth from sb/sp从.借.171.bother oneself about sth担心某事172.bother sb with sth 用.纠缠/烦扰某人173.a
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