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主讲教师:*,第1讲:衔接课(A),入门测,时间:10分钟,Leading in,Presentation,Consolidation,Homework,Structure,Leading in,英国心理学家的一个测试,最近超级火爆。这棵树上有21个小黄人,10秒内选择你最想在的位置。,Leading in,选择1.3.6.7 积极、热情、阳光都是你的特质,面对困难与未知,乐观的你不会轻易地被打倒。你坚信会越挫越勇,只要报着积极向上的态度,没有什么事解决不了。这样的人很容易取得成功。 选择2. 你在朋友圈里富有群众魅力。在朋友的心里,你的地位无可撼动。当朋友快乐时,你愿意和她分享喜悦。当朋友有困难时,你总是第一个站出来想方设法地去解决。仗义的你自然大家的都很喜欢。 选择4 你随遇而安,对于物质要求不会很高。你看重的是精神上的安逸与舒适。你的革新精神比较弱,难以接受按部就班的生活被打破。在追逐成功的路上也是如此,你希望能一帆风顺,没有任何阻碍的抵达终点。,Leading in,选择5 你生性忧郁悲观。生活中很难有事物能吸引你的注意力。苦闷烦恼积郁在心中,你不愿向别人抱怨诉苦也找不到倾诉的方式。这样的你对生活没有任何动力。 选择9 你在朋友圈中一定属于活跃气氛的高手。不拘小节,没有心机。总是喜欢用一种简单的方式去和别人相处。好奇心很强,只要是你感兴趣的东西,一定要玩出花样。 选择13.21 你是一个外向的孤独患者,封闭的内心别人很难闯进。对你来说,逃避是一种习惯,你把自己包裹的很严实,不愿与人分享自己的秘密,也不善于跟他人沟通交流。,Leading in,选择8 你单纯善良,自尊心很强,又带着一点小骄傲。你活在自己的世界里,不论做什么多是按照自己的感觉走。喜欢幻想,不会去过多在意他人的看法。只要是自己的坚持,即便是撞了南墙也不会回头。 选择10.15 你拒绝低俗、崇尚高尚。对于生活品质有着一定的要求。你心无城府,遇事不喜欢与别人争抢。但对于属于自己的,就会拼尽一切去争取。 选择14 你时常会处于一种进退两难的境地。无论是感情还是生活,即便出现问题你还是期待事情能有转机,不愿意、不舍得轻易去做出改变。,Leading in,选择20 你生来想要做王者,渴望成为团体中领导者的角色。但有时因为你的高傲自大,可能会伤害真正关心你的人。 选择16 你比较依赖别人,遇到比较棘手的情况时,总是渴望能够得到他人的帮助和依靠。看起来神经大条,其实内心极度敏感。 选择17 你责任感很强,是非常值得信赖的人。即便是再纠结的事,朋友在你的安慰下,也会烟消云散。你本内心孤独但却害怕孤独,希望时刻得到别人的关注。,Presentation,A Vocabulary,B Grammar,C Writing,Vocabulary,You are going to review:,Vocabulary,prefer suppose spare sense,knock exchange effort examine,Vocabulary,prefer v.,1. I prefer apples to bananas.,/ prf /,1. prefer A to B: 与B相比更喜欢A,2. He prefers to stay at home on weekends.,2. prefer to do sth. 更喜欢,Vocabulary,suppose v.,1. I suppose its his fault.,/ spz /,1. suppose v. 猜想,推测,2. You are supposed to listen to your teacher.,2. be supposed to 应该,Vocabulary,1. I like reading books in my spare time.,/ spe /,spare adj.,1. in ones spare time : 在某人空闲时间里,2. The spare bedroom is on the second floor.,2. spare adj. 多余的,Vocabulary,1. We have five senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste.,/ sns /,sense v./n.,2. sense v. 意识到,2. She sensed danger and stopped.,1. sense n. 感觉功能,Vocabulary,1. Listen! Theres someone knocking at the door.,1. knock at/on: 敲(门),2. The car knocked into a tree last night.,2. knock into: 与.相撞,3. She knocked a glass off the table.,3. knock off: 碰掉,Vocabulary,1. An exchange of ideas is helpful.,/kstend/,1. exchange n. 交换,2. Can I exchange an apple for four oranges?,2. exchange v. 交换 exchange.for. 用.换.,Vocabulary,1. The success turns on our effort.,/eft/,effort n.,1. effort n. 努力,2. Please make an effort to finish your homework on time.,2. make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事,Vocabulary,1. We must examine all the machines.,/gzmn/,1. examine v. 检查,2. His sister didnt work hard and failed the final examination.,2. examination n. 考试,Practice: Multiple choices,1. Who is _ to look after this small lab? Tom, we do it in turn. A. guessed B. supposed C. wanted D. thought 2. The cat_ danger and ran away. A. senses B. sensed C. smells D. smelled 3. Listen! Who is _ the door? A. knocking off B. knocking down C. knocking into D. knocking at 4. The doctor _ the boy and found that there was nothing wrong with him. A. examines B. examined C. examination D. examining,Practice: Completing,o,an,or,en,in,re,Practice: Free talk,spare, watch, suppose,1. The boy is _ to be very clever. 2. When I am in trouble, I prefer _ comedies. 3. Christmas is a time for spreading joy, so you should find some _ time to spend with your loved ones.,to watch,supposed,spare,Grammar,定语从句 (Attributive Clause),You are going to review,Attributive Clause,I always bring a friend who isnt afraid of these kinds of movies.,I always bring a friend.,A friend isnt afraid of these kinds of movies.,Attributive Clause,I always bring a friend who isnt afraid of these kinds of movies.,定语从句,先行词,关系代词,1. 替代先行词,2. 引导定语从句,3. 定语从句中语法功能(主语、宾语),Attributive Clause,Attributive Clause,1. The woman is a doctor. 2. The woman lives next door. The woman who/that lives next door is a doctor.,人- that / who,Attributive Clause,1. The man is my friend. 2. You just met the man. The man (who/that) you just met is my friend.,人- that / who,你刚才看见的那位男士是我的朋友。,Attributive Clause,1. I like stories. 2. The stories have happy endings. I like stories which/that have happy endings.,事物- that / which,Attributive Clause,1. This is a pen. 2. He bought the pen yesterday. This is the pen( which/that )he bought yesterday.,事物- that / which,这是昨天他买的笔。,Attributive Clause,1. I have a friend. 2. My friends father is a doctor. I have a friend whose father is a doctor.,人的- whose,Attributive Clause,1. The company is in Australia. 2. The companys name is Notco. The company whose name is Notco is in Australia.,事物的- whose,那个叫Notco的公司在澳大利亚。,Summary,Attributive Clause,Attributive Clause,Ill never forget the days _ we worked on the farm. 2. This is the room _ I was born. 3. This is the reason _ he is late toda
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