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一、 根据汉语意思,补全下列单词(20分)1.parts 父母亲 2.csin 表兄弟 3.dirtion 方向 4.wst 西方 5.sth 南方 6.by 买7.sp 汤 8.pfer 更喜欢9.fing 手指 10.nk 脖子二、选出与众不同的一项(5分)1. A. face B. tape C. and2. A. know B. knee C. kite3. A. coke B. hop C. top4. A. cycle B. come C. nice5. A. south B. that C. tooth三、找出下列短语对应的汉语(10分)family 凉菜one another 向北走go north 家谱 next to 挨着,在旁边cold dish 彼此,相互四、单项选择1.John two aunts.A. has B. have C. to have 2.My aunt and uncle are at the airport today.A. on B. in C. at3.Its in the north the city.A. of B. for C. with4. You will a hospital.A. see B. sees C. seeing5. can I do for you?A. Which B. What C. Where6.He in a small shop.A. work B. working C. works7.Its like English pancake.A. a B. an C. the8.They have some A. beef B. noodle C. tomato9. Let me you.A. help B. helps C. helping10.I prefer to eat my finger.A. with B. to C. for五、把下列对话排序,使其组成完整的对话( ) Mary: All right. Thank you very much.( ) Mary: Where is that?( ) Ben: Just go straight. Turn left on Huangxing street. You will see it on your right.( ) Ben: Can I help you?( ) Marry: Yes, thank you. I want see a doctor.( ) Ben: Youre welcome.( ) Ben: Oh, You can go to Peoples Hospotal.六、 翻译下列句子1. John has two sisters.2. We can take a bus to the south.3. What does your uncle do?4. It is like an English chicken soup. 5. I prefer Western food.七、 按要求完成下列句子1. I hurt my shoulder. (对划线部分提问)2. I prefer Apple pie. (对划线部分提问)3. Is a plane like a bird? ( 作肯定回答)4. He works in a small shop. ( 对划线部分提问)5. Aunt Lucy is at the airport.(对划线部分提问)八、阅读理解 Hi. Im Jane. Im eleven years old. I have two sisters and a brother. My brother has two sisters, Mary and Sally. Mary has two sons. Sally has a son and a daughter. Every summer vacation, we play together. 根据短文内容判断正 T 误 F1. Jane is eleven years old. ( )2. Janes mother has two daughters. ( )3. Jane has two aunts. ( )4. Jane has three cousins. ( )5. Janes mother has two sisters. ( )
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