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,1) cultural A responses 2) angry B treatment 3) bad C differences 4) different D values 5) unfair E words,Task 1,Answer the questions by matching the following items.,1 What factors will cause culture clashes?,1) mutual A spirit 2) active B understanding 3) cooperative C cooperation 4) fair D communication 5) open E treatment,Task 1,2 How can people solve culture clashes?,Task 2,Colors have different symbolic meanings in different cultures. Match the colors with their cultural meanings in China and in the West.,Step 1,A yellow B white C red D green,C,A,D,B,Color culture,Reasons for culture differences:,1. Different tradition,2. Different national psychology and treat things in different ways,3. Different religious belief,4. Different life style,5. Different emotional color,Color culture,Interesting colors in China and western countries,as strong as a horse,力大如牛,as blind as a bat,鼠目寸光,as timid as a rabbit,胆小如鼠,for the birds,对牛弹琴,goose flesh,鸡皮疙瘩,拦路虎,a lion in the way,Color culture,Interesting colors in China and western countries,吹牛,Talk horse,挥金如土,spend money like water,红糖,brown sugar,红颜,beauty,He is a green teacher.,他是一位没有经验的老师,Task 2,Work in pairs. Talk to each other about a real event youve experienced when the same color means differently.,Step 2,Red, corresponding with fire, symbolizes good fortune and joy. During Chinese New Year, other holidays and family gatherings, red can be found everywhere. And red is strictly forbidden at funerals as it is a traditionally symbolic color of happiness.,Reading It,Fish Cheeks Amy Tan,Better acquaintance,Background information,About the Author,谭恩美(Amy Tan),著名美籍华裔女作家,1952年出生于美国加州。作品有喜福会、接骨师之女、沉没之鱼等。 喜福会(The Joy Luck Club)由谭恩美根据外婆和母亲的经历写成并于1989年出版,一出版就大获成功,连续40周登上纽约时报畅销书排行榜,销量达到500万册,并获得了“全美图书奖”等一系列文学大奖,还被好莱坞拍成了电影,创下了极高的票房佳绩。,Background information,鱼脸。一般来说 鱼脸上的肉,即月牙肉,鱼鳃边最细滑最鲜嫩的所在,是一个鱼身上最美味的地方。据说从前土匪绑票,都是先饿人质两天,然后做顿鱼,就等着看人质从哪里下筷子。筷子先夹鱼脊背、肉多的地方,肯定是穷人家孩子,放了算了;要是先吃月牙肉,那必须死等赎金,这是富贵人家的香火。,fish cheek,Reading It,Fish Cheeks Amy Tan,1 I fell in love with the ministers son the winter I turned 14. For Christmas I prayed that this blond-haired boy called Robert would like me too.,2 When I found out that my parents had invited the ministers family over for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried. What would Robert think of our shabby Chinese Christmas? What would he think of our noisy Chinese relatives who lacked proper American manners? What terrible disappointment would he feel upon seeing not a roasted turkey and sweet potatoes but Chinese food?,* Words,minister n. 牧师;部长,pray v. 祈祷;强烈地希望,*blond a. (男子)金发的,*shabby a. 寒酸的;破烂的,relative n. 亲属;亲戚,*lack v. 没有;缺乏,proper a. 适当的;恰当的,roast v. 烤;烘;焙,*turkey n. 火鸡,sweet potato 蕃薯;红薯,Better acquaintance,2 可是,当我发现父母已经邀请牧师全家在圣诞前夜来我家聚餐时便大哭起来。我们家这种寒酸的中国式圣诞节,罗伯特会怎么想呢?他又会以什么样的眼光看待我们家这些缺乏美式礼节、喜欢大声喧哗的亲戚们?当他看不到桌子上有烤鸡和红薯而满眼都是中国菜的时候又会是怎样的失望啊?,1 十四岁那年的冬天,我爱上了牧师家的儿子。圣诞节要来了,我为这个金发小帅哥罗伯特祈祷。,3 On Christmas Eve I saw that my mother was creating a special Chinese meal. She was pulling the black veins out of the backs of fleshy prawns. The kitchen was filled with terrible piles of raw food: a big fish with shining eyes that begged not to be thrown into a pan of hot oil; tofu, which looked like bricks made of chalk; a bowl, soaking dried mushrooms back to life and a plate of squid, their backs cut so that they looked like bicycle tires.,4 And then they arrivedthe ministers family and all my relatives with a lot of doorbell ringing and Christmas packages of all shapes and sizes. Robert grunted hello, and I pretended he was not there.,*vein n. 脉络;纹路,*fleshy a. 多肉的;肥胖的,*prawn n. 对虾;明虾,kitchen n. 厨房,pile n. 堆,raw a. 生的;未加工的,*pan n. 锅;平底锅,*chalk n. 粉笔,*soak v. 浸;泡;浸透,mushroom n. 蘑菇,*squid n. 乌贼;墨鱼;鱿鱼,*tire n. 轮胎,package n. 包;包裹,*grunt v. 嘟哝着说,pretend v. 假装;装作,4 门铃不断作响,是他们来了罗伯特一家,还有我家那些亲戚,带着各式各样的圣诞礼物陆续来了。罗伯特嘴里对我咕哝了一句你好, 我却假装对他视而不见。,3 圣诞前夜我看到妈妈创制出来的奇特菜谱。只见她正从那些肥胖的对虾背上抽取虾线,厨房里到处都是一堆堆可怕的鲜活食品:一条大鱼正鼓着眼睛祈求不要被扔入油锅里,豆腐看起来就像是石垩做出来的砖块,碗里水发着干蘑菇,盘子里的章鱼被切得和自行车轮胎一样。,5 Dinner threw me deeper into despair. My relatives licked the ends of their chopsticks and reached across the table, dipping them into the dozen or so plates of food. Robert and his family waited patiently for the dishes to be passed to them. My relatives murmured with pleasure when my mother brought out the whole steamed fish. Roberts face twisted in an unpleasant way. Then my father pushed in his chopsticks just below the fish eye and pulled out the soft meat. “Amy, your favorite,” he said, offering me the tender fish cheek. I wanted to disappear!,6 At the end of the meal my father leaned back and belched loudly, thanking my mother for her fine cooking. “Its a polite Chinese custom to
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