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美术欣赏,怎样欣赏美术作品(一),怎样欣赏美术作品(一),【学习目标】 本章主要介绍欣赏美术作品的方法及一般需要思考的内容,使同学们在欣赏美术作品时掌握一定的要领,并形成正确的取向,从而提高自己的欣赏水平。 【基本要求】 通过本章学习,能够在欣赏美术作品的过程中进行“理解”、“感受”、“分析”、“体会”和“思考”,发掘出美术作品的魅力。,美术作品是视觉艺术,它要求人们用眼睛去观赏。,Fine art works are the visional art and demand people enjoy with their eyes.,怎样欣赏美术作品(一),在观赏美术作品的时候,我们通常会遇到“看不懂”的问题。不仅非美术类专业的学生看不懂,就是有许多学艺术的学生,由于专业的不同,也存在对于有些美术作品看不懂的问题。,When we apperciate fine art works, we often meet some questions that we cant understand. Not only the students whose major is not fine arts cant know but many students who study art.,怎样欣赏美术作品(一),When we have a look at a picture, at first, we always attract with its scene, imagery, color, which can impact our vision. To things of the picture that we cant understand, in fact, maybe you have little feeling but cant speak it out. This phenomenon shows that art enjoyment is a complex psychological course, without enough appreciative knowledge and methods, just only depend on ones instinct to appreciate fine art works, it is hard to reach to the appreciative boundary.,当我们看一幅画时,首先总是会被画面上的情景、形象、色彩这些冲击我们视觉的东西所吸引。对于画中那些我们所说的“看不懂”的东西,事实上你也许有点意会却难以述说。这种现象说明美术欣赏是一个复杂的心理活动过程,不具备一定的欣赏知识和方法,仅仅凭个人的直觉来观赏美术作品,是难以上升到“欣赏”的境界。,怎样欣赏美术作品(一),请说出这是什么画种?观察画面上表现的形象和内容。,请说出这是什么画种?观察画面上表现的形象和内容。,请说出这是什么画种?观察画面上表现的形象和内容。,请说出这是什么画种?观察画面上表现的形象和内容。,怎样欣赏美术作品(一),请说出这是什么画种?观察画面上表现的形象和内容。,当我们看一幅画时,首先总是会被画面上的情景、形象、色彩这些冲击我们视觉的东西所吸引。对于画中那些我们所说的“看不懂”的东西,事实上你也许有点意会却难以述说。这种现象说明美术欣赏是一个复杂的心理活动过程,不具备一定的欣赏知识和方法,仅仅凭个人的直觉来观赏美术作品,是难以上升到“欣赏”的境界。因此,在欣赏美术作品前,我们有必要掌握一些美术欣赏的方式方法,具备一定的艺术理论基础知识。认识论告诉我们,只有理解了的东西,我们才能更深刻地感受它。,怎样欣赏美术作品(一),关于美术欣赏的方法,这是一个比较复杂的问题。因为,美术欣赏是一种再创造的过程。同时各种类型的美术作品,又有时代、地域、价值取向、艺术形式等等差异。要说真的有什么方法吗?的确很难一概而论。美术欣赏没有固定的规律与方法可循,我们只有在不断的欣赏实践与理解、思考的过程中,才能真正把握到美术欣赏的真谛。 To the methods of art appreciation, it is a complex problem. Because art appreciation is the recreative course. And all kinds of fine art works, for its different period, area, value tropism, art style. Is it true that there are some methods to follow? We just can really control its truth through our continuable appreciation practicing, understanding, thinking precedure.,怎样欣赏美术作品(一),任何一件美术作品都是艺术家个人思想、感情的自然流露,为此他们还要付出艰辛的创造。看一件美术作品时,不可能有文字或语言的媒介,需要欣赏者自身与艺术作品产生感应。既然任何美术作品是艺术家们心灵修养与艺术技巧的综合,在欣赏美术作品时,我们一般要注意以下几点: Any fine art work that is the natural exhibition of the artists own thought and feelings and they need to give their hand creation for it.When enjoying a piece of fine art works, without the media of words and language, appreciators themselves need to have feelings with it. Now that any fine art work is the compound of heart culture and art skills of artists, and so we should pay attention to the following points when we appreciate fine art works.,怎样欣赏美术作品(一),1、要以理解和宽容的态度来对待美术创作。