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conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Encourages the party branch Secretary of the practice of party members give a Party lecture. Production line of advanced party members reported, their own experiences, enhance the attraction and appeal of party lecture. 4. Organization of online communication. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Boot party communist networks, mobile phone, TV, micro-learning and distance education platforms. Boot party member home participation in networked learning, interaction and three lessons, offline synchronization of encouraging party members to carry out study and education, enriching the content of forms, expand the coverage of education. 5. carry out the responsibility. Each branch to effectively assume the main responsibility for organizational learning, timely understanding of party members and cadres to study, identify and resolve symptoms and problems. Party Committee should do a good job leadership learning at the same time, guidance to branch based on the development of learning programmes, and urged the implementation of three lessons system and implementing learning requirements. To take reports, customized research, participate in discussions, attend meetings of the Organization, such as supervision, and effective transmission of pressure. About consolidation of weak and lax party branches, through true strong team, promote transformation improving branch to issue that stands out, to be dealt with first in place, further study and education. 6. play the lead role. Leadership, leading cadres should set an example, and to lead by example, layers of driven model, layer upon layer, formation of the shots, the overall general effect of linkage. Leading cadres should learn first and be in front, asking others to do you first do it, asks of others and not themselves determined not to do, we cannot lamp black, and flashlight man as himself. To enforce a rigid double about the life of the system, lead study discussion, lead in talking about experiences, give a Party lecture, report, leading to participate in organisational life, democratic appraisal, lead in duty of due diligence, according to positions, contribute to role play with learning, promoting learning education solid and effective. 7. grasp the integrated. To stick around the Center, serving the overall situation, the two combining education and completed various tasks, and implement the County Thirteen-Five combines planning, and the XX combination of scientific development and leaping development, both hands, two, avoiding two peels. By studying education, inspire party members and cadres undertaking enthusiasm, in establishing and implementing five development philosophy, solid industrial restructuring, deepening reform, poverty alleviation crucial, improving peoples livelihood and other work in the front, for example. Promotion of cadres work hard, aggressive, push development to test the effectiveness of educational work. Township two learn a do learning arrangements specific programme the Party (total) branch: for advance full strictly rule party, according to XX municipal on in city members in the carried out learn Constitution Party rules, and learn series speech, do qualified members learning education implementation programme, and XX municipal organization Department on two learn a do learning arrangements of specific财务部门职责部门名称财务部门部门代码职责概要负责公司会计核算、财务管理等工作部门职责1 遵守国家有关会计法规和制度,制定并实施公司财务管理制度、会计核算办法和相应实施细则;2 处理日常会计核算业务,定期编制会计报表;3 编制财务分析报告,为公司经营管理决策提供依据;4 编制公司年度财务预算,并监督预算的执行,制订公司季度、月度财务计划、成本费用计划;5 组织公司年度决算;6 管理公司应收账款,控制坏账风险;7 会同相关部门定期对库存物资、固定资产等资产进行盘点,确保资产的安全和完整;8 负责公司货币资金的管理,处理有关银行往来业务,协调与银行之间的关系;9 负责公司的税收申报和纳税工作,协调与税务部门之间的关系。10 负责仓库管理工作。11 完成上级领导交办的其他工作。财务经理职位说明书岗位名称财务经理类别部门财务部门直接上级财务总监直接下级会计、出纳、仓库管理员工作概要负责公司内部会计控制制度的建立与执行,细化本部门各岗位工作职责并监管完成情况工作权限会计制度的执行情况审查权、本部门其他人员的工作完成情况的考核权、小额报销及用款申请单的审批权限。主要工作内容1、负责管理公司的日常财务工作。2、负责对本部门内部的机构设置、人员配备、选调聘用、晋升辞退等提出方案和意见。3、负责管理、选拔、培训和考核本部门财会人员。4、对本单位现金报销单及用款申请单有审批权限。5、贯彻国家财税政策、法规,并结合公司具体情况建立规范的财务模式,指导建立健全相关财务核算制度同时负责对公司内部会计管理制度的执行情况进行检查和考核。 6、进行成本费用预测、计划、控制、分析和考核,监督各部门降低消耗、节约费用、提高经济效益。7、 负责公司会计核算和财务管理制度的制定,推行会计电算化管理方式等。 8、 参与公司各项资本经营活动的预测、计划、核算、分析决策和管理,做好对本部门工作的指导、监督、检查。 9、 组织指导编制财务收支计划、财务预决算,并监督贯彻执行; 10、 负责监管财务历史资料、文件、凭证、报表的整理、收集和立卷归档工作,并按规定手续报请销毁。 11、 参与价格及工资、奖金、福利政策的制定。 12、完成领导交办的其他工作。会计职位说明书岗位名称成本会计类别部门财务部门直接上级主办会计直接下级出纳、仓库管理工作概要负责公司日常会计核算工作,纳税申报,编制会计报表工作权限会计凭证的审核权、违规费用拒报的建议权和违规款项的拒付权。主要工作内容1. 1. 在主办会计的指导下,组织制定企业成本预算制度、核算办法等成本控制规章制度,并贯彻执行预算方案,及对各项成本预算的执行情况进行监督和检查;2. 2. 负责组织责任部门执行各项成本控制方案,并对执行情况进行监督和检查;3. 跟进及反馈车间统计异常问题,以及制造费用统计分析资料;4. 负责企业产品成本核算、材料成本核算、各种材料同类配件价格对比等工作;5. 负责车间成本损耗事务的监控与协助管理工作,包括车间物料损耗管理,在制品的清理与跟进,物料现场管理,单据管理等;6. 定期核查各职能部门成本控制目标的完成情况,会同各部门对各项成本进行核算分析;7. 负责企业价格管理,掌握采购管理
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