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现代通信技术,绪论,中文名称:现代通信技术 英文名称: An Introduction to Emerging Communication Technology 或 An Introduction to Communication Systems,先修课程:,通信原理 信号与线性系统 随机过程 数字信号处理 高频电子线路 微波技术与天线 电磁场与电磁波等,课程主要分三部分:,光纤通信技术 Optical Fiber Communications 卫星通信技术 Satellite Communications 移动通信技术 Wireless Communications,上述三种技术在信息传输中的地位,人类进行通信完成信息交换的消息的主要类型: 语音 Audio 图像 (Video、Picture) 数据 (Data) 光纤、卫星、移动通信技术目前是各种通信的基础,可看成是OSI 7层的最底层(PHY)。,一、通信技术的发展及基本概念,1通信技术的发展 通信消息的传输与交换,通信的目的就是传输消息。 简单回顾一下通信的发展简史,通信的发展简史,1832 Samuel F. B. Morse conceived of an electromagnetic telegraph in 1832 and constructed an experimental version in 1835. Fig 1838莫尔斯 Samuel F. B. Morse (1791-1872)发第一份电报 “Attention,the Universe! By kingdoms, right wheel” This prophetic phrase is the first telegraph message on record. It was sent over a 16-km line by Samuel F. B. Morse in 1938. Thus was born a new era, the era os electrical communication. 电报机 1844年 莫尔斯 Samuel F. B. Morse一份电报P,可传输40mile 1865年 英 物理学家麦克斯韦(James Clerk Maxwell),预言电磁波 On 17 May 1865, the International Telegraph Union (ITU) was established. (www.itu.int) 1876年 美 贝尔(Bell) 发明了电话Telephone V Bell 1888年 德 物理学家赫兹( Heinrich Rudolf Hertz )证实了电磁波的存在; 1892年 第一台自动交换机开始运行, Almon B. Strowger 1895年4月,意大利人马可尼(Guglielmo Marconi)的实验证明了移动中的无线通信的可行性,1901年12月,马可尼首次实现了横跨大西洋的无线电通信实验。 1904年11月 J. Ambrose Fleming 发明了二极管(diodes FLEMINGS THERMIONIC VALVE)Picture,通信的发展简史(C1),1906 USA Lee de Forest 发明了电子管(Triode三极管)能实现放大、开关功能。 P2 1920年,开始无线电广播 FIG1 FIG2 Another FILE 1927年,电视发明 Philo Farnsworth applied for a patent for his image dissector in 1927 Pic 1948年 Claude Elwood Shannon(仙农、香农) P发表了著名的论文 A Mathematical Theory of Communication P(现代通信理论的奠基人)Lucent Web、MIT Web 1948年7月1日 Bell Lab 发明了晶体管Fig V V2 1959年 TI的 Jack Kilby发明了IC(集成电路) PIC2 PIC 1959年 Robert Norton Noyce 也发明了集成电路,PIC 1962年发射了首颗有源卫星TELSTAR 1970年首次制成了损耗20dB/km的光导纤维(USA corning.com) 1983年 BELL AMPS V 1962年的科技发展情况V 拨号电话V 人工交换机 V,2. 通信系统及分类,噪声源,发送端,接收端,图0- 1 一个单向通信系统示意图,香农的经典论文上的框图:,通信系统可以从不同的角度来分类:,(1) 按传输信号形式不同分为 模拟通信 与 数字通信 两大类。,(2)按信道具体形式可分为有线通信和无线通信,通信系统分类(C1),(4)按通信的具体业务内容可分为 语音通信(电话)、图像通信、多媒体通信、无线寻呼、电报、可视电话等。,(5)接收信者是否在运动中完成通信可分为 移动通信和固定通信,(3)按通信工作频段可以分为 长波通信、中波通信、短波通信、微波通信、光通信等。,3通信方式(三种),(1)按消息传送的方向与时间分类通信方式可以分为 单工通信、半双工通信和全双工通信。(举例) (2) 按数字信号的排序分类 串行传输和并行传输 (3) 按通信网络形式分类 分为三种:两点间直通方式、分支方式和交换方式。,4传输技术,两种:基带系统、频带系统,5性能质量指标,两个主要指标:有效性和可靠性。,有效性是指通信系统中信息传输的速度。 通信系统中信息传输的快慢问题。 模拟: 信号带宽(Hz) 数字: 码速率(bps),可靠性是指信息传输的质量。信息传输的好坏问题。 模拟: 信噪比SNR 数字: 误码率、差错概率Pe,二. 现代通信的主要技术,光纤通信 Optical fiber Communications 卫星通信 Satellite Communications 无线通信 Wireless (Or mobile) Communications,三.现代通信技术发展趋势,通信技术数字化 通信业务综合化 网络互通融合化 通信网络宽带化 网络管理智能化 通信服务个人化,End of This Chapter,1920s radio (front),The unit is a single valve regenerative short wave receiver covering very roughly 5 to 15 MHz. In total, 1 fixed and 3 variable capacitors are used together with 1 resistor, 1 switch, two coils (on the same former) and of course the triode valve. The antenna is connected via a series variable capacitor and crocodile clip which taps into the tuned circuit.,back,1920s radio (back),TOP,1920s radio (TOP),a type of valve radio,Jack Kilby,In 1958, he joined TI in Dallas. During the summer of that year working with borrowed and improvised equipment, he conceived and built the first electronic circuit in which all of the components, both active and passive, were fabricated in a single piece of semiconductor material half the size of a paper clip. The successful laboratory demonstration of that first simple microchip on September 12, 1958, made history,December 10, 2000 Inventor and Engineer Jack Kilby of Texas Instruments Receives Nobel Prize in Physics for Invention of the Integrated Circuit,St. Clair Kilby于2005年6月20日在美国达拉斯因癌症逝世,享年81岁,Jack Kilby2,Morse Telegraph Key,Morse Telegraph Key, 1844-45, with improvements by Alfred Vail (1807-59) to the original invented by Samuel F. B. Morse (1791-1872),Morses Telegraph,Telegraph Register Patent Model, patented May 1, 1849, patent number 6,420, by Samuel F. B.Morse (1791-1872),computer,The invention of the personal computer is having an effect on our lives equal to, if not greater than, that of the electric light bulb, telegraph, and telephone. The Altair was the most popular early personal computer. It was programmed by flipping switches on the front panel. Its output was simply a pattern of lights. Communications, word processing, and other applications required additional components.,“Box“ Telephone,Alexander Graham Bell was experimenting with telegraph instruments in the early 1870s, he realized it might be possible to transmit the human voice over a wire by using electricity. By March 1876 he made a transmission, but the sound was very faint. He improved his results over the next few months, including a critical test with this instrument on November 26, when he transmitted sound clearly between Cambridge and Salem, Massachusetts. It functioned as both a transmitter and a receiver.,“Box“ Telephone, 1876, invented by Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922),1876 Liqu
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