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Unit 3 Growth and Maturity Pre-class Exploration Suggestions for instructors: Start the class with one of the pre-class activities and encourage the students to brainstorm of the setting described in the activity and the characters that are appropriate for the specific setting: What would be the key elements in those settings? What adjectives would the students use to describe a specific setting? What images or associations would that specific setting evoke? What would be some “typical” characters in these settings? Transfer to the Skills Section: (45 minutes) Highlight the key points in setting section and analyze the setting in the activities. Part I: Learning the Skills Activity 1 Read the following story and discuss with your partner the techniques used in developing the character Beaver. Activity 2 The following two passages are about two best friends, Deanna and Beverly. Read the two passages carefully and discuss with your partner the techniques the authors use to develop the characters in each passage. In Passage 2, highlight those sentences that can correspond to the sentences (1, 2, 3 and 4) in Passage 1 and think about the impact of these differences on readers impressions of the two characters. Activity 3 Read the excerpt from “Beauty and the Beast” by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont and discuss the following questions with your partner: 1)1) What happened to the character? He got lost in a forest and accidentally entered a splendid castle. 2)How do you feel about the place that the character accidentally entered? It was like a fairy world. 3)What is the role of the setting in this story? The sharp contrast between the snowy forest and the magnificence of the warm and cozy castle showed the readers a different worlda world that magic (or spell) might be working. 4)What elements should be considered if you want to write a good setting? Character Suggestions for instructors:The settings of the merchant (Beautys father) were in Reading the first four paragraphs, ask students to underline the words or phrases that indicate the setting such as “the forest, deep snow, bitter frost, only shelter was the hollow trunk of a great tree, howling of the wolves, falling snow covered up every path, rough, slippery” When he started to encounter the magical world: “a splendid castle, no snow had fallen in the avenue of orange trees, covered with flowers and fruits, several splendidly furnished rooms, pleasant warmth of the air, nobody in all this vast and splendid palace, deep silence reigned everywhere, empty rooms and galleries, a room where a clear fire was burning, a couch was drawn up cozily before it” Ask the students to free write for 10 minutes about a setting that they are interested in and discuss with in groups about their writing before introducing how to craft an effective setting by offering sensory details. Activity 4 The following passage is the opening of Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes. The authors style is very descriptive and detailed, which helps readers picture the story in their mind and fully understand what is happening. Read it and discuss the following questions with your partner: 1)What is the setting? An early morning in Boston. 2)What words and phrases describe SOUNDS in this place? Sound: (gulls) scream and quarrel, (cocks ) cried,(hens) clucking, (horses) whinnied, (bells) cling-clanged. 3)What can you TOUCH in this place? Touch: (gulls) icy (eyes). 4)What can you SEE in this place? Sight: Gulls, cocks, cats, horses, cows, the morning sunlight, bells. 5)What can you TASTE in this place? Taste: salty air. 6)What can you SMELL in this place? Smell: the first dead fish, first bits of garbage, all kinds of animal smells. Activity 5 The following passages are developed on the basis of the setting “There is an air of mystery in the house.” Read and highlight the words and phrases that describe sounds, feelings, smells and sights, and discuss with your partner how these words and phrases can help demonstrate the characters inner world in the setting. Passage 1 I shivered terribly at the sight of the deserted mansion that stood on the hilltop. With much curiosity, I treaded gingerly towards the mansion. Suddenly, I heard a distant howl that pierced through the silent night. At my wits end, I slowly walked towards mansion. My face turned ashen and my hair stood on ends when I got a better view of the spooky mansion. The wind sent chills down my spine as I walked slowly towards the gigantic door. Passage 2 Behind the dark alley, it stood a deserted house. I stood meekly outside the haunted house with my jaws hung open. Suddenly, I saw a silhouette of a person in the house. Shivers ran down my spine as I approached the house cautiously. When I reached the doorstep, I was paralyzed with fear. I muttered uneasily to myself about what was going to happen next as I could feel cold air blowing towards me. My face turned ashen when the door opened itself. Passage 3 I crept behind
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