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In 2016 County Economic workshop Shang of speech comrade are: this county economic workshop of main task is, full implement implementation Central, and provincial, and municipal economic workshop and province party main leaders seminar spirit, recalled summary results, analysis judge situation, arrangements deployment new annual focus work task, mobilization County upper and lower further grasp new normal, implementation new concept, temper new style, show new as, struggled to advance County economic social transformation upgrade science development. Following, told four a aspects of problem: a, and full certainly results, effective firm transformation upgrade of confidence and determination 2015, face macroeconomic down pressure continued increased of severe situation and difficult heavy of reform development task, County upper and lower tight at Central and provinces series major decision deployment, firmly grasp stability in the seeking into total tone, active adapted economic development new normal, focused focus field, full work storming, County economic social development rendering out contrarian to good, and stability in the has into, and more points breakthrough, and Overall a good trend. One is closely linked to the transformation and upgrading of the global, comprehensive economic power significantly. Accurately gauge the macro situation and based on real comprehensive plan, strongly promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Project support capacity increased significantly. Adhere to the inside and outside simultaneously, build, implementation of national and provincial investment of 625 million Yuan, for State one or two, three, four or five specific bond funds and local replacement bond funds of 554 million Yuan, for the starting year of key construction projects has laid a solid foundation. In particular the national circular economy demonstration counties and .two State-level pilot project of ecological demonstration County project platforms settled in jingchuan, Zhu Jia Jian construction of the reservoir began, handicap reservoirs, Liu Lihe reservoir preparat4ion work goes well, take solid steps for comprehensive utilization of water resources; city gas station to speed up implementation of the project, I became the Countys first West-East gas pipeline project in the surrounding area benefit from the County, major projects supported increased significantly. Overall well-off society constantly consolidate 254the basis. Battle victory industrial development as the primary task of the well-off, fruit production suitable for full coverage of the target will be realized, vegetable industry development area extending, farming aquaculture changes the momentum of the show, markets + enterprise + base + farmers as they gradually introduced measures significantly strengthen standardized management, industry constantly consolidate the basis and enriching. Investment attraction results continue to expand. Adhere to the soft environment of excellence and improve the environment are equally某知名家电集团优秀员工评选管理办法总则第一条 目的为加强企业文化建设,培养和塑造广大员工的集体荣誉感和使命感,不断增强企业向心力和凝聚力,特制订本办法。第二条 适用范围本办法适用于空调事业部各单位全体基层员工,包括各科室、车间(厂)办公室人员和制造、研发、营销系统一线员工。中高层干部不参与事业部优秀员工评选。第三条 一线员工制造系统:包括制造工艺人员、检验人员、生产工人、技术工人、辅助工人等;研发系统:包括直接从事新品研究、开发、测试评价的技术人员、中试工厂试制员等;营销系统:包括驻外业务、推广、维修、售后技术、财务、导购等员工(含当地招聘人员)。管理职责第四条 归口管理部门事业部经营管理部负责组织事业部优秀员工的评选、奖励等工作,并负责制订、完善和维护评选标准和评选程序。第五条 相关职责各二级子公司、职能部应参照本办法组织制订、完善本单位优秀员工的评选管理办法,并负责根据评选标准组织评选本单位内部优秀员工,及根据名额比例向事业部推荐申报。评选标准第六条 分类优秀员工按工作性质分成办公室人员、车间作业长与班组长和制造、研发、营销系统一线员工。评选时,向制造、研发、营销系统一线员工倾斜。第七条 基本条件优秀员工必须具备以下条件,缺一不可。1. 在事业部连续工作1年以上;2. 遵守考勤纪律,年总出勤率在99.7%以上;3. 品德端正,遵纪守法,无违反国家法律法规和厂规厂纪行为;4. 工作认真负责,积极主动,服从整体安排,能配合同事完成各项工作任务,无较大的工作失误;5. 热爱美的,爱岗敬业,乐于助人,与同事相处融洽;6. 完全胜任本职工作,能较好完成工作任务。第八条 优先评选条件在基本条件已具备的条件下,具备下列条件之一的员工可优先参与评比,经综合评价后择优确定人选。以下分值均表示最佳状况时的得分,为该项目的满分;评选时将根据实际情况扣减后计正分。办公室人员1. 刻苦专研业务知识,在本职岗位工作成绩突出,受到领导和同事普遍好评。(30分)2. 努力改进工作成效或通过合理化建议,为公司创造显著经济效益。(20分)3. 对推动品质管理、成本控制工作和在体系监控、维护方面作出突出贡献。(15分)4. 克已奉公,为公司挽回重大经济损失或名誉损失。(10分)5. 为公司取得重大社会荣誉。(10分)6. 在集团和事业部获得重大奖励和表彰。(10分)7. 努力提高自身素质,通过自学或其它形式获得更高一级学历或学位,并能在工作中得到发挥。(5分)车间作业长、班组长(一)除具备上面列出的基本条件外,还应具备下列必备条件:1. 班内至少有一个QC小组组长及两个以上组员,该QC小组能够按照企业标准QG/MK08.35QC小组管理办法开展活动;2. 班内没发生过质量事故。这里的质量事故是指:制造过程中,班内有关人员违反有关规定或惯例,造成100台(件)以上,总价值在3000元以上的产品因类似的问题需返修、报废或不合格;产品投放市场后,被消费者、经销商或顾客服务科投诉有性质严重的个别质量问题(如机内有手套或打错包装等);3. 班内材料、零部件进、耗、产帐目清晰,无金额在2000元以上的重大不明帐目;4. 班内无违反ISO9001/ISO14001体系而被事业部通报批评案例;5. 班内无违反MRPII操作规程而被事业部通报批评的案例;6. 无工伤事故;7. 班内员工无打架斗殴等重大违纪及违法现象;8. 班内工作气氛和谐融洽,无集体怠工现象。(二) 优先评选项目有:1. 按月考核,质量水平超过车间指标要求的。质量水平的评价主要基于自错(含自检、互检)及合格率。各车间将上级下达的质量指标分解到各个班,作为车间对班的质量指标。(30分)2. 按月考核,生产效率超过车间指标要求的。各班的生产效率指标,以每小时产出量计算,由车间根据排产任务及实际情况,在现有基础上制定。(15分)3. 在本单位或品质管理部组织的QC小组活动成果发表中获奖的或在全国、省、市获奖的。(15分)4. 按月考核,班内设备故障率在5%以下的。(10分)5. 各车间(厂)每周组织现场评比,或利用上级单位每周的现场安全文明生产检查结果,对评比良好的班实行加分。(5分)6. 每月一次对班组园地、板报进行评比加分。(5分)7. 广泛征求合理化建议,采取自主改善活动,效果良好的应予加分;若对产品质量、成本、功能有较大
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