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Super teddy 5 全册知识点总结Super Teddy主题曲We are learning English with Teddy 我们来和Teddy一起学英语。Are you ready 准备好了吗?Lets start! 开始吧!Coming coming coming coming to the wonderland 来吧,来吧我们一起去乐园。Learning learning learning with teddy and his friends. 我们与Teddy和他的朋友一起学习。Are you ready are you ready Ill sing and play 准备好了吗?一起来唱,来做游戏Are you ready are you ready Ill learn and dance 准备好了吗?一起来学,来跳舞T E D D Y T E D D Y Thats Teddy Teddy every single day! 每天与Teddy在一起。Are you ready are you ready Ill sing and play 准备好了吗?一起来唱,来做游戏Are you ready are you ready Ill learn and dance 准备好了吗?一起来学,来跳舞Coming coming coming coming to the wonderland 来吧,来吧我们一起去乐园。Learning learning learning with teddy and his friends. 我们与Teddy和他的朋友一起学习。 Unit 1 Please ! Thank you !拜托!谢谢你!Warm up (热身)Eeny.,meeny, miny,mo - 我会飞。115Catch a tiger by the toe . - 我可以飞到这里If he hollers, let him go . - 我可以飞到那里Eeny.,meeny, miny,mo - 现在请你看着我Daily English(每日英语)Get on the bus. 上公共汽车。Get off the bus. 下公共汽车。注:在上下车时能听懂的日常用语噢!。Learn(单词学习)bicycle 自行车 boat 船 bus 公共汽车 motorcycle 摩托车 plane 飞机 train 火车 taxi 出租车复习 : bear 熊 giraffe 长颈鹿 panda 熊猫 peacock 孔雀 snake 蛇 zebra 斑马句型: -How do you go to school ? 你是怎么去上学的? -I go to school by bus . 我坐公汽去上学。Story(故事)Help ! I can help you . - 救命啊! 让我来帮帮你们! Give me a plane . - 给我一架飞机。Give me a bus. - 给我一辆公共汽车。Give me a taxi . - 给我一辆出租车。Give me a taxi . - 我有翅膀,我会飞(那只蜻蜓说)You should say “please” ! - 你应该说“请”!Please give me a plane. - 请给我一架飞机Please give me a bus. - 请给我一辆公共汽车。Please give me a taxi - 请给我一辆出租车。Yay ! Lets go ! Hey ?. - 我有翅膀You should say “ thank you” ! - 你应该说“ 谢谢你”! 注: 本单元故事内容本身并没有“ * says ”, 是我根据实际情况添加上去的, 上课时我也会 这样教孩子 。Song(歌曲) How do you go to school ?How do you go to school ? - 你怎么去上学 ?I go to school by bus . - 我坐公共汽车去上学。How do you go to school ? - 你怎么去上学 ?I go to school by bus . - 我坐公共汽车去上学。La, la , la , la - 啦啦啦啦Here we are. - 我们在这儿。 Unit 2 Yummy ? Yucky !Warm up (热身) Listen to my motorcycleListen to my motorcycle. - Vroom , vroom, vroom . - Listen to it go . - Vroom , vroom, vroom . - Daily English(每日英语)Taste it . 尝一下。Learn(单词学习)sour 酸的 sweet 甜的 salty 咸的 spicy 辣的 bitter 苦的补充复习:honey 蜂蜜 lemon 柠檬 kiwi 猕猴桃 peach 桃子 pineapple 菠萝 cherry 樱桃 watermelon 西瓜Story(故事)Ruby is making soup. - Ruby在煨汤。 I want to make it sweet. Yummy! - 我想把它做甜点儿。 I want to make it spicy. Yummy! - 我想把它做辣点儿。I want to make it salty. Yummy! - 我想把它做咸点儿。 I want to make it sour Yummy! - 我想把它做酸点儿。The soup is ready . - 汤做好啦! Yucky ! - 好恶心呀! Song(歌曲) Not me! Cookies, cookies, - 饼干,饼干Yummy ,yummy, yummy ! - 好好吃呀!Honey , honey , sweet ! - 蜂蜜,蜂蜜,好甜呀!Who ate the cookies ? - 谁吃了饼干呀?Not me ! - 不是我!Who ate the honey ? - 谁吃了蜂蜜呀?Not me ! - 不是我! Unit 3 The heart is in my tummy Warm up (热身) Two little eyes Two little eyes , to look around . 两只小眼睛,四处看。 Two little ears , to hear each sound . 两只小耳朵,听声音。One little nose ,to smell the cheese . 一个小鼻子, 闻闻奶酪的味道。Daily English(每日英语)May I go to the bathroom ? 我可以去洗手间吗?Learn(单词学习)circle 圆 heart 心 oval 椭圆 rectangle 长方形square 正方形 star 星星 triangle 三角形Story(故事) The baby has big pizza . - 那个小宝贝
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