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,The population problem is one of the most serious problems in the world today. China has the largest population in the world. If population grows too fast, it will bring lots of serious troubles. Overpopulation makes the traffic crowded. It makes the environment terrible. So we must try our best to control the population.,Bad effects,Food shortage Water shortage City problems pollution,The Starving Sudan,饥饿的苏丹,Kevin Carter , a free lance photographer, for a picture first published in The New York Times of a starving Sudan ese girl who collapsed the Pulitzer for Featured Photography in 1994 for his photograph of a vulture that appeared to be stalking a starving child in southern Sudan,The photographer,The Chinese Version,饥饿的苏丹 这张照片是凯文.卡特赢得九四年普立兹新闻特写摄影奖的作品。那是一个苏丹女童,即将饿毙跪倒在地,而兀鹰正在女孩后方不远处,虎视眈眈,等候猎食女孩的画面。这张震撼世人的照片,引来诸多批判与质疑。当人们纷纷打听小女孩的下落,遗憾的是,卡特也不知道。他以新闻专业者的角色,按下快门,然后,赶走兀鹰,看着小女孩离去。 在他获颁这一生最高的荣誉两个月之后,卡特自杀身亡。道德良心上的遣责,可能是卡特无奈结束生命的原因之一吧? 在我们周围,正有无数这样的图像在形成、在发生,你我是否也仅止于按下人生镜头的快门,然后,漠然地擦肩而过?,They are the babies!,The mother and children,Food only !,To them, our wastes are their biggest fortune,Do you know what are they doing?,Can you guess?,Fight with tomatoes! 西红柿大战,Revelers throw tomatoes during the annual tomato fight fiesta in the village of Bunol, near Valencia, Spain, Wednesday, Aug. 26, 2009.,Bunols town hall estimated more than 40,000 people, some from as far away as Japan and Australia, took up arms Wednesday with 100 tons of tomatoes in the yearly food fight.,8月27日,在西班牙首都马德里以西300公里的布尼奥尔,两名男子在传统节日“番茄大战”活动中倒在番茄汁中。每年,都会有数万名来自世界各地的游客来到布尼奥尔参加“番茄大战”。,64,Water Shortage,Do you know that?,1.Of a population of roughly 6.1 billion, more than 1 billion lack access to potable water. 2.About 5 million people die each year from poor drinking water, poor sanitation, or a dirty home environment - often resulting from water shortage,Water Fight,Have you ever heard of,Water Fight,Egypt, whose population of 68 million may reach 97 million by 2025, gets essentially no rainfall. All agriculture is irrigated by seasonal floods from the Nile River, and from water stored behind the Aswan High Dam. Any interference with water flow by Sudan or Ethiopia could starve Egypt. “The Nile is one I worry about,“ says Sandra Postel, director of the Global Water Policy Project. Egypt, she says, is militarily powerful but vulnerable. “The hydropolitics might favor some military action, because Egypt is so heavily dependent on the Nile, its already virtually tapping out the supply, and Ethiopia is now getting interested in developing the headwaters.“ When a World Bank official suggested several years ago that water wars are not far off, he might have had Egypt on his mind - or Turkey, Syria and Iraq, another trio of Middle-Eastern states that are locked in an uncomfortable embrace over water.,上海,Shanghai,The other side of Shanghai,15% of people live in such kind of house!,This kind of phenomenon can also find in Shanghai,Do you still want to go to Shanghai?,Do you still want to go to Shanghai?,These are not true snows.,Sometimes colorful things are a kind of burden!,Tomorrows mountain,Job haunting,Can you guess what are they doing?,Transpotation pressure,
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