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Short a sound,株洲市芦淞区湘江小学 李菡,Hello! My names . Nice to meet you!,Z,a,c,I like jam. I dont like cats or ants.,I like jam. I dont like cats or ants.,Read the words with short a sound and the picture book accurately and fluently. 准确流利地读出带有短音a的单词以及Zac的故事。,Task assignment:,我知道一个魔法山洞,听说洞里有可以让我变得更聪明的果酱( ),它就藏在魔法盒子里。 你们愿意跟我一起去探险吗?,魔盒一 魔法墙上的单词,正确读出魔法墙上的单词,魔盒就会出现!,a,t,a,r,a,s,t,t,a,f,a,f,n,a,r,n,a,c,n,a,p,n,rat,sat,ran,can,pan,fan,Lets read!,fat,魔盒二 魔法卡牌,亲爱的小朋友:,这是一套神奇的魔法卡牌,正确拼读出上面的单词,魔盒才会再次出现哦!,Lets blend!,Zac的故事,Look and say 看一看,说一说,Zac is a rat.,Look and choose 看图选卡片,Zac,sat,can,pan,fan,Zac,sat,on,a can.,ants,rat,can,jam,sat,ran,fat,Look and say 看一看,说一说,ants,rat,can,jam,sat,ran,fat,Look and say 看一看,说一说,ants,rat,can,jam,sat,ran,fat,Look and say 看一看,说一说,ants,rat,can,jam,sat,ran,fat,Look and say 看一看,说一说,The ants .,ran to,the jam,What should Zac do? Zac该怎么办呀?,Read and match. (读句子,匹配至对应的图片下),4,5,Zac had a fan.,Zac的办法起作用了吗?,Zac had a pan.,6,The ants ran and ran.,7,Zac had a _ _ _.,n,a,p,Listen and write,Lets enjoy the story!,Task fulfillment(完成任务),Work in groups of 6 and read the story.,6人一小组,合作读出Zac的故事。,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Zac is a rat.,Zac sat on a can.,The ants ran to the jam.,Zac had a pan.,Zac had a fan.,The ants ran and ran.,Zac had a nap.,Summary,Choose a title for the story. 为故事选择合适的标题。 Zac the Rat The Ants and the Jam,Summary,If you like Zac the rat, you can read more stories on www.starfall.com. 如果你喜欢Zac the Rat这个故事,你还可以到www.starfall.com网站上阅读更多的故事。,Homework,1. Tell the story Zac the rat to your parents in English. 用英语向你的爸爸、妈妈讲述Zac the Rat的故事。 2. Label the pictures in Zac the Rat with words with short a sound. 为每一张图片标注 带有短音a的单词,THANKS !,
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