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第一单元A: Max, theres something Ive been meaning to talk to you about.B: Sure, go ahead.A: Well, look, I dont want you to get the wrong idea, but B: That sounds bad A: Um its just that you know how you always open the window when you come into the computer room. Well, its often too cold for me.B: Oh, right. I find it too stuffy.A: Its a bit annoying because you dont ever ask us. Do you see where Im coming from?B: Fair enough. Look, Ill make sure I check first. How does that sound?A: Good. Id really appreciate that.A:马克斯,有一些我一直在想和你谈谈的东西。B:当然可以继续A:嗯,看,我不想让你错误的想法,但.B:听起来不错A:嗯.这只是.你知道当你进入电脑室时,你总是打开窗户。那对我来说,这太冷了。B:哦,对。我觉得太闷了A:有点烦人,因为你没有问我们。你看到我来自哪里B:够公平看,我会确保我先检查。听上去怎么样?一个好的。我真的很感激。A: Hi, Mike. I suppose there is something Id like to talk to you about.B: Sure. Whats up?A: Well, I mean I really appreciate that you often give me a lift on your motorcycle. But its just that B: What?A: Well, I dont want you to get the wrong idea, but you know the way you drive your motorcycle is kind of scary.B: Oh, sorry. I didnt realize. I know I drive very fast.A: Could I suggest that when you drive, you ? Do you know what I mean?B: Yeah, Ill drive a little slower, especially when Im carrying you.A: Thats right. I would really appreciate that.B: Thank you for reminding me. I know I should be more careful.A:嗨,麦克我想有一些我想和你谈谈的事情。B:当然可以。这是怎么回事?A:嗯,我的意思是我真的很感激你经常给我一辆电动摩托车。但这只是.B:什么?A:嗯,我不想让你错误的想法,但你知道.你驾驶摩托车的方式是可怕的。B:哦,对不起我没有意识到我知道我开得很快答:我可以建议你开车的时候吗?你懂我的意思吗?B:是的,我会开车慢点,特别是当我带着你的时候。A:没错我真的很感激。B:谢谢你提醒我我知道我应该更加小心A: Hello, Julie. I I really dont want to make you unhappy, but there is something Id like to talk to you about.B: Sure. What is it?A: Well, you know, when we are out together, I often feel a little bit lonely.B: Lonely? Why?A: Sorry, I hope you dont take this the wrong way, but . I mean, when you have long conversations on your cell phone with others while we are together, I would feel lonely.B: Oh, sorry, Im really sorry. I didnt realize.A: I know you didnt. So, could I suggest you ?B: What? Just go ahead.A: Could I suggest you tell them you will call them back when you receive their calls?B: Yes, Ill try, but you can just remind me if I talk to them for too long again.A: OK, if you really dont mind.A:你好,朱莉我.我真的不想让你不快乐,但.有一些我想和你谈谈的事情。B:当然可以。它是什么?A:嗯,你知道,当我们在一起的时候,我经常感到有点孤独。B:寂寞?为什么?A:对不起,我希望你不要这样做错了,但是.我的意思是说,当我们在一起的时候,当你和别人谈话时,我会感到孤独。B:哦,对不起,真的很抱歉我没有意识到A:我知道你没有那我可以建议你吗?B:什么?前进吧。答:我可以建议你告诉他们,你接到电话时会打电话给他们吗?B:是的,我会试试,但是如果我再和他们谈谈太久了,可以提醒我。A:好的,如果你真的不介意第二单元:A: Hi. My situation is that my 13-year-old girl began to wear make-up recently. I am worried about this. I tried to stop her from doing it, but she wouldnt listen to me.B: So I gather your point is that she is too young to put on make-up.A: Thats right. She is in middle school. Dont you think paying too much attention to her appearance will distract her from her studies?B: Its hard to say. Teenagers today are more mature than we think they are.A: You could say that. But I still feel that to spend half an hour a day on doing make-up is not what a 13-year-old should do. I would not be so worried if she does this only on special occasions.B: If Ive got it right, you dont want her to put on make-up every day, but you would allow her to do it occasionally.A: I suppose so.B: Surely you can talk to her and work out some sort of rules for her.A:你好 我的情况是,我13岁的女孩最近才开始化妆。 我很担心这个 我试图阻止她做这件事,但她不会听我的话。B:所以我想你的观点是,她太年轻了,不能化妆。A:没错 她在中学 你不觉得过分注意她的外表会分散她的学业吗?B:很难说。 今天的青少年比我们认为的更成熟。A:你可以这样说 但我仍然觉得每天花半小时做化妆不是一个13岁的人应该做的。 如果她只是在特殊场合这样做,我不会那么担心。B:如果我说得对,你不希望她每天都化妆,但是你可以让她偶尔去做。A:我想是这样。B:当然可以跟她说话,为她制定一些规则。A: Hi. I am the father of an 18-year-old who is about to finish high school this summer. He told me last week he wanted to start his own business after graduation.B: I am guessing you dont approve of his plan.A: Right. Isnt college a better choice for young people at his age?B: Its hard to say. What kind of business does he have in mind?A: He talked about opening an online shop selling electronics, you know, things like cameras, computers, and cell phones. Hes just 18, and to run a business requires a lot of knowledge and experience.B: So what youre saying is hes too young to start a business?A: Basically, yes. He should at least finish college before thinking about what to do for a living. If he is interested in online business, he can start anytime, not necessarily at such a young age. I think at this point his priority should be college rather than business.B: Why dont you two sit down and discuss this? Perhaps he will change his mind.A:你好我是一个18岁的父亲,即将在今年夏天完成高中毕业。他上个星期告诉我,毕业后他想开始自己的事情。B:我猜你不赞成他的计划。A:对。不是大学毕业年龄的年轻人吗?B:很难说。他有什么样的业务?A:他谈到开设一家销售电子产品的网上商店,你知道像相机,电脑和手机这样的东西。他只有18岁,经营业务需要很多的知识和经验。B:所以你说的是他太年轻了,不能开业吗?A:基本上是的。至少应该在大学毕业之前考虑如何做生活。
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