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GENERAL DISTRIBUTION November 2001 Process Description AP-913 (Revision 1) Equipment Reliability Process Description EQUIPMENT RELIABILITY PROCESS DESCRIPTION November 2001 AP-913 (Revision 1) INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR POWER OPERATIONS GENERAL DISTRIBUTION: Copyright 2001 by the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations. Not for sale nor for commercial use. All other rights reserved. NOTICE: This information was prepared in connection with work sponsored by the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO). Neither INPO, INPO members, INPO participants, nor any person acting on the behalf of them (a) makes any warranty or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this document, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this document may not infringe on privately owned rights, or (b) assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this document. This page intentionally left blank. INPO AP-913 (Revision 1) FOREWORD This document describes an equipment reliability process offered to assist member utilities to maintain high levels of safe and reliable plant operation in an efficient manner. Equipment reliability is one of an integrated set of processes for the operation and support of nuclear plants. This process description reflects the experience gained from equipment performance assistance visits to operating plants and benchmarking trips to domestic and international utilities. The equipment reliability process was designed with the direct participation of several utilities actively involved in improving and reengineering their own processes. This revision includes lessons learned from industry experience with self-assessments and gap analyses to the Equipment Reliability Process Description, AP-913. Additional guidance has been added for managing aging and obsolescence of plant equipment. Major changes to AP-913, Equipment Reliability Process Description: common scoping and identification of critical components for input to performance monitoring plans and PM technical bases evaluations improved criteria for identification of critical, noncritical,. and run-to-failure components improved guidance for equipment root causes determination improved guidance for continuing equipment reliability improvement improved guidance for aging and obsolescence Nuclear plant operators are encouraged to provide comments on the content and format of this document and on any process enhancements that would improve those described herein. This information will be considered in a future revision to the document. Please direct comments to: Director, Plant Support Division Institute of Nuclear Power Operations 700 Galleria Parkway SE, Suite 100 Atlanta, GA 30339-5957 770-644-8221 Comments can be e-mailed to the Assistance vice president via the INPO Assistance Web page. i INPO AP-913 (Revision 1) This page intentionally left blank. ii INPO AP-913 (Revision 1) TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD.i EQUIPMENT RELIABILITY PROCESS OBJECTIVES.1 Definitions1 Equipment Reliability Process Objectives.2 Equipment Performance Objectives 2 EQUIPMENT RELIABILITY PROCESS DESCRIPTION.5 EQUIPMENT RELIABILITY PROCESS INSTRUCTIONS9 1. Scoping and Identification of Critical Components9 2. Performance Monitoring12 3. Corrective Action15 4. Continuing Equipment Reliability Improvement19 5. Long-Term Planning and Life Cycle Management25 6. Preventive Maintenance Implementation.28 APPENDIX A: INDUSTRY REFERENCES APPENDIX B: EQUIPMENT RELIABILITY SELF-ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST APPENDIX C: STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESSFUL SELF-ASSESSMENTS OR GAP ANALYSIS TO AP-913 APPENDIX D: EXAMPLES OF EQUIPMENT RELIABILITY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS APPENDIX E: EXAMPLE OF PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AS-FOUND CONDITION CODES APPENDIX F: SUGGESTED AGING MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ATTRIBUTES iii INPO AP-913 (Revision 1) This page intentionally left blank. iv INPO AP-913 (Revision 1) EQUIPMENT RELIABILITY PROCESS OBJECTIVES Definitions The equipment reliability process represents the integration and coordination of a broad range of equipment reliability activities into one process for plant personnel to evaluate important station equipment, develop and implement long-term equipment health plans, monitor equipment performance and condition, and make continuing adjustments to preventive maintenance tasks and frequencies based on equipment operating experience. This process includes activities normally associated with such programs as reliability- centered maintenance (RCM), preventive maintenance (periodic, predictive, and planned), Maintenance Rule, surveillance and testing, life-cycle management (LCM) planning, and equipment performance and condition monitoring. The intent of this document is to identify, organize, and integrate equipment reliability activities into a single e
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