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1、Everyone has to face death.How to end up ones final days comfortably and dignifiedly ?Write a short essay no less than 200 words entitled My Opinion on Hospice Care based on the information you get from your text.My Opinion on Hospice CareHospice care provides medical services, emotion support, and spiritual resources for people who are in the last stages of a severe illness, such as cancer or heart failure. Hospice care also helps family members manage the practical details and emotional challenges of caring for a dying love one. The goal is to keep you comfortable and improve your quality of life. Hospice programs offer services in your own home or in a hospice center. Quite a few hospices also offer services in nursing homes, long-term care facilities, or hospitals. Some people hold the view that starting hospice is the last methods, and it means theyre giving up on life. Some think that hospice means a lower level of medical care. But hospice is simply a type of care that emphasizes the quality of your life instead of on continuing with treatment to prolong your life. In my opinion, hospice care is a good service. It can providE a compassionate approach to end-of-life care, enhancing the quality of remaining life and enabling patients to live as fully and as comfortably as possible. But I dont support the hospice care in hospital. It is pain and loneliness for patientsSo I think the best way is to accept hospice care in the home.2、Directions: Having ethics is necessary for a harmonious society and so is in research world. Without research ethics or without any knowledge of research ethics, the research world would be terribly corrupted. you arerequired to write a short essay entitled The Importance of Research Ethics Teaching. You should write at Least 200 words for the essay based on the outline given below: 1. It is very important for anyone who are engaged in scientific research to have a strong sense of research ethics since it is closely related to ones honesty and credibility, etc.2. However, the phenomena of plagiarism and infringement frequently appears in academic world. 3. My suggestions are.The Importance of Research Ethics TeachingResearch ethics refer to the moral rules we should comply in the work in the scientific and academic activities. It is more important for anyone who is engaged in scientific research to accept a strong sense of research ethics since it is closely relevant to ones honest and credibility. Scientific research workers should be practicable, honest and trustworthy in scientific research work and respect other peoples work achievement and contribution. Just honest attitude and achievement are the true science. Nevertheless, we often heard intelligence about the plagiarism and fraud in recent years. Academic misconduct has become a heated topic in society and seriously moved the construction of social morality. Plagiarizing the achievements of others is a kind of more than immoral behavior, especially in the academic field, it is on academic blasphemy. Aiming at this phenomenon, strengthen the ethics of research teaching become exceedingly important. To my point od view, first, we should formulate perfect academic norms any system and strengthen the scientific spirt and education of morality and academic norm and improve academic self-discipline consciousness. Second, strengthen the self-displine consciousness in academic work and avert others results of plagiarism. We should specify the origin references to others individuals achievements.美国价值观Culture is of great importance to a nation or race .In other words ,culture to a nation is what the soul to a person .Culture is developed in pace with history ,which consists of many components ,such as customs ,festivals ,food ,behavior manners ,and so on .The most important aspect in cultural matters is traditional value that instructs individuals how to do things and makes it known to them that what is good or bad .Of course ,there must be different culture as well as different traditional values in different areas .I will talk about Americans values.Americans no longer believe in the power of Fate, and they have come to look at people who do as being backward, primitive, or hopelessly naive. To be called “fatalistic” is one of the worst criticisms one can receive in the American context; to an American, it means one is superstitious and lazy, unwilling to take any initiative in bringing about improvement. In the United States, people consider it normal and right that Man should control Nature, rather than the other way around. Time is, for the average American, of utmost importance. Equality is, for Americans, one of their most cherished values. This concept is so important for Americans that they have even given it a religious basis.The different behaviors of a people or a culture make sense only when seen through the basic beliefs, assumptions and
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