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朗文英语unit2学情测试找出不同类单词(10)( )1. A. scientist B.musician C.hairstyle D.driver( )2.A.remember B.herb C.plant D.celebrate( )3.A.special B.prove C.traditional D.beautilful( )4.A.dolphin B.butterfly C.snake D.action( )5.A.chicken B.beef C.rice D.pork选出最佳答案(15)( )1.Today were _ to have some bread for lunch. A.going B.goes C.gone D.go( )2.Every year,we often _ on 12th,March. A.meet a famous person B.drive a racing car C.feed a dolphin D.plant trees( )3.Have you ever_a dog? A.feed B.feeded C.fed D.feeding( )4.You can _ Cantonese opera in many places in Hong Kong. A.see B.look C.watch D.look at( )5.There _ some milk in the bottle. A.is B.are C.be C.were( )6.Chinese people use tortoise shells and _ to make tortoise shell jelly. A.cake B.vegetables C.herb D.fruit( )7.Three year ago,his parents _ him an e-mail. A.have written B.write C.wrote D.writes( )8.At the Cheung Chau Bun Festival,people remember the gods _ help fishermen. A.what B.who C.why D.when( )9.-Have you ever given flowers to a pop star? -_. A.Yes,I havent B.No,I have C.Yes,I have D.No,I did( )10.How _ times have you had beef? A.much B.many C.often D.old( )11.-Have you _ to Hong Kong? -Yes,I have. A.been B.gone C.go D.went( )12.Im sorry,Miss Chan has _ to Shanghai.She isnt here. A.been B.gone C.go D.went( )13.Im having _ beef for lunch. A.a few B.a little C.few D.many( )14.On Monday,he had _sausages than on Sunday. A.less B.more C.little D.few( )15.No,we havent made the bed _. A.already B.just C.yet D.too、用所给词的正确形式填空。(15)1.Theboysliketolistentomusicwhentheydo_(they)homework2.Mymothersworkis_ (make)ourcitysafe3.Oneday,Mr.GreenaskedMrs.Green_(go)shoppingforhim4.Wewouldbrushour_ (tooth)twiceaday5.Thisbookisthelightestand_ (thin)ofallthebooks6.They_(go)totheparklastweek7.TheGreens_(stay)athomenextFriday8.Tom_ (notsing)verywell9.Therearefivebasketball_ (play)ineveryteam10._yoursister_(sweep)theflooralready? 从栏中选出能与l中句子相对应的答语。(15)( )1Whatdidyouhaveforyourlunch? AIgetupatsixthirty( )2Whattimedoyougetup? BNinehours( )3Howaboutgoingoutforawalkaroundthelake? CLetsgotothezoo( )4CanyoujumphigherthanBen? DOnlyonce( )5Whereshallwego? EYes,please( )6Howmanytimeshaveyoucookedsnacksoup? FThatsagoodidea( )7Haveyoucookeddinner? GNo,Ihavent( )8Wouldyouliketosomedrink? HLiuTaos( )9HowlongdoesittaketogettoBeijing? IYes,Ican( )10Whoseschoolbagisheavier? JIhadsomericeandalotofchicken 选择正确的词语填在横线上。(15)1.-( Do / Have ) you ever been to Shanghai ? -Yes, I have .2.We havent finished the housework ( yet / already )3.He has ( taken / took ) the dog for a walk .4.Please do the (wash / washing ) for the baby .5.Heres a list of things for you ( to / too ) do .6.Last week , I ( go / went ) to the cinema .7.- ( When / What ) have you done ? - Ive made a cake .8.There s no time to finish ( cook / cooking ) lunch now .9.Hes not here , he has ( been / gone ) to the supermarket.10.Im (hungry/full). I want to have some bread. 选择填空。(15) kind of/came from/musicians/traditional/instruments/instead of/swings/meaning/places/specialThis is a very old kind of entertainment.It came from Foshan more than 700 years ago.The musicians perform with both traditional and western instruments.the actors wear special costumes,hairstyles and make-up.They use a kind of singing instead of speaking.And all they actions have a meaning.For example,when an actor swings his ponytail,it means that he is sad.You can watch Cantones opera in many places in Hong Kong. 阅读判断正误,对的写T,错误的写F。(15)Twin sistersBetty and Kitty are twins. Theyre 12 years old. They look the same. But they have different hobbies. Betty likes collecting stamps. She has many beautiful stamps. Theyre from different cities and countries. But Kitty likes growing flowers. The flowers are all very beautiful. Betty and Kitty both like reading books. Betty likes reading stor
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