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A Listening Course 4施心远主编听力教程4 答案Unit 1Part 1: Listening and Translation1. A college education can be very costly in the United States.在美国,大学教育的费用会很贵。2. Rising costs have led more and more families to borrow money to help pay for college.费用的上涨使越来越多的美国家庭通过借钱来支付上大学的费用。3. There are different federal loans and private loans for students.有各种个样的联邦贷款和私人贷款可供学生挑选。4. Interest rates on some of these loans will go up on July 1st.在这些贷款品种中,有些品种的利率将从7月1日起上调。5. There are growing concerns that many students graduate with too much debt.人们越来越担心,很多学生将背着沉重的债务从大学毕业。Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 Dialogue Social Grouping1.A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. APart 2 Passage Community CollegesEx. B: Sentence Dictation1. Great challenges faced the United States in the early 20th century, including global economic competition.2. During the same period, the countrys rapidly growing public high schools were seeking new ways to serve their communities.3. It offered a program of solid academics as well as a variety of students activities.4. A distinctive feature of the institutions was their accessibility to women, attributable to the leading role the colleges played in preparing grammar school teachers.5. The breadth of programming and the variety of students goals make it difficult to accurately quantify community college performance.Ex. C: Detailed Listening. 1. The leaders of the US realized that a skilled workforce was needed in the countrys key economic sectors. F. National and local leaders realized that a more skilled workforce was key to the countrys continued economic strength.)2. Three-quarters of high school graduates could not further their education because there were not enough higher education facilities available in the early 20th century. F. (Yet three-quarters of high school graduates were choosing not to further their education, in part because they were reluctant to leave home for a distant colleg.)3. It was common for public high schools to add a teacher institute, manual learning division or citizenship school to the diploma program in the early 20th century. T. (During the same period,public high schools were seeking new ways to serve their communities. It was common for them to add a teacher institute, manual learning division or citizenship school to the dimploma program.)4. During the same time, small private colleges had formed an effective model of higher education based on the principles of small classes and close student-faculty relations. T. (Meanwhile, small, private colleges had fashioned an effective model of higher education grounded on the principles of small classes, close student-faculty relations.)5. The typical early community college rarely enrolled over 115 students. F. (The typical early community college was small, rarely enrolling more than 150 students.)6. Community colleges were good places for women to get education needed to be primary school teachers. T. (in such states as Missouri, which did not yet require K-8 teachers to have a bachelors degree, it was common for more than 60 percent of community college students to be women, virtually all of them preparing to be teachers.)7. Community colleges, which appeared a century ago, make it possible for anyone who wants to learn to get publicly funded higher education close to their homes. T. (More than 100 years ago, this unique, American invention put publicly funded higher education at close-to-home facilities and initiated a practice of welcoming all who desire to learn, regardless of wealth, heritage or previous academic experience.)8. The success of community colleges can be defined as granting students associate degrees or certificates they need to find a job. F. (But success at community colleges must be broadly defined to include not just those who attain associate degrees and those who earn certificates, but also the millions who take noncredit and workforce training classes.)Ex. D: After-listening Discussion1. How do community colleges benefit their students according to research?education pays.Students with associate degrees and certificates /more likely / higher-status management /professional positions with higher earnings investment / pay lifelong dividendsstudents who earn associate degrees average lifetime earnings of $250,000 people without degrees. 2. What do you think about higher education in China? Open.Section Three NewsNews Item 1Ex. A: Summarize the newsThis news item is about Chinas latest plans for its ambitious space program.Ex. B: Complete the following outline.Chinas second manned space mission 1. Landing spot: In the remote grasslands of Inner Mongolia. 2. Significance: A source of national pride and international prestige.Future plan 1. The next manned mission. 1) Time: 2007 2) Goal: The astronauts will
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