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Writing (30 minutes)l Directions:For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled On Success . You should write at least l20 words but no more than 180 words.On SuccessSuccess can be defined from different perspectives. Some believe that being a rich businessman is considered a successful life, while others put family life as their priority. As for me, success is not about how many money one can make, or how much fame one can achieve, or how much power one can hold, but about how much difference one can make to other peoples lives. According to the renown American psychologist Maslows five hierarchies of human needs, the basic human needs such as food, shelter, air, drink, sleep, safety and even love are not enjoyed only by human beings, which means that other animals can also possess these natural demands from the natural environment. However, what separate humans from other animals is the need that humans have more advanced requirement from the society where they can create self-esteem and eventually move up to realize their own spiritual dreams. Thus, it is not the material gains that can make people feel happy and successful, but the spiritual satisfaction can really push them to the feeling of being successful.Life is a miracle and success not because of ones material gain, but because of ones fulfillment of his/her spiritual goal.
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