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冀教版初二英语下二单元导学案 课题Lesson 13: Why are plants important ?【学习目标】 1.能在阅读理解对话的层面上理解本课出现的新词汇,和记住植物的功能。 2.理解本课对话的意思,通过听录音和阅读课文培养同学们的听力和阅读理解能力. 3高效学习,了解植物和人类的密切的关系,热爱美好生活。【学习重点、难点】 1单词、短语、句型和理解课文的大意。 2. 词语辨析:among和between;die,death,dead;【使用说明及学法指导】英语介词知识很零碎,要把介词学好要靠背会大量的介词短语。读课文时,巧用双色笔,画出词组并注出汉语意思。【预习案】一、知识链接:1.Lets talk about trees and the reason why we need them.( 让我们讨论树以及我们需要树的原因。)why 引导了一个定语从句,修饰reason,表示原因.2.Donuts dont grow on trees! on trees “在树上”There are some birds in the tree。 树上有几只鸟.There are many apples on the tree. 树上有很多苹果.Look! The kite is in the tree. 看! 风筝在树上.【总结】 on the tree 指树本身的东西,长在树上。in the tree 指外来的东西,不是树本身的东西,落在树上。背会短语: in the shade 在阴凉处in the sun在阳光下 in the moon 在月光下 in the light在灯光下3.diev. 死(die-diesdying- died-died)是不延续动词 ,延续性动词是短语 bedead (deadadj. 死的)n. death死二、预习自测: 读课文,理解课文的大意,完成要点归纳。Why are trees important? Trees help_ the air. Trees _us food. We can _things with trees. We can _ under a tree. We _books from trees. Many animals _ in trees【探究案】一、自主学习:听录音,根据对话内容回答下列问题:1.Why do we need trees?_2.Can people live without plants?_3.Do plants cover the soil?_4.What is energy?_二、合作探究、展示点评:探究点1. 怎样正确使用die,dead,death,dying1) This is a_ dog.2)My dogs _ makes me sad. 3) The poor man is _. 4)His grandfather _ two years aago.探究点2.among 和between 的区别:among 表示三者或三者以上的人或事物之间,between 表示两者之间,常用词组“between and.” e.g. The teacher is sitting among the students. (翻译)_There is a xxpetition between two groups. (翻译)_探究点 3.Without food, they would have nothing to eat and they would die.Without的词性是_词 ,意思是_He went to school without breakfast.他 _就去上学了.He left without saying good-bye他_就走了.三、拓展提升:1. All plants take energy from the sun and make it into food. 词组: makeinto把制成 We can make the tree into paper.We can make cotton into cloth. 我们可以把棉花_布料.2.Trees help clean the air.树木帮助净化空气。 clean 在此作形容词,意为“弄干净,使清洁”Remember to clean your room every day.记住每天要清扫你的房间。拓展:clean也可用作形容词,意为“清洁的,干净的” Eg.Try to keep your classroom clean.尽量保持你们的教室清洁。【训练案】一、当堂检测: 选择题( ) 1.All plants take energy _ the sun and make it _ food. A. to; from B. into; to C. from; to D. from; into( )2. Plants cover the soil. Then the wind and water dont carry the soil_. A. in B. out of C. away D. on( )3. Pandas eat_. A. pandasB. grassC. dinosaursD. bamboo( )4.The little girl is singing _the children.A. among B. between C. in D. middle( ) 5.I have two apples. Oneis red and _ is green.A. one B. the other C. other D. another.二、课后作业1,熟读对话,背诵本课词汇. 2.完成配套练习册Lesson 13. 3.预习Lesson 14.【补充材料】 Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成
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