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free talk,How was your last weekend? Did you do anything interesting? What did you do last weekend?,Guessing game!,What did he do last weekend?,He played badminton.,He went boating.,What did he do last weekend?,He went to the cinema.,What did he do last weekend?,They went to the beach.,What did they do last weekend?,They went fishing.,What did they do last weekend?,He did his homework.,What did he do last weekend?,They visited a history museum.,What did they do last weekend?,Did you like reading these stories when you were young?,Module 8 Unit 1 Once upon a time,Listen and check the true sentences:,The story is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 2. The story begins: Once upon a time 3. Goldilocks was a girl with hair of gold. 4. Goldilocks lived in the forest. She decided(决定) to go for walk in the park with her basket.,near,forest,1.Who was Goldilocks ? 2.Where was she? 3.What did Goldilocks notice?,She was a little girl with gold hair.,She was in the forest.,She noticed a house.,Now number the pictures in the correct order.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1. Goldilocks _some flowers.,2. Soon she was _.,3. She _a little house.,4. She _to the house.,5. She _ on the door.,6. She _the door.,7. She _the house.,8. She _three bowls.,picked,lost,noticed,hurried,knocked,pushed,entered,counted,Fill in blanks,Read and answer the questions.,1 Did she pick any flowers in the forest? 2 Did she notice a big tree in the forest? 3 Was the door open?,No, she didnt. She noticed a little house.,Yes, she did.,Yes, it was.,4 Was there food in the bowls? 5 Did she want to eat the food? 6 Did she like the big bowl?,Yes, there was.,Yes, she did.,No, she didnt. She liked the small bowl.,Read by yourself. Understand the dialogue.,Can you tell the story with these photos?,1,2,6,5,4,3,8,7,count,enter,hurry,knock,pick,push,notice,be lost,picked,was lost,noticed,hurried,knocked,pushed,entered,There were,Goldilocks picked some flowers.,Soon she was lost.,She noticed a little house.,She hurried to the house.,She knocked on the door.,She pushed the door.,She entered the house.,There were three bowls on the table.,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,knocked,noticed,hurried,pushed,lost,picked,Work in groups to retell the story,entered,counted,Work in pairs.,A: How does the story begin? B: Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Goldilocks. She lived near a big forest. One day, she decided to A: Did she often ? B: ,5 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.,around bowl dark enter knock nobody pick push towards,One day Goldilocks walked into the forest and_ some flowers. It was very _ and soon she was lost. She looked _ her, and saw a little house, and she walked _ it. Then she _ on the door, but there was _ in. She _ the door and _ the house. There were three _ on the table, a small one, a big one and a very big one.,picked,dark,around,towards,knocked,nobody,pushed,entered,bowls,摘一些花 迷路 注意到一所小房子 匆忙朝房子走去 等一下 敲门 推门 进入房子,pick some flowers be lost notice a little house hurry to the house wait a moment knock on/at the door push the door enter the house,Key Phrases,有三只碗 独自一人 散步 环顾四周 饿了 刚好 吃光了所有食物,There were three bowls all alone go for a walk look around be hungry be just right finish all the food,Key Phrases,Language points,1. decide to do 决定做某事 e.g. I decided to make friends with him. decide not to do 决定不做某事 She decided not to play with Dave. 2. be lost 迷路 (= get lost / be missing) e.g. The boy was lost and his parents looked for him everywhere. 3. look around 环顾四周 walk /turn around e.g. The boy looked around, but he didnt see anybody.,4. hurry to sp匆匆忙忙去 = go toin a hurry e.g.Li Ming hurried to the room with no word. =Li Ming went to the room in a hurry with no word. hurry to do 匆匆忙忙去做=do in a hurry 5. maybe 可能 可以和may 替换, 但maybe常用于句首, 而may be常用 于句中。 e.g. Maybe he is at home. = He may be at home.,6. pick up 捡起, 拿起 e.g. Please pick up the books for me. pick sb up 接某人 e.g. Please wait at the school gate. John will pick you up there. 7. all (两个以上)都; both(两个)都 两个在句中的位置一样 放在be 动词,助动词之后;实意动词之前。 e.g. All the students are listening to the teacher. (adj.) All of the students are listening to the teacher. (pron.) The students are all listening to the teacher. (adv.) Not all the students are listening to the teacher. (部分否定),1.We decided _ the books again. A. to count B. count C. counted 2. She was _ in the city. A. got lose B. lost C. loses 3. Listen! Someone _ the door. A. knocks on B. is knocking C. is knocking on,A,B,C,Choose the best answers.,4. The bear looked _ the room, but there was no one in it. A. at B. into C. for 5.She was very _, so she ate all the food. A. happy B. exciting C. hungry,B,C,Choose the best answers.,1.从前,这里的人很穷。 _,the people here were poor. 2.我昨天匆匆忙忙地去了医院。 I _ the hospital yesterday. 3.今天早上他捡起一把长尺
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