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作文练习课,篇章预热练习,小东是湖州中学的一名学生。最近我很烦恼,因为我不知道怎么跟同学们相处,甚至觉得没法跟他们做好朋友了。我很想改变这个现状,所以写了一封信给你,希望你能给我提些建议。,牛 刀 小 试,经历,遭遇 厌烦 相处,进展 关心挂念 和.交朋友 在做某事上有困难 加入某人做某事 请求帮助,go through be/get tired of get along with Be concerned about Make friends with sb have trouble in doing join sb in sth ask for help,12.take ones advice,接受某人的建议,给 写信,11.write to,发现做某事很难,10.find it hard to do,和 交流,communicate with,Dear Miss Wang, Im a student from Hu zhou Senior High School. 我 有 一 个 问 题. 我 不 是 很 擅 长 和 别 人 进 行 交 流 . Although I try to talk to my classmates, 我 仍 然 觉 得 和 他 们 交 朋 友 很 难. So I feel quite lonely sometimes. 我 真 的 非 常 想 改 变这 种 情 况, but I dont know how. I would be grateful if 你 能 给 我 一 些 建 议. Yours. xiaodong,I have a problem,you could give me some advice,书面表达,假定你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter来信向你咨询如何学好中文。请根据下列要点回信。 1.参加中文学习班; 2.看中文书刊、电视; 3.学唱中文歌曲; 4.交中国朋友。,构思 三段式作文模式 第一段属引入,直奔主题 第二段属文章主干,适当再构,使行文流畅,前后衔接连贯自然。 第三段 结束语。,基本构思 开头 我很高兴收到你向我征求意见关于如何学好中文的来信。 I am glad to receive your letter asking me for advice on how to learn Chinese.,基本构思 主体要点 1.参加中文学习班; 2.看中文书刊、电视; 3.学唱中文歌曲; 4.交中国朋友。,要对主体要点进行适当扩充,使行文连贯自然,对要点1:参加中文学习班进行再构思:,首先,我建议你上中文班。如果你学习中文有困难,你可以向你的老师求助。同时,你能有机会与同班同学操练说中文。 First,above all First of all, at first, In the first place, to begin with, to start with, I suggest you attending Chinese classes. I advise you to attend Chinese classes. If you have difficulty learning Chinese, you can turn to your Chinese teacher for help. You can ask your Chinese teacher to help you Meanwhile ,you can have chances to practise speaking Chinese with your classmates You can practise speaking Chinese with your classmate.,Above all, I suggest you attending a Chinese class. Having difficulty learning Chinese, you can turn to your teacher for help. Meanwhile, you can have chances to practise speaking Chinese with your classmates.,对要点2:看中文书刊、电视; 进行再构思:,其次,看电视和阅读中文报刊杂志也是提高中文的好方法。正如俗话所说,熟能生巧。 Second, Besides, furthermore/ whats more , moreover, In addition It is a good way to improve Chinese to watch TV and read Chinese magazines and newspapers watching TV and reading Chinese magazines and newspapers are good ways to improve Chinese. As a saying goes, Practice makes perfect.,Secondly, watching TV and reading newspapers and magazines in Chinese are also good ways to improve your Chinese. As a saying goes, practice makes perfect.,对要点3:学唱中文歌曲进行再构思:,最后,你可以尝试学唱中文歌,因为通过这么做,你会发现学习和记忆中文词语更容易。 Third, finally at last ,all in all, last but not least, in a word, to sum up, in conclusion, You can try to learn and sing Chinese songs. You can try learning and singing Chinese songs . By doing this, you can find it easier to learn and remember Chinese words You will find learning and remember Chinese words easier.,Finally, you can try learning and singing Chinese songs, because by doing so, you will find it easier to learn and remember Chinese words.,对要点4:交中国朋友进行再构思:,你也被建议交尽可能多的中国朋友,因为他们会告诉你许多关于中国的情况并帮助你学中文。 Advise sb to do sth. as.as possible You are advised to make as many Chinese friends as possible. Because they will tell you something/a lot about China and help you learn Chinese.,You are also advised to make as many Chinese friends as possible, for they will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese.,第一段 开头:添油加醋 我很高兴收到你向我征求意见关于如何学好中文的来信。 第二段 对要点1,2,3,4 进行再构思 首先,我建议你上中文班。如果你学习中文有困难,你可以向你的老师求助。同时,你能有机会与同班同学操练说中文。 其次,看电视和阅读中文报刊杂志也是提高中文的好方法。正如俗话所说,熟能生巧。 最后,你可以尝试学唱中文歌,因为通过这么做,你会发现学习和记忆中文词语更容易。 你也被建议交尽可能多的中国朋友,因为他们会告诉你许多关于中国的情况并帮助你学中文。 第三段 标准型结尾 我期待着你的来信,并在信中告诉我你在汉语学习方面的进步。,Dear Peter, I am glad to receive your letter asking me for advice on how to learn Chinese. Above all, I suggest you taking a Chinese class. Having difficulty learning Chinese, you can turn to your teacher for help. Meanwhile, you can have chances to practise speaking Chinese with your classmates. Secondly, watching TV and reading newspapers and magazines in Chinese are also good ways to improve your Chinese. As a saying goes, practice makes perfect. Finally, you can try learning and singing Chinese songs, because by doing so, you will find it easier to learn and remember Chinese words. You are also advised to make as many Chinese friends as possible, for they will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese. Try and write to me in Chinese next time.,Homework 背诵这篇作文 复习巩固上一课 预习下一课,
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