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essay写作网(www.lxws.net)-专业留学生作业辅导中心英国essay写作-Industrialization of BritainThe industrialization of Britain is in the rising period of world capitalism. At that time, Britain was active on the international stage as a major power in the world. As early as the primitive accumulation of capital in the 16th and 18th centuries, Britains war against foreign merchants and colonial expansion created foreign markets and currency capital for it. It can be said that the original accumulation of capital in Britain is largely derived from the naked plunder of the colonies. Compared with other countries in Europe and the United States, Britain has a rapid accumulation of capital and an early start in industrialization. It has been in the leading and monopolistic position in world trade and industry for quite a period of history and has become a major supplier of industrial products to all countries in the world, including Europe and the United States. Therefore, the development of capitalism and industrialization in Britain have always been in a favorable international environment. They plunder wealth and occupy markets in colonies and earn monopoly profits in the world.The basis of the original accumulation of capital in Britain was the violent deprivation of farmers land at home. Many times in British history, the enclosure movement caused many farmers to lose their land. While gradually eliminating the feudal system and small-scale peasant economy in agriculture, Britain provided sufficient labor force and domestic market for the development of its capitalist big industry. On the other hand, as mentioned above, the pirate plunder, colonial exploitation and slave trade carried out by Britain have accumulated huge wealth and capital for it, creating favorable conditions for the industrial revolution of Britain that began in the 1860s.The main driving force of the industrialization of British capitalism is inside Britain. In the nearly 300 years before the industrialization of Britain, profound socio-economic changes took place. With the decline of the feudal production mode, the handicraft industry of the British workshops has made great progress and has been continuously concentrated. Because of the three great levers, especially the use of steam engine and a series of technological inventions, the original production mode was promoted to change. The British industrial revolution replaced manual operation with machine operation, and the improvement of labor productivity increased the surplus value. In industrial development, small and medium-sized industries continue to go bankrupt, and large industries are increasingly concentrated in capital and production through mergers and acquisitions. The development mode of industrialization in Britain is the centralized development and industrial revolution of the handicraft industry.Industrialization is actually the process of transformation from traditional agricultural society to modern industrial society. In general, in the process of industrialization in Britain, the relationship between agriculture and industry is particularly close and promotes each other. However, as industrialisation and modernisation neared completion, British agriculture, once a powerful economic lever, was ruthlessly sacrificed. In the 1830s and 1840s, with the completion of the industrial revolution, the British capitalist economy had a great development. Britain had become the workshop of the world. The industrial and commercial bourgeoisie rejoiced and demanded a change in state policy. As early as 1820, a London merchant groups have urged the government to if we can make the import on the countrys soil, climate, capital and industrial production the most suitable products, and from our own country is suitable for the production of goods export to pay, so foreign trade will be extremely beneficial to the countrys prosperity and prosperity, get rid of the restriction of free trade, the development of maximum is the best direction of national capital and industrial. The international division of labor that advocates free trade and capitalism strongly. In order to maintain its rule, the ruling party puts the interests of the industrial and commercial bourgeoisie first. Therefore, they successively carried out the regional division of labor within the empire according to the perspective of regional comparative interests, sacrificing the agricultural sectors that were of great significance to the mainland but had higher costs and less economic benefits, and wagering on backward countries, especially colonies, which led to the gradual shrinkage of their own agriculture. In 1801, the output value of agriculture, forestry and fishery in Britain accounted for 32.5% of the national income, compared with 22.1% in 1841. In 1861 agriculture accounted for 17.8 per cent of national income, compared with 6.4 per cent in 1901. Obviously, the proportion of agriculture in the natio
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