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www.ks5u.com能力提升题组训练(B).阅读理解AYou must have heard of Tesla motors,but do you know Nicola Tesla? Born on 10th July 1856 in Croatia,in Eastern Europe.Tesla was interested in electricity from a very young age.In 1881,one of the first telephone exchanges opened in Budapest.Tesla moved there and got a job.It was here that Tesla first thought of the idea of the alternating current (交流电) (AC). In 1884,Tesla moved to America and worked for Thomas Edison.But Tesla worked for Edison for less than a year.Tesla was sure his AC motor was the best way to capture (获取) and transport the power of electricity.However,Edison thought his way of using direct current (DC) was better and considered AC to be unsafe.But soon the scientific community accepted AC was more powerful than DC and it was proved safe. In 1895,Tesla designed the first water power plant using the energy of the Niagara Falls.And he did it using the AC motor.After the success of AC,Tesla became well-known.He travelled and spoke to many scientists about his inventions and ideas.He built a large laboratory where he did amazing things with lights and electricity.However,it burned down not long after it was built. As Tesla got older,he continued to come up with new ideas and theories.But he was less successful and famous.Many people didnt recognize that particular inventions were really Tesla s ideas.Tesla gave speeches about creating electrical power from the earths atmosphere. He also talked about ways that wireless electricity and communication could power things all over the world! But to the people of his time,these ideas sounded crazy. However,some of his ideas have now been supported by modern research and technology. Teslas last years were lonely and sad.He received many awards,but received very little money.When he died in 1943,he was no longer famous and felt forgotten. Today,not many people know the name of Nicola Tesla but his inventions and ideas affect our lives every day!1.Why did Tesla stop working for Edison?A.Tesla was badly paid there. B.They had some disagreements. C.They had very different characters. D.Tesla wanted to move back to Europe.2.In his later years,Tesla.A.lived a colorful life B.was misunderstood and doubtedC.was unable to think out new ideas D.rose to fame as an award-winning inventor3.We can learn from the text that Tesla.A.became famous as an assistant to EdisonB.was ahead of modern technologyC.had great interest in travelling D.was not good at speeches4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A.Nicola Tesla,a challenger for difficultiesB.Nicola Tesla,a dreamer in scienceC.Nicola Tesla,a forgotten inventorD.Nicola Tesla,a strange scientist语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了一位被遗忘的伟大科学家和发明家尼古拉特 斯拉。答案及剖析:1.B细节理解题。根据第二段中Tesla was sure his AC motor was the best way to capture (获取) and transport the power of electricity.However,Edison thought his way of using direct current (DC) was better and considered AC to be unsafe.But soon the scientific community accepted AC was more powerful than DC and it was proved safe.可知,特斯拉主张用交流电机传输电流,而爱迪生更看好自己的直流电,由此可推测,两人之间的分歧导致特斯拉不再继续为爱迪生工作。2.B推理判断题。根据第四段的Many people didnt recognize that particular inventions were really Teslas ideas及第五段的these ideas sounded crazy.可知,特斯拉在晚年遭受误解和质疑。3.B推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的However,some of his ideas have now been supported by modern research and technology.可知,Tesla走在了现代科技的前面。4.C标题归纳题。文章首句以问句形式引出本文的主人公,文章结尾句Today,not many people know the name of Nicola Tesla but his inventions and ideas affect our lives every day!与首句相呼应,结合全文内容可知,特斯拉是一名伟大的发明家,然而却不被人们所铭记。由此可知C项作文章标题贴切。B(2018湖南湘潭高三三模)John Glenn,the first American to orbit the earth,died at 95,who was the last surviving member of a group known as “the Mercury Seven” test pilots who were chosen to become Americas first astronauts.Barack Obama released a statement about Glenns death:“Our nation has lost an icon and Michelle and I have lost a friend.”He praised Glenn for a lifetime of breaking barriers,including setting a transcontinental speed record and becoming the oldest man ever to go into space.He served as a military pilot in World War and the Korean conflict.Then,he served as a test pilot on military airplanes.On February 20,1962,Glenn became the first American to orbit the earth.He flew a spacecraft named the Friendship 7.He orbited three times during the almost five-hour flight.In 1998,he also became the oldest man to fly in space.The United States space agency,NASA,wanted to study the possible effects of space travel on old people.NASA said that they already had so much information about Glenn,so he was perfect for it.Glenn was not only an astronaut but a politician.He was a member of the Democratic Party.He first sought political office in 1964,to represent Ohio in the US Senate.He withdrew from the race after an injury,however.He ran again six years later but didnt win the partys nomination.Fin
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