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广东版开心英语六年级下册1-3单元检测题姓名:_ 班级:_一、划出含有共同发音的单词。(12分)1、 He is the best with glasses and gloves. 2、 He brought some glue and clothes. 3、 Which is cheaper, the crab or cream? 4、 Which is greener, the grapes or the grass? 5、 I learn to press, with lots of practice. 6、 My brother gives me a loaf of bread. 二、选择正确的单词填到横线上。(16分)1、You look _. But can you see, Gogo?2、I bought it at the _ mall.3、Were going to find the history _.4、The bank is _ from the park.5、Turn _ at the corner, you will see it.6、Im _ because I get a kitten.7、Why did you go into the _ ?8、Shes sad because she got a poor _.三、根据图意及上下文填上正确的单词完成小短文。(14分) Yesterday I went shopping with Susan. We wanted to buy a pack of _. The shopping mall is far away. First we _ left at the _, cross the _, go straight to the _ light, and turn _ at the _ stop. At last , the shopping mall is across from the bank.四、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(12分)1、did, buy, that, where, you, hat?_2、bought, I, it, shopping, at, the, mall._3、straight, go, the, traffic, to, light.4、were, to, going, the, find, museum, history._5、because, stayed, I, up, last, late, night._6、heard, a, I, noise._ 五、看图填单词完成对话,没空一词。(14分)A: Hi, you look _, why?B: Because I stayed _ late yesterday. Its my birthday.A: How fun! Did you get any present?B: Yes, Alice gave me a bunch of _. Can gave me a pare of _. My mother gave me a box of _. Peter gave me ten cans of _. I feel so _. We played all nightA: Sounds so cool! 六、选择题(20分)( )1、_ did you buy a bottle of shampoo?A. What B. Who C. Where ( )2、_ are the cartons of milk? They are 25 yuan.A. How B. How C. How much ( )3、Where did you _ a tube of toothpaste? I _ it at the mall.A. buy, bought B. bought, bought C. buy, buy( )4、Where can they buy a _ of flowers?A. bunch B. pair C. tube ( )5、Zhuhai is _ than Guangzhou, I think.A. most beautiful B. beautiful C. more beautiful( )6、Go straight _ the bus stop.A. in B. on C. at ( )7、你告诉别人你很疲倦,是因为昨晚熬夜了。你会说:A. Im excited. Because I got a poor grade.B. Im tired. Because I stayed up late. C. Im happy. Because I will go to Beijing.( )8、Did Tony and Ben buy a _ of sunglasses?A. pack B. pair C. loaf ( )9、_ these shoes cheap? Yes, they were.A. Were B. Was C. Are ( )10、We _ Baiyun Hill next Saturday.A. climb B. are climbing C. are going to climb 七、阅读,选择正确的答案。(12分)Hello, Jenny. My name is Gogo. Lets be e-mail pen friends. My hobbies are swimming, ice-skating, hiking and playing ping-pong. There is an ice-skating rink in my city, I can take the subway to get there. I usually go ice-skating once a week, but I am not good at it. I usually go to see the doctor once a year. And I play ping-pong twice a week. I also like to ride my bike. I always ride my bike to school. I have to go now. I am going to play ping-pong with my friends. Listen, Tony is calling me now! Bye-bye!( )1.Whats Gogos hobbies?A. Ice-skating and swimming B. Hiking and ping-pongC. Both A and B.( )2. How often does Gogo get to the ice-skating rink?A. Once a week B. Twice a week C. Once a month( )3. How does Gogo get to the school?A. Take a bus B. Ride his bike C. Take the subway( )4. Whos Tony? A. Gogos brother B. Gogos friend C. Gogos cousin( )5. What is Tony going to do? A. Play football B. Play ping-pong C. Play tennis( )6. Who does Gogo write a letter to? A. Jenny B. Tony C. Gogo
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