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专科英语(一) 1 单选题 1 I m very sorry to tell you that ( ) of you failed in the test this time. C A fewB fewerC someD that2 There are _ stars in the sky. B A million ofB millions ofC the millionD a million of3 The clock ( ) 10 when I got up this morning B A toldB saidC readD spoke4 It is said that the management will( )food and drink. D A benefitB profitC finishD provide5 The children were excited ( ) opening their presents. B A forB aboutC inD to6 In his opinion, success in life ( ) depends on how we get along with other people. A A mainlyB majorlyC personallyD friendly7 Is there anything I can do for you, sir? . D A A. Perhaps. Go aheadB No. Take your timeC Yes, Youre welcomeD Not now. Thanks anyway8 We havent got furniture like theirs in our home. D A aB . theC someD any9 -May I go out to play basketball, Dad?-No, you _. You must finish your homework first. A A mustntB may notC couldntD neednt10 W: Did Bill say it was going to be fine on Sunday?Q: What are they talking about? B A The weather on Sunday.B Their Sunday plan.C Bills birthday.D Bills job.11 I have a ( ) idea of what I want to express. B A generousB generalC regularD widespread12 She has decided to ( ) show business. A A quitB drawC giveD tend13 Even though I have only , let me pay the bill. A A a few dollarsB few dollarsC a little dollarD little dollar14 Lincoln was born on _. A A February 12, 1809B 1809, February 12C 809, 12 FebruaryD February 1809, 1215 _ late again, Bill! B A Dont to beB Dont beC Not beD Be not16 What do you plan to do tomorrow? _ B A Im sorry to hear that.B What about going for a movie?C I dont want to say.D Its a pity you cant come.17 W: Hi, Mike, How is your interview yesterday?Q: What do we know about Mike? B A Mike slept late in the morning.B Mike probably didnt get the job.C Mike didnt care about his clothing.D Mike didnt talk in the interview.18 W: Hi, Tom, How is your interview yesterday? Question: What do we know about Tom? B A He slept late in the morning.B He probably didnt get the job.C He didnt care about his clothing.D He didnt talk in the interview.19 Do you think there is any room for us _ ? A A twoB the twoC secondD the second20 -Ive got an offer in New York. -Oh, ! But Im going to miss you. D A thats too badB Im sorryC I beg your pardonD thats great21 W:Hi, its nice to see you again. Youve changed a lot. Q: What does the man say about his hair? B A It is longer than before.B It is shorter than before.C It is as long as before.D It has different color.22 They give 10% ( ) for cash payment. A A discountB moneyC bonusD fund23 W: Hey, Mike, whats that youre reading?Q: What do we learn about Mike? B A He enjoys reading letters.B He has been job-hunting.C He is offering the woman a job.D He is working for a company.24 No driver is allowed to drive his car into this area ( ) he has a special pass. A A unlessB ifC if onlyD except25 Look out! The knife is very sharp. You _ cut your finger. D A needB mustC shouldD may26 It will only take me a minute to get your shoes repaired; it will be ready( ). A A right awayB by the wayC at lastD in that case27 The girl the bicycle is Jane. A A riding onB driving inC riding inD . driving on28 The mother was filled with ( ) about her sons health. B A disappointmentB anxietyC frightD eagerness29 She thought she had found the ( ) place to live. B A betterB perfectC wellD nicer30 Dont ( ) such a little girl do what she cant do. D A forceB obligeC orderD make31 The tradition of using chopsticks(筷子) was introduced many other countries. D A withB ofC fromD to32 I my firm to attend that meeting last week. D A showedB presentedC referredD represented33 Poor ( )and excess(过量) smoking will seriously damage the health of your hair. C A eatB foodsC dietD meal34 W: How long will it take you to fix my watch? Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers? D A Librarian and student.B Operator and caller.C Boss and secretary.D Customer and repairman.35 I never have meals in those dirty restaurants.( ). C A So do I.B So have I.C Nor do I.D Nor have I.36 Who will know how to( ) the system? D A permitB foundC employD operate37 That country claimed that its nuclear ( ) were safe. B A instrument
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