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Siege of China,Culture,Traditional Culture,Traditional culture is the civilization evolution which sink a reflection of national character and style of national cultural integration. It is the overall characterization of various thoughts, culture and idea form in the national history,Foreign Culture,Foreign culture refers to non-nations created and developed in the process of historical development with the national characteristic by the non-nations.,传统节日 VS 外来节日,传统婚礼 VS 西式婚礼,传统饮食 VS 外来饮食,国产动漫 VS 外国动漫,国产剧 VS 韩剧,Reason,1.Blindness 2.Conformity 3.Speculation,Advantage,1.Learn new things 2.Understand each other,Disadvantage,1.Lack of political consciousness 2.Weaken the national consciousness and the sense of patriotism 3.Emerge individualism and anarchism 4Vulgar aesthetic taste,For foreign cultures, we should discard their dross and select their essence . 取其精华,去其糟粕, !,
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