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COOK 先進介入醫學產品 Vascular & Non-Vascular,中國縂代理 富江微創醫療器材有限公司 HONEST MEDICAL CO.,LTD www.honestmedical.com 800-830-9883,富江微创医疗 HONEST MEDICAL,COOK,全国销售网络分布,16个公司及办事处,富江微创医疗 HONEST MEDICAL,COOK,COOK-世界领先介入医学器材供应商,美国COOK集团创立于1963年,是一家最著名的微创医学医疗器材供应商。 20世纪70年代以来,COOK将微创医学产品扩展到除放射介入、心脏介入以外的消化,泌尿外科,重症医学,试管婴儿,生物产品等新领域 基于满足临床需求多样性的原则,COOK生产出数以万计的不同产品 COOK网址 www.cookgroup.com,COOK,COOK,腹主动脉支架,防返流食道支架,超滑黑头造影管,PVA,化疗药盒,COOK,椎体成型术器械,胆道支架,球囊导管,COOK新产品介绍,罗伯特子宫动脉导管,COOK,富江微创医疗 HONEST MEDICAL,COOK子宫肌瘤介入治疗的新产品,罗伯特子宫动脉导管,新产品,420?元/根,COOK子宫肌瘤介入治疗的新产品,罗伯特子宫动脉导管 RUC,COOK,您应该试一试新的COOK,富江微创医疗 HONEST MEDICAL,COOK子宫肌瘤介入治疗的新产品,您将发现 它的确能给您带来 方便,富江微创医疗 HONEST MEDICAL,COOK,DEMONSTRATION OF ROBERTS UTERINE ARTERY ACCESS CATHETER,COOK,罗伯特子宫动脉导管介绍,富江微创医疗 HONEST MEDICAL,新产品,Intended Use Used for gaining access to the uterine artery, as well as for embolizing vessels in the pelvic region.,用于选择性进入子宫动脉,或是用作其它盆腔动脉的栓塞,COOK,这个导管可以非常容易的进入同侧以及对侧髂内动脉。 导管头端采用专利的Beacon Tip 不透X线材料,由此增强了X线下的可视性。 有一个不透X线金属标记位于导管转弯部位,非常方便导管在髂动脉分叉处的操作。 导管头端由5F渐变细为4F,利于插管。 导管最大流量为12CC/SEC(1200PSI下),Advantages,优势,COOK,ORDER NUMBER,TORCON NB ADVANTAGE CATHETER Beacon Tip stainless steel braided nylon,French Size,5.0,Wire Guide Diameter .035 inch,Length 90,Tip Configuration RUC,HNBR5.0-35-90-P-NS-RUC,RADIOPAQUE MARKER,ROBERTS UTERINE ARTERY ACCESS CATHETER,罗伯特子宫动脉导管,COOK,View of pelvic arteriogram shows a Varrel contralateral flush catheter used for positioning of wire over the bifurcation.,COOK,A wire guide is placed through the Varrel contralateral flush catheter and positioned in the contralateral iliac artery.,导管在导丝导引下进入对侧髂动脉!,The Varrel contralateral flush catheter is removed and the Roberts Uterine Artery Catheter is advanced over bifurcation.,罗伯特子宫动脉导管越过髂动脉分叉进入对侧髂动脉,Marker positioned at the top of bifurcation (mag shot).,导管金属标记到达髂动脉分叉处,Catheter is now ready to be reformed.,导管准备塑性,以进入对侧髂内动脉,COOK,Wire guide is now pulled back on other side of radiopaque marker. The Roberts Uterine Artery Catheter is being pushed up to reform loop.,导丝退回到同侧导管中,开始向上推并扭转导管,准备成圈,Catheter reforming up from right groin.,扭控导管,使对侧导管头端指向髂内动脉,COOK,Catheter mostly reformed,导管在扭控中,COOK,Catheter reformed. Starting to search for the left internal iliac.,导管开始进入左侧髂内动脉,COOK,Catheter now in the origin of the left internal iliac artery. Catheter is being pulled down at the right groin.,导管进入左侧髂内动脉起始部,开始从右侧向下拉导管,以使导管深入髂内动脉,Catheter tip at the origin of the left uterine artery (continuing to pull down).,导管头端进入左侧子宫动脉起始部(继续向下拉导管,以深入子宫动脉),COOK,Catheter is now well into the left uterine artery. Ready to start embolizing.,导管到达子宫动脉合适位置,准备做栓塞治疗,COOK,Post-embolization of the left uterine artery,左侧栓塞结束,COOK,Catheter has been pushed up into the aorta, the tip twisted, and the right common iliac artery engaged.,导管被推到主动脉中,准备做右侧髂内动脉选择性插管,Catheter now being pulled down, bringing tip into the iliac vessel searching for internal iliac artery.,导管扭转后被拉入右侧髂动脉,COOK,Note: The advantage of this catheter is that it allows for contrast to be injected without having to continually manipulate the wire in and out in order to move the catheter (as you would need to do with a Cobra Catheter).,使用罗伯特子宫动脉导管,可以极为容易的做双侧子宫动脉插管,缩短手术时间(即使只有基本导管导丝操作经验的医生,也能很快掌握RUC导管),Catheter has now engaged right internal iliac artery,导管进入右侧髂内动脉,Catheter positioned in right uterine artery,导管进入右侧子宫动脉,COOK,Post uterine artery embolization of right uterine artery,栓塞结束,COOK,Note: When getting ready to remove catheter, be careful of twists that may have built up in the catheter and may make it prone to knotting. Catheter is positioned back over the left iliac system, and once the marker is pulled down to the bifurcation one can keep pulling the catheter and pull it through the sheath. I have always used a sheath in the groin with these cases. Anne C. Roberts, M.D. Professor of Radiology Chief of Vascular & Interventional Radiology UCSD Medical Center La Jolla, CA,撤出导管的时候应该注意防止导管打结,您只需将导管头端重新送回到对侧髂动脉,即可顺利撤出导管。另外您应该使用动脉血管鞘,以方便导管进出。,COOK,感谢! Anne C. Roberts, M.D. Professor of Radiology Chief of Vascular & Interventional Radiology UCSD Medical Center La Jolla, CA 提供以上图片资料!,COOK,北京富江微创医疗 Honest Medical 北京市王府井大街138号新东安市场德勤大楼707室 Tel:010-65280983 Fax:010-65280698 全国免费服务热线 800-830-9883,
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