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20XX年新陕旅版小学三年级英语下册全册教案设计第二课时学习过程及引导:一、板书课题、揭示目标学习目标:1. 学生能熟练听说三对反义词以及单词:Long short; tall short; big small; tree, grass, see2. 听说句子:The ruler is long. The pencil is short.The tree is tall. The grass is short.The cars are big. The bikes are small.3. 锻炼学生的观察、记忆、思维和想象力。二、指导自学我们很棒!通过自学,让我们变得更棒吧!大家有没有信心?好,接下来我们就开始吧!自学指导:回顾上节课内容,试着完成小练习册52页read and circle.Short hair, a small car, a tall girl, a big animal如果遇到困难,和同桌讨论,合作学习。三、学生自学学生看书,思考,合作讨论。四、学生讨论、更正、归纳,合作探究。1. Lets do a quick response. 快速反应说单词2. Lets say.师出示长尺子,短铅笔,单词卡The ruler is long. The pencil is short.尺子长,铅笔短。The tree is tall. The grass is short.树高,草低。The cars are big. The bikes are small.车大,自行车小。教读,小老师领读与开火车3. Read and tick or cross.4. Introduce us your mother or father. 介绍自己的爸爸妈妈所用句型This is my mother / father. He/she is tall / short. He / She has short/long hair.5. 当堂练习:小练习册read and tick.6. 总结7. 课后练习【课后反思】
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