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,Take a Glance at Shenyang Areospace University,By cuizhao 29 October 2013 Last updated at 20:12,Brief introduction of history,Since it was founded by the government in 1952, Shenyang Aerospace University has been one of the key aeronautical and astronautical universities in China. While focusing on Engineering, SAU offers 46 disciplines of undergraduate study, 50 disciplines of graduate study and joint programs for doctorates. SAU has established co-operative agreements with over 200 Universities and Companies around the globe and an active exchange program for both teachers and students. Degrees from Shenyang Aerospace University are recognized world-wide.,Campus Map,The Structure of the campus is an aircraft model , although,uncompleted.,In the west of the campus is daoyi southern street , the main street here , and the detail address is 37th.,After your entering into the campus , the first thing you see is the plane apron ,behind which is the library.,On your left hand , you will see the Office Building . Important meetings and works are being done here.,Turn around on your right hand,walk toward in the direction of west ,youwill see the three Teaching buildings on your left.,A few steps later ,the beautiful Qingyang lake and the Bluesky Theater will appear in your eyes.,Stand by the road , on your right ,there is a small bridge,go across the bridge ,its the Southern Living Area.,Shops,canteen,market,activity rooms etc.all of those will be founded here.Also , the dormitory of teachers , part of the students and all of the students studying abroad are located here.,Now back on the road ,and go circling with it ,you will find the Northern Living Area on your right hand , and the sports field is on your left.,Keep moving ,youll see the Gymnasium in front of you.,A hundred steps or more youll see the Machineyr Building is onyour left,near the back of the library ,and the Art Building is on your right .,The students majoring in mechanical engineering and arts are studying in each of their builings.,After a long period of footsteps , the three buildings arranged in sequence is the Engineering Test Center , The Yifu Technology Building , The Economics and Management Building.Curriculums and test works are being done here , with the guidence of teachers.,Now we come back to the point of original starting area.youll realized that the main road in the camps is a circle,and all the buildings were built by the side of the two side of it . After your simple strolling around the campus , I think you will have a general understanding of it . For more detail understanding of our university ,looking forward to your coming !,
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