To use the comprehensive and tolerable attitude to treat the activities of art appreciation. 2、要了解作品的时代特征、作品产生的原因、时代背景。To learn about the works characters of period, the reasons of produce and its time background. 3、要加强广泛的艺术修养、达到艺术的触类旁通。To strengthen our extensive art culture and then can reach to inmage others. 4、要深化对美术作品的思考和认识。To deepen our thoughts and recognition of fine art works.,怎样欣赏美术作品(一),下面我们将通过具体美术作品来讲述欣赏美术作品一般需要思考的内容,也可以说是欣赏方法吧。概括起来对于美术作品一般我们可以从以下几点入手:In a word, we can enjoy fine art works through the following several points. 1、理解美术作品的立意和主题;Understand its conception and subject. 2、感受美术作品的情景和意境;Feel its scene and artistic conception. 3、分析美术作品的表现形式和手段;Analyz its expressional type and ways and means. 4、体会作者的思想与情感;Taste the authors thoughts and feelings. 5、思考对美术作品的自我联想和感受。Think about our association and feelings of fine art works.,怎样欣赏美术作品(一),一、理解美术作品的立意和主题。 Understand its conception and subject. 美术家对客观事物的认识、情感都在作品中要宣泄出来。中国画就有“意在笔先,画尽意在”的哲理和方法。所以我们看画要注意作品的立意。当然,作品的立意有高低之分,意境深远当然给人以共鸣。 The feelings and recognition of artists are given vent to in their works. Chinese pictures have “philosophy and ways” meaning. So we should pay attention to its conception. Of course, it has the difference in high, low and deep conceptional meaning to strike a sympathetic chord when you enjoy it。,怎样欣赏美术作品(一),下面是著名中国画江山如此多娇(见图3-1)。 The following famous Chinese picture is “Such beautiful rivers and moutains”(P3-1),怎样欣赏美术作品(一),图3-1傅抱石、关山月合作的中国画江山如此多娇,怎样欣赏美术作品(一),这样巨大幅面的山水画高5米半、宽9米,在我国历史上是罕见的。在一幅画面上同时表现出我国幅员辽阔、气势雄伟的壮丽山河,也是前人从未尝试过的。我们看到画面上一轮红日从东方升起,普照着大地;山峦起伏,连绵不绝,浩浩瀚瀚,郁郁苍苍。其下飘然的烟云,回绕着整个大地。古老的长城,奔腾的黄河,婉蜒的长江,世界屋脊的珠穆朗玛峰,都形象地跃然于画上。近景是一片青绿的丛山,其间点画了华茂的树木。在画中似乎描绘了泰山、衡山、华山、恒山、嵩山,但仔细看,又不完全象五岳,这是作者巧妙的立意,请读者自己去想象和回味吧。总之,这幅画充分展现了祖国江山的雄壮、辽阔,富有时代新意,观之令人心旷神怡。江山如此多娇气魄之大,意境之新,布局之美,真是令人称绝。两位画家将中国传统山水画避世的清高转变为紧密结合现实的歌咏,成为中国山水画改造的典范。,怎样欣赏美术作品(一),We can see : a red sun rising from the east and shining the earth, undulating ,vast and luxuriant hills. flying cloud The ancient Great Wall, the rushing Huang River, the meandering Changjiang River; the world ridgeeveret Mount Qomolangma a piece of turquoise hill, trees , five great moutains of Mount Taishan, Mount Hengshan , Mount Huashan, Mount Hengshan, Mount Sunshan. However, when you look at it carefully, it dosent
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