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夏洛特的网r1100:01:12,038 - 00:01:15,098There was nothing specialabout Somerset County.苏塞特郡没什么与众不同200:01:15,375 - 00:01:17,809It was a deeply ordinary place.是一个非常平凡无奇的地方300:01:18,778 - 00:01:21,144No astonishing thingever happened there.没有发生过惊天动地的事400:01:22,282 - 00:01:25,183The people who lived therewere just regular people.住的都是些凡夫俗子500:01:25,785 - 00:01:29,448And the animals.Well, they were just plain old animals.至于动物们.也是再普通不过的了600:01:30,890 - 00:01:33,324They didnt question the order of things他们从来也不多想什么700:01:35,361 - 00:01:38,194So, the days passed,one very much like the other.生活就这么日复一日 年复一年800:01:40,033 - 00:01:43,662But, one spring, on a small farm,然而某个春天 在一个小农场里900:01:44,471 - 00:01:46,598a little girl did something,有个小女孩做了一件了不起的事1000:01:47,140 - 00:01:51,008something that would change everything.这件事改变了一切1100:03:29,108 - 00:03:30,541What are you doing?你要干什么1200:03:34,881 - 00:03:36,314Fern, go back to bed.菲恩 回去睡觉吧1300:03:36,416 - 00:03:38,384Youre not going to kill it, are you?你不会是要杀了它吧1400:03:38,484 - 00:03:40,509Its a runt. Now, go back to bed这只太瘦小了 你快回去睡觉1500:03:41,554 - 00:03:44,352No, its not fair! It cant help being born small.不 这不公平 它也不想这样的1600:03:44,457 - 00:03:45,424Careful.小心1700:03:45,658 - 00:03:48,422If Id been born small, would you have killed me?如果我出生时也很瘦小 你会杀了我吗1800:03:48,661 - 00:03:49,855Of course not.当然不会1900:03:50,863 - 00:03:54,799A little girl is one thing.A runty pig is another.瘦小的女孩是一回事,瘦小的猪仔是另一回事2000:03:55,668 - 00:03:59,365Theres no difference!This is unfair and unjust.没有差别 这样不公平2100:04:00,873 - 00:04:02,534How could you be so heartless?你怎么能这么狠心2200:04:02,642 - 00:04:04,906I want to show you something.过来 让你看些东西2300:04:05,011 - 00:04:07,172You see that? You see?看到了吗2400:04:07,947 - 00:04:10,575Theres 11 pigs and only 10 teats.有11只小猪 但是只有10只乳头2500:04:11,017 - 00:04:12,712Sow cant feed it, honey.猪妈妈没法喂养它2600:04:14,187 - 00:04:15,552Then I will.那我来2700:04:22,762 - 00:04:26,425Ill feed you and take care of you and.我会喂你 照顾你 而且.2800:04:29,569 - 00:04:31,969.absolutely will not let you kill him.绝对不会让你杀了它2900:04:47,287 - 00:04:51,155- Hey! When did Fern get a pig? - 嗨 菲恩什么时候得到了一头猪- Avery, its rude to point. Give me that. - 艾弗里 这样指人是不礼貌的 把它给我3000:04:51,257 - 00:04:54,522Come, sit, eat your breakfast.The bus will be here any minute.过来坐下 吃早饭 校车就快到了3100:04:55,128 - 00:04:56,322Good morning.早上好3200:04:56,863 - 00:04:58,694Hey, Pop, can I have a pig, too?嗨 爸爸 我也能有一头猪吗3300:04:58,798 - 00:05:01,266No. I only give pigs to early risers.不行 早起的小孩才有猪猪抱3400:05:01,768 - 00:05:04,862Fern was up before dawn, ridding the world of injustice.菲恩天没亮就起床抗争不公正的世界3500:05:06,973 - 00:05:09,601Fern, put that pig downand get to school.菲恩 放下小猪 去上学3600:05:09,709 - 00:05:10,835Avery.艾弗里3700:05:11,678 - 00:05:13,043- See ya.- Bye, Pop.- 再见- 爸爸再见3800:05:13,246 - 00:05:14,838Have a good one, buddy.过的开心3900:05:16,883 - 00:05:19,477Says here were gonna geta lot of rain this month.据说这个月经常要下雨啊4000:05:25,892 - 00:05:28,053Fern! Your books!菲恩 你的书4100:05:31,698 - 00:05:32,687Bye.再见4200:05:33,099 - 00:05:35,727Class, these are some of the questions同学们 这里的题目4300:05:35,835 - 00:05:40,169that youre likely to be askedin the exam this week.是本周考试题的一部份4400:05:40,707 - 00:05:44,905So, please take particular noteof every one.所以你们要详细地记下每一道题4500:05:48,014 - 00:05:51,177You got to be quiet, okay?Youre gonna get me in trouble.安静一点好吗?不然我会有麻烦的4600:05:51,284 - 00:05:52,683Drink that.喝吧4700:05:55,288 - 00:05:58,815So, its just a matter offollowing these questions所以只要理解这些题目4800:05:58,925 - 00:06:00,89300:05:58,925 - 00:06:00,893and learning the answers.而且要知道如何解答 4900:06:04,764 - 00:06:06,322Fern, whats going on?菲恩 发生什么事了5000:06:06,799 - 00:06:07,999Nothing没事5100:06:10,036 - 00:06:11,799Fern, whats in your desk?菲恩 桌子里是什么5200:06:12,939 - 00:06:14,600- Nothing.- Open it.- 没什么- 打开桌子5300:06:29,322 - 00:06:30,914Thank you, Mrs. Arable.谢谢你 Arable太太5400:06:31,657 - 00:06:34,182Fern, you know better.菲恩 你自己知道5500:06:34,293 - 00:06:38,195Its a pig, okay?Its not a toy, not a doll, not a baby.这是一只猪,不是玩具 不是洋娃娃 更不是小孩子5600:06:38,297 - 00:06:39,491A pig.是一只猪5700:06:39,932 - 00:06:42,457And you need to starttreating it like one.你必须把它当猪对待5800:06:50,076 - 00:06:51,634This is going too far.这太离谱了5900:06:59,085 - 00:07:01,451I know she loves animals,but you have to tell her.我知道她喜爱动物 但是你必须让她知道6000:07:01,554 - 00:07:04,250- I know. Shes just so happy with it.- I know.- 我知道 但是她很开心- 我知道6100:07:13,499 - 00:07:14,989Doesnt that feel good?感觉舒服吗6200:07:15,101 - 00:07:18,229Fern, Im really sorry, honey,but its been long enough.菲恩 宝贝 我很抱歉但是已经够久了6300:07:18,538 - 00:07:
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