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学校 班级 姓名 考号2015-2016学年第二学期小学四年级英语试题(15分钟 满分50分)一、照样子,写句子。(5分)二、从下列三个选项中选出不同类的一项。(5分)( ) 1.A.China B. London C. Canada( ) 2. A.potato B. tomato C. noodle ( ) 3. A.window B. shoe C. clothes ( ) 4.A.reading B. cleaning C. wash ( ) 5.A.flower B. cake C. pizza 三、读一读,将正确选项的序号填入括号内。(8分)( ) 1. Where are you from? Im from_ . A. the U.S B. pear C. want( ) 2. Panda live in _. A. Britain B.Australia C. China( ) 3. Can you clean your shoes?Yes I _. A.am B. can C. cant( ) 4.What are you doing? Im _ my clothes. A.wash B. washing C. washes( ) 5. What would you like ? Id like _. A. noodles B. shoes C. flowers( ) 6. Would you like something to drink? Id like A. Cake B. Orange juice C. Potato( ) 7. _. Shes washing clothes. A.Where are you from? B. What would you like? C. Whats mum doing?( ) 8. I want eat rice. A. to B. in C.at.三、读一读,将正确选项的序号填入括号内。(10分)( )1. Where do you live? A. Yes, I like.( )2.What do you want to eat? B. No,I cant.( )3.Can you clean the floor? C. I often do my homework.( )4.What do you do at the weekend? D. I live in Yiyuan.( )5. Would you like some soup? E.I want to eat jiaozi .四、情景对话,根据你的实际情况回答。(12分)A:Hello,Im Mike. B:Hello,Im .A:Nice to meet you. B: .A:Where are you from? B: .A:Where do you live? B: .A:What do you do at the weekend ? B:I often .A:What would you like? B:Id like .五、读一读,判断正误。(10分)The people of Riceland grow rice.They cant make clothes. The people of Clothesland make clothes.They cant grow rice. The people of Riceland dont have clothes.They are cold in winter.The people of Clothesland dont have rice.They are hungry.They have a good idea.They exchange rice and clothes. They become good friends.Everyone is happy! (people 人们,grow 种植, idea 主意,exchange 交换,become 成为.)( )1. The people of Riceland make clothes.( )2. The people of Clothesland arent cold in winter.( )3. The people of Riceland are hungry.( )4. The people of Riceland and the people of Clothesland exchange rice and clothes.( )5. The people of Riceland and the people of Clothesland are very happy!
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