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Level2-Unit-1Part2Listening听力The Jacksons apartment is fairly large.杰克逊的公寓相当大。It has two bedrooms and two bathrooms.它有两间卧室和两间浴室。There is also a large living room.还有一个大客厅。There is a piano in the living room.起居室配有钢琴。-Whats in the living room? - 起居室里有什么? -There is a piano in the living room. - 客厅配有钢琴。-Where do they sleep? - 他们在哪儿睡觉? -They sleeps in their bedrooms.- 他们睡在他们的卧室里。-How many bedrooms does their apartment have?- 他们的公寓有多少间卧室? -It has two bedrooms. - 它有两间卧室。They have a large living room.他们有一个大客厅。Their mother, Helen, can play the piano.他们的母亲海伦可以弹钢琴。She can play fairly well.她打得相当好。Their father, Bill, likes to sing.他们的父亲比尔喜欢唱歌。But he doesnt sing very well.但他唱得不好。-Who likes to sing? - 谁喜欢唱歌? Bill likes to sing.- 比尔喜欢唱歌。-Who can play the piano? - 谁能弹钢琴? Helen can play the piano. - 海伦可以弹钢琴。 -What does their father like to do? - 他们的父亲喜欢做什么? - Bill likes to sing.- 比尔喜欢唱歌。Lisa loves music.丽莎喜欢音乐。She plays the violin.她拉小提琴。She practices every day.她每天都在练习。With practice, she can play better.通过练习,她可以发挥得更好。-What does Lisa love? - Lisa loves music.- 丽莎喜欢什么? - 丽莎喜欢音乐。-What does she do every day? - 她每天都做什么? - She practices the violin every day.- 她每天练习小提琴。Lisas parents both have jobs.丽莎的父母都有工作。They are English teachers.他们是英语老师。Her mother teaches English to children.她的母亲教孩子们英语。Her father teaches English to adults.她的父亲教大人英语。They both teach at schools.他们都在学校教书。They dont teach at the same school.他们不在同一所学校任教。Helen teaches at a primary school.海伦在一所小学任教。Her students are between 7 and 9 years old.她的学生年龄在7到9岁之间。Bill teaches in a small university.比尔在一所小型大学任教。His students are at least 18 years old.他的学生至少18岁。-What do they teach? They teach English.- 他们教什么? - 他们教英语。-Where does Bill teach? -Bill teaches at a university.- 比尔在哪教? - 比尔在大学教书。-How old are Bills students? 比尔的学生多大了? - 他的学生至少18岁。His students are at least 18 years old.丽莎喜欢音乐。Vocabulary词汇A bedroom一间卧室People sleep in a bedroom.人们睡在卧室里。A bathroom一个卫生间People take baths in a bathroom.人们在浴室洗澡。A living room一间起居室People watch television in a living room.人们在起居室里看电视。A kitchen一个厨房People cook food in a kitchen.人们在厨房里做饭。A dining room饭厅People eat food in a dining room.人们在餐厅吃饭。-In which room do people sleep? -People sleep in a bedroom.- 人们睡在哪个房间? - 人们睡在卧室里。-Where do people watch television? -People watch television in a living room. -Where do people cook food? -People cook food in a kitchen.- 人们在哪里看电视? - 人们在客厅里看电视。 - 人们在哪里做饭? - 人们在厨房里做饭。-What do people do in a dining room? -People eat food in a dining room.- 人们在餐厅做什么? - 人们在餐厅吃饭。This side这边The boy is on this side of the table.那个男孩就在桌子的这一边。The other side另一边The girl is on the other side of the table.女孩在桌子的另一边。The same side同一面They are on the same side of the street.他们在街道的同一侧。The opposite side相反的一面They are on opposite sides of the street.它们位于街道的两侧。Next to旁边的They are standing next to each other.他们站在一起。Across from对面They are sitting across from each other.他们坐在彼此对面。-Who is on the other side of the table? -The girl is on the other side of the table.- 谁在桌子的另一边? - 女孩在桌子的另一边。 -Who is on this side of the table? -The boy is on this side of the table.- 谁在桌子的这一边? - 男孩在桌子的这一边。Buy it买吧Shes buying a dress.她正在买一件衣服。Sell it.卖掉它。This shop sells flowers.这家商店出售鲜花。Pay someone付某人Pay the taxi driver.支付出租车司机。Give it.给它。Give money to someone.给别人钱。Steal it偷了它He is stealing her phone.他在偷她的手机。-What does the shop sell? -This shop sells flowers. - 商店卖什么? - 这家商店出售鲜花。This man wants to steal her phone.这个男人想偷她的手机。Give money to the street musician.给街头音乐家钱。Dialogue对话Lisa: Good morning, Tom. How are you today?丽莎:早上好,汤姆。你今天好吗?Tom: Good morning, Lisa. Im fine. I like this sunny weather.汤姆:早上好,丽莎。我很好。我喜欢这个阳光明媚的天气Lisa: Me too, whats your first class today?丽莎:我也是,你今天的头等舱是什么?Tom: My first class is math.汤姆:我的第一堂课是数学。Lisa: Do you like math?丽莎:你喜欢数学吗?Tom: Yes, I do. What about you?汤姆:是的,我知道。你呢?Lisa: No, I dont. Im not very good at math.丽莎:不,我没有。我不擅长数学。-What isnt Lisa good at? She isnt good at math.- 丽莎擅长什么? - 她不擅长数学。Tom: What are you good at?汤姆:你擅长什么?Lisa: Im good at languages.丽莎:我擅长语言。Tom: Do you read a lot?汤姆:你读了很多吗?Lisa: Yes, I do. I love to read.丽莎:是的,我知道。我喜欢看书。Tom: Anything else?汤姆:还有别的吗?Lisa: No really. What about you? What are you good at?丽莎:不是。你呢?你擅长什么?Tom: I can play basketball, I really like it.汤姆:我可以打篮球,我真的很喜欢。Lisa: You are tall, so thats good, right?丽莎:你很高,这很好,对吧?Tom: Yes, Im tall, but Im not so fast.汤姆:是的,我很高,但我不是那么快。-What is Lisa good at? She is good at languages.- 丽莎擅长什么? - 她擅长语言。-What is Tom good at? He can play basketball fairly well. -Why is Tom good at basketball? He is tall and fast.- 汤姆擅长什么? - 他可以打得很好。 - 为什么汤姆擅长篮球? - 他又高又快
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