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Competitiveness of Enterprises Based on Technology Innovation SystemWANG He-ping1,YANG Zhang-wei1, Zhu Chun-sheng2(1.School of Management Science and Management, Anhui University of Technology, Maanshan 243002,China;2. Engineering Institute of corps of Engineers, PLA University of Sciene and Technology, NanJing 210007, China)Abstract: TOPSIS method for the use of technological innovation on the iron and steel enterprises to evaluate the time of the evaluation criteria used under the AHP method, the weight of a single method instead of the usual weight of the Delphi method to solve. This improved TOPSIS method can make progress outside of large steel companies can compare their own innovation capacity of innovation to improve and enhance Chinas iron and steel enterprises evaluation capacity for innovation system, so that Chinas steel industry technology innovation management has been further improved.Key words: Multi-index Evaluation System; Ideal Solution; Proximity1. Introduction In recent years, a information from the U.S. steel consultancy WSD (World Steel Dynamics) compile and publish the global competitiveness ranking sheet steel, is increasingly the domestic steel industry and related media attention 1. Analysis and research their competitive point of evaluation and reflection on iron and steel enterprises. We can study how to improve the international competitiveness of Chinas iron and steel enterprises. The preparation of the International Iron and Steel in WSD competitiveness evaluation index system of progressive use of technology capabilities, the weight of this indicator has become more and more, in this case the iron and steel enterprises technological innovation competitiveness indicators are listed separately for evaluation very necessary. This will improve the traditional TOPSIS method for the large steel companies after competitive evaluation of technological innovation, making the steel industry both in the evaluation of other companies with the same industry can be seen comparing the competitiveness of their enterprises in technological innovation within the weaknesses, identify deficiencies to improve it.2. Problem description and model assumptions2.1. Problem Description This article is to discuss the competitiveness of large steel companies, The present study the competitiveness of iron and steel enterprises technological innovation the main methods include AHP 2, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method 3, BP neural network evaluation method 4 and so on, Although the above methods can compare the technological innovation of enterprises competitiveness between our companies, so that enterprises can not improve their less than intuitive to increase the level of technological innovation. This article is from the iron and steel enterprises in technology innovation evaluation system of indicators selected to proceed the important single criterion in the AHP method for the calculation of the weight applied to the TOPSIS method to evaluate the iron and steel enterprises in technology innovation and competitiveness of large steel companies can make progress when compared to external innovation while improving their ability to innovate.2.2. Notations and definitions(1) X=x1,x2,x n: A set consisting of iron and steel enterprises which is waiting for technological innovation competitiveness.(2) U=u1,u2,u m: A set of rating indicators.(3) W=w1,w2,w mT: A vector of index weights.(4) a=:Closed interval number, 、R3. How to establish Rating model 3.1. Classification EvaluationWe used one-year data as the evaluation objects for large iron and steel enterprise technology innovation index. But large-scale iron and steel enterprises is characterized by a long cycle of technological innovation, updating innovative technology is slow and a lot of research for many years so we can have a continuous time period selected as the object of data collection, then we can normalization our data. Evaluation with a variety of types, including efficiency, cost and interval, in these three properties, the bigger the better efficiency properties, cost-type properties as small as possible, interval is a range of property values. In order to eliminate the results of different dimensions of evaluation, gives the following formula for calculating the standardized evaluation matrix, from this formula we can transform into a normalized matrix, represent the subscript set for efficiency indicators and cost index 5.REAL indicators standardized method. (1)Standardized method of interval numbers 6. (2)Or (3)3.2. Innovation Competence Model and SolutionStep 1 Based on the current status of iron and steel enterprises technological innovation, innovation and competitiveness evaluation select 4, respectively:(1) Ratio of R&D funding = Evaluation in
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