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本 科 毕 业 论 文(设 计)文 献 综 述题 目: 文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响 学 院: 英语学院 专 业: 英语 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 1. IntroductionWith the rapid development of the economic globalization and the frequent business contacts, the importance of business negotiation gets obvious gradually. International business negotiation refers to business parties in different countries and regions in order to meet their needs, using the way of information exchange and consultation to reach the consensus of behavior and process. International business negotiation plays an important role in business activities and a significant process in the constitution of the core competence of the enterprises. The level of international business negotiation to a large extent determines whether enterprise can obtain advantages or not in the international competition. International business negotiation has a complex cross-culture, and it belongs to such a negotiation with different ways of thinking, feeling and behavior, which is much more challenging than the negotiation under the single cultural environment. Negotiators from different countries or regions have different cultural backgrounds, values, ways of thinking, behavioral patterns, communication patterns, languages and customs. For the sake of removing the obstacles to communication with foreign customers, ensuring the smooth progress of the negotiations, business negotiators have to understand and grasp the importance of cultural differences on international business negotiations. This paper reviews from the impact of cultural differences on business negotiation and its strategies.2. Literature review 2.1. Analysis of the Domestic and Abroad Research Actualities Business negotiation as the booming field of domestic research is in its infancy in many aspects, and now there are a large number of scholars having done a lot of theoretical and practical researches, but blank spots are still exiting. According to the informed literature reviews, we can see that there are still some problems need to studying and resolving. First of all, on the aspect business negotiation strategies, informed literature reviews have studied from the negotiations overall preparation and the selection of negotiation patterns. But with the negotiation is more and more important in the global trade, negotiating strategies are no longer limited to the negotiation itself; it should be more outward expansion. Negotiation is a combination of Economics, linguistics, psychology, manners and so many integrated-subjects; therefore, in formulating negotiating strategies, we are supposed to pay more attention to the application of different subjects in a variety of negotiations to make negotiation strategies achieve optimal performance, it is not just simple accumulation of each subject. Secondly, when dealing with cultural differences, a lot of informed literature reviews have concentrated on that how to overcome the barriers of cultural differences in international business negotiation. But the reality is that a successful negotiation is not only a game on the negotiation table, the preparation period of the negotiations play a crucial role in the negotiations. Many of the current domestic researches study separately, which leads to the consequence that there are fewer studies on the preparation of business negotiation. With the development of the negotiation, overcoming cultural differences is not just confined to a study on the negotiation table. Last, facing the problems of language in the business negotiation, we can combine the language in use with the overall strategies in business negotiation, because language as one important kind of tools in negotiation, it should be studied in a specific environment, which will be conducive to make a wider and more vigorous study on the language application problems in business negotiation. Researchers have approached business negotiation from various disciplines such as political science, social psychology, or organization, cross-cultural, marketing, and communications. But most of the scholars abroad focus on the use of strategies and tactics from the managerial view and the Chinese scholars concentrate on the behaviors and the strategies used in all kinds of negotiations, but do not pay enough attention to the study of the impact of other cultural differences on international business negotiation such as values and ways of thinking. Its not surprising that the last 20 years have seen an endless stream of books and articles on business nego
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