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,Foreignization VS Domestication,Warm-up,1) She is a vast library in epitome.,2) 请问你们还需要多少工具呢? 韩信将兵,多多益善.,Plenty is no plague. The more, the better, like Han Xin commanding troops.,Warm-up,Kings and bears often worry their keepers. Love and cough can not be hidden. Truth and roses have thorns about them. A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shines. Eating and scratching want but a beginning. Words and feathers are tossed by the wind.,Warm-up,伴君如伴虎。(simile) 恋爱如同咳嗽,难逃他人耳目。(simile) 玫瑰难摘,真理难得。(antithesis) 假朋友如同影子,只有太阳照耀时才相随。(simile) 吃东西就像挠痒痒,开了头就收不了场。(simile) 言语如羽毛,随风到处飘(传开来)。(simile),A word said and a stone let go cannot be recalled. (A word spoken and an arrow left fly cannot be recalled) Guests and fish stink within three days. Daughters and dead fish are no keeping wares.,一言既出 驷马难追。 鱼放三天会发臭,客呆三天讨人嫌。 女大不中留。,Right now, these animals are in hard conditions and will soon become the last Mohicans in this world.,眼下,这些动物面临十分困难的生存环境,不久就将走向灭绝。,三十年河东,三十年河西。世事本无常,得志莫猖狂。,Its good to be good in your time, for you know not how long it will last- life is full of vicissitudes.,vicissitudes of life 悲欢离合,“归化“与“异化“所讨论的问题在大的范畴里和 “直译“与“意译所讨论的问题实际上属于一个性质,但“归化“和“异化“所涉及到的问题主要是解决文化异质之间的特色差异(例如成语等).,“归化“就是异质文化的本土表达,亦即使译文符合译入语的表达习惯,让译入语的读者读起来易懂,舒服;而“异化“则忠实转达译出语的文化特色,保留译出语的“洋味“.,words and expressions,crocodile tear,1) 鳄鱼的眼泪(F),2) 假慈悲 (D),3) 鳄鱼的眼泪-假慈悲 (D&F),4) 猫哭老鼠-假慈悲 (D),words and expressions,headhunt,1) 猎头(F),2) 物色/网罗人才 (D),flea market,1) 跳骚市场 (F),2) 廉价出售旧货物的露天市场 (D),words and expressions,DIY,自己动手(D),talk show,脱口秀 (F) (音译),words and expressions,oedipus complex,1) 俄狄浦斯情节(F),2) 恋母情节 (D),catch-22,1) 第22条军规 (F),2) 让人左右为难的规定;无法摆脱的困境;两难境地;难以想象的困难;自相矛盾的规定 (D),words and expressions,Cupid,1) 丘比特(F),2) 爱神(D),Shang-La/Shangrila,1) 香格里拉(F),2) 世外桃源;人间仙境,秘密藏身处 (D),words and expressions,Trojan horse,1) 特洛伊木马(F),2) 内奸,从内部进行的颠覆阴谋活动(D),DINK,1) 丁克家庭(F),2) 夫妻均有收入,无子女的家庭(D),words and expressions,white collar,1) 白领阶层(F),2) 脑力劳动者(D),blue collar,1) 蓝领阶层(F),2) 体力劳动者(D),words and expressions,gold collar,1) 金领阶层(F),2) 高级职员/高科技人员(D),grey collar,1) 灰领阶层(F),2) 高级技术工人(D),words and expressions,pink collar,1) 粉领阶层(F),2) 从事女性职业的职工(D),steel collar,1) 钢领阶层(F),2) 机器人(D),words and expressions,whitehall,1) 白厅(F),2) 英国政府(D),Whitehouse,1) 白宫(F),2) 美国政府(D),words and expressions,Wall Street,1) 华尔街(F),2) 美国金融界(D),Pentagon,1) 五角大楼(F),2) 美国国防部(D),words and expressions,一枕黄粱/黄粱美梦,daydream,得陇望蜀,2) Give him an inch and hell ask for a mile.,3) Avarice knows no bound.,1) to have insatiable desires;,words and expressions,狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心.,to wrong a kind-hearted person.,江郎才尽,2) a writer whose creative power is exhausted,1) to have used up ones literary talent or energy,words and expressions,四面楚歌,to be embattled,红白喜事,红杏出墙,weddings and funerals,to be unfaithful to ones husband,practice,“归化“就是异质文化的本土表达,亦即用译入语读者易于理解的语言表述译出语中的异质文化. 如果译出语中的异质文化(成语,谚语,典故,修饰语等)在译入语中有对应的表达,译时当然要用归化法;如果无对应的表达,有时用异化法有时用归化法.,一 归化译法,practice,他每天要处理很多棘手的问题。,He has many hot potatoes to handle every day.,这个看上去很简单的问题却把她难住了。,This seemingly simple question had her in a pickle.,practice,妻子骂骂咧咧地闯了进来,这个得了“气管炎”的男人一下子手足无措。,This hen-pecked man became on tenterhooks when his wife scolded her way into the room.,practice,那衣服虽然是旧的,我也没大穿,你要嫌弃,我就不敢说了。,The clothes may not be new, but they havent been worn much. Still, if you turn up your nose at them, I shant complain.,practice,Hes always been strong as a mule.,他一向壮得像头牛.,a lion in the way,拦路虎,practice,他是班门弄斧,贻笑大方.,He just showed off his scanty knowledge before an expert, laying himself open to ridicule.,听的这个不幸的消息,她哭得一佛出世二佛涅槃.,At the sad news, she cried herself half dead.,practice,他是班门弄斧.,He just showed off his axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter.,Zhuge Liang, the mastermind.,practice,Lets forget that matter. Its water over dam and theres no way for anyone to change it.,忘了那件事吧. 木已成舟,谁都无法改变.,What is done is done. (Shakespeare) 木已成舟,practice,There is no such thing as an ever-victorious general in actual life. Sometimes they may meet their Waterloo.,事实上,常胜将军是没有的,常胜将军也有“走麦城”的时候。,It made me look like a duck in water. From Forrest Gump,它让我如鱼得水.,practice,“异化“就是在译入语中保留译出语的异质文化特色或语言表达形式,即保留译出语的原汁原味. CEO, VIP,PK, party, DINK家庭.,二 异化译法,practice,One bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.,一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林.,怀特先生喜欢看功夫片.,Mr. White prefers Kung fu films.,武术, 武侠小说, 太极拳, 胡同文化.,practice,炒股是有风险的,但俗话说:“舍不得孩子套不找狼。”,We should be psychologically prepared for some potential risks in speculating in stocks, as the old saying goes, “one cannot hope to entrap a wolf without risking the life of his own child.,practice,俗话说,人怕出名猪怕壮.,As an old saying goes:bad for a man to be famed, bad for a pig to grow fat.,practice,重赏之下,必有勇夫.,A big reward will make the brave come forward.,practice,有时在异化翻译时,需要对异质文化作必要的解释,目的是让译入语的读者比较容易接受这种文化异质.,二 异化译法和归化译法的融合,practice,有伯乐而后有千里马.,Only a headhunter like Bo Le-an ancient Chinese good at headhunting fine steeds-can discover talented people.,三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮.,Three cobblers with their wits surpassed that of Zhuge Lian
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